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I woke up the next morning, I showered and dressed. I checked my door and it was unlocking proving Lloyd was already awake. I was not looking forward to today. I took a deep breath and opened the door only to jump slightly seeing Lloyd leaning against the wall across from my door, arms crossed and deadpan on my face. The expression on his face, I had never seen before.

"Yes?" I asked closing my door behind me. He looked at me.

"You want to fuck him?" Lloyd asked and I looked shock.

"What?!" I asked.

"Ransom? You want to fuck Ransom? It's a pretty simple answer Juniper." Lloyd said which again shocked the fuck out of me since he never called me by my name unless he was pissed.

"No, Lloyd, I don't want to fuck Ransom. I do just fine with my own fingers, thank you." I said and went to walk away and he grabbed my arm pinning me against the wall.

"We should probably get you a vibrator, would hate for you to overwork your hand." Lloyd said close to my face.

"Wouldn't need to if I could just get a good fuck with a stranger once in a while. You do it, why can't I?" I asked and Lloyd smiled.

"That's the million-dollar question isn't it." Lloyd said. "Just do your fucking job and stop fucking around!" Lloyd continued and walked away. I groaned leaning against the wall. I hated this man, hated him with a passion. I headed to Lloyds room, then Ransoms to clean up. As I walked downstairs after about an hour of cleaning and starting laundry I ran into Ransom.

"Good Morning." Ransom said and I smiled but continued walking and he grabbed my hand stopping me.

"Ransom...please..." I whispered in a begging tone.

"You let him scare you away?" Ransom asked and I shook my head.

"Just remembering my place. I'm the help." I said and he released my hand and I kept walking. I want to get Lloyd his coffee and knocked on his office door.

"Yes?" I opened the door and he looked up.

"I got your coffee." I said and he nodded. I walked it into his office and set it on his desk. "Anything else you need before I go grocery shopping?" I asked and he sighed.

"Can you just make sure to pick up more whiskey please? I noticed we are almost out." Lloyd said and I nodded.

"It was on the list." I said, went to leave and I heard Lloyd groan.

"Pumpkin..." Lloyd said and I gave a smile since my back was to him. I went back to having a straight face when I turned around

"Yes?" I asked.

"Shut the door on your way out. Also, if you see Ransom tell him I would like to see him." Lloyd said and I nodded. Before I could turn and leave Lloyd looked me up and down.

"Change before you go into town, you will not be wearing that skirt." He said and I groaned.

"You never had an issue with this skirt before..." I said and he growled and I could have sworn I saw him resituate himself.

"Change pumpkin." Lloyd said and I just slightly shook my head and head out of the office. I did not head upstairs to change. I loved my outfit my black and grey checkered skirt that hit mid-thigh, my black knee-high boots and red blouse. I went to get the list from the chef in the kitchen of what he needed and then went to leave. As I was leaving I passed Ransom.

"Lloyd wants to see you in his office." I said and he nodded. He looked me up and down and smiled.

"You looked great today kitten." Ransom said and I just smiled at him. I didn't have a chance to answer.

"" Lloyd said coming out of his office and then he looked at me. "I thought I told you to change?" Lloyd said turning to me.

"You did, I decided not to listen. Is someone driving me to the store or can I drive myself?" I asked and Lloyd growled.

"Dominic!" Lloyd yelled making me slightly jump. A guard came walking over from the front door.

"Yeah boss?" He asked and looked at me.

"Take Juniper wherever she needs to go." Lloyd said and Dominic, Dom for short, nodded, looked at me and smiled.

"Whenever you are ready Juni." Dom said and I smiled. He was the guard from the other morning with the girl who was sweet to me, Dom usually was. I walked up to my room and grabbed my purse and then back down the stairs and Lloyd growled.

"And since she insists on wearing the whore skirt make sure no one hits on her." Lloyd said.

"Right because heaven forbid I find a guy who wants to fuck me in the produce section of the store." I said and walked out of the house as I heard Lloyd growl.


Once we were got back from the store I went to help Dom load in the groceries when another guard came outside.

"The boss would like to see you in the tech room."

"Tell Lloyd he can fucking wait. I bought some personal items I need to take upstairs first." I said and he nodded walking away and Dom looked at me.

"Thanks for taking me out Dom. Also, that second stop we made..." I trailed off and he nodded.

"Our little secret but if you ever want something me." Dom said and we both laughed and I nodded. He finished loading in the groceries as I headed up to my room. I put my bags on the bed and then headed down to the tech room. I walked in the room and he looked up when he heard my heels.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked.

"Just wanted to make sure you came back from shopping." Lloyd said and I shook my head.

"Where the fuck would I go Lloyd?!" I said raising my voice and he stood up from the chair he was sitting in and looked at me in shock. I didn't back down.

"Wasn't sure if you would find some fuckboy or not..." Lloyd said.

"It wasn't on the shopping list and I didn't know it was an option. Now that I know it is, I'll be back." I said and went to leave and Lloyd grabbed my arm, pushing me against the wall hard, I grunted at the force. He was in my face so much I could smell the whiskey on his breath, that turned me on, something about brown liquors and Lloyd's cologne, it was a good mix, a sexy mix.

"I need you to watch your mouth Pumpkin, you are starting to get away with too much." Lloyd said and I groaned. Lloyd forcible grabbed my chin. "Don't groan at me. From now you will do as I ask and say and you will have no communication with anyone else in the house. Eyes cast down got it?!" Lloyd asked. I glared at him.

"Yes." I said coldly.

"Yes what?" Lloyd said moving to where his lips were brushing mine, I could feel the mustache and it took all I have not to pull this man to me and kiss him.

"Yes sir..." I said. Lloyd gave me an evil smirk.

"Good girl. Now go to your room. Your dinner will be brought up later." Lloyd said and I nodded. He let me go and I walked upstairs to my room, death gripping the handrail since my legs were like jelly.

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