Do I Make Myself Clear?

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Dominic and I were walking in the door after our date and we were barely able to keep our hands off each other. Once we made it in the front door I quietly closed it but he pinned me against it and I giggled as his lips found mine.

"I can't walk quietly in my heels." I whispered as out lips broke apart. Dominic smiled wickedly at me and lifted me up bridal style and carried me to my room. Once we quietly got in my room and I had never been more thankful Lloyd and Ransom's rooms we fair enough away. We started undressing each other, out lips barely parting as we undressed. I fell back on the bed and Dominic started to untie my heels and kiss down my legs. Having this man on me is all I needed. Lloyd and Ransom were quick I could tell Dominic was going to take his time with me as he crawled back up my body.


*****LLOYD POV*****

I woke up the next morning later than usual and I wasn't sure why Juniper hadn't come in to wake me up. I knew she was angry with me but I mean she still had a job to do. I walked out of my room and headed down to the kitchen to see if she was making my coffee and I found Ransom pouring himself a cup. He saw me and grabbed another.

"No Juni?" Ransom asked and I shook my head.

"No, probably still angry with the both of us. Why don't we take her some coffee to her room?" I suggested and Ransom nodded and grabbed his plate of breakfast the chef had made him and I nodded. We walked upstairs to her room. I didn't worry about knocking I mean she never did with me. The minutes I saw her in the bed my blood started to instantly boil.

*****NORMAL POV*****

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!" I heard a voice yell and I sat straight up in bed making sure I stayed covered. I looked and saw Lloyd and Ransom standing there at the foot of the bed. I looked beside me and saw Dominic sitting up and sighed.

"What the hell?!" I asked.

"You just going to start fucking all my guards?!" Lloyd asked.

"What?! No! We had a good time on our date so we came home to have some more fun! What the fuck is the problem? You bring whores home all the time that you don't even remember their names. At least I know his name!" I yelled.

"So you just fucking anything with a dick?" Ransom spoke up.

"Obviously not since I live with 2." I said and they both growled. I then looked down at my state of undress and sighed.

"Can you both leave so I can get dressed please?" I asked. Lloyd looked at Dominic.

"You have the fucking day off. I don't need you here." Lloyd said and Dominic nodded. The guys both left and I pulled my knees to my chest as Dominic ran a hand up and down my back.

"Hey, you are an adult, he cant treat you that way." Dominic said and I sighed.

"Yeah but he is also my employer." I said and he nodded.

"It will all work it's self out." Dominic said. He placed a hand under my chin and turned my face to look at him as he passionately kissed me. I smiled as he laid me down on the bed.

"Dom..." I said and he smiled.

"One more time before I go." Dominic said and I nodded as I spread my legs and he thrust in me.


I showed Dominic the back way out of the house so he didn't have to deal with Lloyd or Ransom. Once I was dressed I walked downstairs to get me some coffee. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I was summoned into the tech room.

"JUNIPER!!!" I heard Lloyd yell and I sighed walking in and I noticed he was alone.

"Yes?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Shut the door." Lloyd said and I did as I was told. "Sit." Lloyd pointed to the chair in front of him. I walked over and did as I was told. Before I could do anything but cross my leg Lloyd was leaning down in my face with his hands pining my wrists to the arms of the chair. He was causing some pain but I didn't know what to do and I knew not to struggle.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Lloyd finally asked.

"I don't know what you mean?" I asked confused.

"Fucking another man, in my house! That's what I mean!" Lloyd yelled.

"You fuck women all the time! You expect me to pick up after them and get them the fuck out of the house every god damn morning. Now you bring Ransom in on your fucking sexcapades and I'm tired of it Lloyd! Why can't I have fun? Why can't I just fuck someone? You fucked me and said we could never talk about it again...Ransom and I...-" I stopped and Lloyd looked at me.

"You fucked Ransom?!" Lloyd yelled.

"I did! The day in the maze, finished right before you found us. You can't get mad at him Lloyd. You didn't want me at the time. I don't even know why you wanted me the night you took me to dinner. I'm so over all if this. Why don't we just go back to how we started. I will go about cleaning out your whores and cleaning up after you, but this...I'm done with this." I said and he growled at me.

"You will never be done with however I want to use you. If I ever want to fuck you again you will be do it. Do I make myself clear?" Lloyd said and I didn't answer him and he smacked me. "Do I make myself clear?" Lloyd asked again.

"Crystal." I said and he released his hold on me and I went to get up and he grabbed my arm.

"And no more fucking Ransom." Lloyd said and I shook my head.

"Sorry Lloyd but hard pass on that one. Until you actually claim me as yours and stop fucking as many woman as you can I will fuck whoever I want, whenever I want. You don't own my pussy." I said, yanking my arm out of his grip and then looking at him.

"Anything else I can get for you Mr. Hansen?" I asked and he growled.

"Sit you ass in the chair in the corner." Lloyd said and just did as I was told as he opened the doors and started working.

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