Welcome Home Pumpkin

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We dropped my mom off in Boston under the assurance I would contact her someway when I got back to Croatia. As we landed at the private hanger Ransom pulled me off to the side.

"Put this in your suitcase." He said handing me a cellphone.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Listen you need to be able to contact your mom. She was already given the number and since Lloyd monitors your other phone take this one for your mom." Ransom said and I pulled him into a hug as I took the phone.

"Thank you." I said as we broke apart. Felix came walking over to us.

"The helicopter is ready." He said and we nodded. We knew we would have to take one, it was quicker and Lloyd wanted us back. Once we got to the house I felt like I was going to throw up. Felix took my bags.

"I will take your bags to your room. You are to go see the boss." Felix said and I looked at him and Ransom. "Alone..." Felix said and I sighed.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Basement." Felix said, I got worried knowing the basement was soundproof and rarely used. This is where I was going to be tortured and killed. I made sure I looked good enough for Lloyd to approve of my outfit and sighed. I walked to the basement door, there were guards who saw me and opened the door. Once it opened I heard a man yelling in agonizing pain that I didn't hear until the door was opened.

"He's waiting for you." The one guard said. He was new, I had never seen him. I nodded and started to walk down the stairs hearing the door slam behind me making me jump.

"Pumpkin...is that you?" Lloyd asked and came over to the stairs as I finished walked down them and he smiled. "Welcome home Pumpkin." Lloyd said and pulled me into a forceful, rough kiss. He pulled away and gripped my chin. "Never fucking leave me and run again. I'll make sure you aren't found next time." Lloyd growled in a whisper to me and I just nodded. I looked passed him and saw someone tied to a chair with jumper cables on his check and fingers.

"Lloyd..." I said and he smiled at me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me over to fully see the man. I gasped seeing him.

"You remember Alex right?" Lloyd asked as my eyes filled with tears.

"I was just trying to get him to talk Pumpkin, I think he helped you get away that night but he wont say." Lloyd continued. I looked at Alex as Lloyd pushed me down to sit in the chair across from him. 2 guards came out of no where and tired me to the chair both my arms and legs.

"LLOYD!" I screamed. He attached plyers to my one fingernail one I was tied down.

"Tell me Pumpkin, did Alex help you escape?" Lloyd said and I didn't answer him and he looked at me. "Pumpkin...?" He questioned.

"Lloyd please?" I asked begged with tears slowly falling down my face.

"Boring." Lloyd said and pulled nail from my finger eliciting a screamed from me. He grabbed another nail.

Did Alex help you escape?" Lloyd asked and I shook my head.

"Boring." Lloyd whispered and pulled another as I started screaming and crying again. He grabbed a third nail.

"Please, just stop. You proved your point." I sobbed dropping my head.

"Come on Pumpkin just admit it." Lloyd whispered.

"Lloyd I don't know what you want me to admit. I ran, I got away by myself, no one helped me." I said and Lloyd shook his head and started to pull another name and I started to pull another nail.

"Okay stop!!!" Alex yelled as best he could and I just shook my head.

"Alex, no..." I whispered. Lloyd looked at me and smirked.

"Someone is willing to talk." Lloyd said and turned to look at Alex and held up the button connected to the jumper cables and pressure setting them off and Alex cried out in agonizing pain. Lloyd stopped and looked at Alex. "What do you need to tell me?" Lloyd asked as Alex was having an issue getting his breath. "For fucks sake, boring..." Lloyd said hitting the button again.

"Lloyd stop!" I screamed and he did and looked back at me.

"Shh...the men are talking." He said and I groaned. "Now Alex...did you help my sweet little pumpkin escape?" Lloyd asked and Alex looked at me and his eyes looked sad.

"I did. She was packed and leaving, she needed a ride to the airport. I took her." Alex admitted.

"See, here's the thing...I knew this. I saw the airport footage, I know you dropped her off I just needed to hear you admit it. Thank you for doing so. For doing so you will be rewarded." Lloyd said and turned to look at me.

"And you..." Lloyd said and pulled out his knife he used to torture me. "You get to reward him." Lloyd said and cut me free. I was very confused by what was happening. He yanked me up to stand up and handed me a gun. "Shoot him." Lloyd whispered in my ear.

"What?!" I asked in shock.

"Shoot him Pumpkin, that's his reward for telling me finally." Lloyd said and I shook my head.

"I won't murder someone Lloyd." I said and he shook his head. He pulled out another gun and pointed it at my head.

"Shoot him or I shoot you!" Lloyd screamed and I started sobbing as Alex looked at me.

"Do it Juniper. I forgive you. Get out when you can." Alex said, I nodded. I pointed the gun at him and Lloyd moved it to right against his temple. I closed my eyes and squeezed the trigger. I heard the gunshot go off and then a ringing in my ears. Lloyd kissed my cheek.

"That's my good girl pumpkin." Lloyd said as tears streamed down my face. He took the gun from my hand. The next thing I knew there was a hard hit to the back of my head and the room went black.

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