It Was A Good Plan

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A few days later I was in my room packing a bag. Ransom got us the ID's and passports. We were going to leave in the middle of the night again, he had a way for us to get out and I was ready to go. I packed my burner phone in my bag, zipped it up and shoved it back in my closet, I was packed. As I finished packing Lloyd came walking in my room and smiled at me.

"I was wondering where you went to Pumpkin." Lloyd said and I sighed.

"I was changing all the bedding." I said and he sighed.

"Sure..." Lloyd said and I looked at him.

"Something you need?" I asked and I looked at the evil glint in his eye.

"You." Lloyd said walked over to me grabbing me by my hips and passionately kissing me and I moaned in the kiss. Lloyd started to bunch up my skirt and I broke the kiss and pushed him off.

"Lloyd please, not right now...I can't." I said and he looked at me and was pissed. He smacked me across my face.

"And why not?!" Lloyd yelled in my face.

"Lloyd...I'm sore. You pounded into me to hard the other day in the tech room after the hard morning in my room. I need a break please." I said and he sighed but then placed his hand on the check he smacked and I flinched.

"You're right Pumpkin, I did go hard. I will give you a break...this one time. Don't expect it again." Lloyd said and I nodded.

"After you change bedding, take the night off. I got some work today that I don't need you for." Lloyd said and I nodded.

"Thank you." I said. He crashed his lips to mine. Once we broke apart he left my room and I sighed. The sooner Ransom and I could run the better. I finished cleaning up all the bedroom and then laid in my bed. I decided a nap was needed since I didn't know when Ransom and I would be able to sleep once we ran. I was fast asleep when I felt the bed dip behind me and I wasn't sure who it was.

"Kitten, you asleep?" Ransom asked and I moaned. "Okay, it's okay. Get some sleep. Tonight, we run." Ransom whispered and kissed my cheek. I felt him wrapped his arms around me and pull me close to him.

*****LLOYD POV*****

She turned me down for sex, I should have forced her but I wouldn't have been able to hold back with how pissed I was and I may have killed her. I couldn't do that, I couldn't let her know that I knew her plan. I watched Ransom walk in her room as she slept on her bed.

"Kitten, you asleep?" Ransom asked and she moaned. "Okay, it's okay. Get some sleep. Tonight, we run." Ransom whispered and kissed her cheek. He wrapped her in his arms and held on to her. I growled. It was over, their plans to leave were over.


*****NORMAL POV*****

The house was dark and quiet when I woke up. Ransom was still sleep. I set my bag by the bedroom door and looked around making sure I had everything. I left my phone that Lloyd monitored on my nightstand and I sighed. I walked over and kissed Ransom to wake him up.

"Kitten." Ransom said and I smiled at him.

"Hey, it's 2AM, we should go." I said. He woke up and nodded.

"Yeah, it's time." Ransom said and woke up. I sighed looking around my room as Ransom got up. He walked up to me and took my hands.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Ransom asked and I nodded.

"He will never let me have a life Ransom, I have to go with you." I said and he leaned down to me and kissed me.

"We wont always be on the run Kitten, we will find someplace to live and have a life. Maybe even a family and kids." Ransom said and I smiled.

"You want a family?" I asked and Ransom wrapped his arms around my waist and mine went around his neck.

"I want it all with you Kitten." Ransom said and I smiled as I pulled him down to me for a passionate kiss.

"Let's go get a life Ransom." I said and we grabbed our bags. I checked the hallway and made sure it was clear. Once it was all clear we headed down the stairs. Ransom had mapped out a spot in the fence at the end of the maze that wasn't covered by camera's and lights. He cut a hole in the fence when we planned out us leaving. As we were almost to the front door the tech room doors opened and I saw Lloyd standing there. Ransom grabbed my arm and moved me behind him to protect me.

"Where are you two running off to?" Lloyd asked and we didn't answer. "You leaving?"

"Let's us go Lloyd. You know you didn't want me here from the minute I showed up and you treat Juniper like shit." Ransom said.

"I can treat Juniper like I want, she works for me. You are right though, you have been nothing but trouble since you walked through my door." Lloyd said and pulled a gun pointing it at us. "Get in here." Lloyd said. Ransom held my hand and walked us into the tech room. "Pull it up!" Lloyd yelled to the tech and I looked at the screen came to life.

"Pumpkin, do you now what that is?" Lloyd asked and I shook my head.

"No, I don't. It's not clear." I said and Lloyd stood right behind me. He leaned down to my ear.

"Look closer..." He whispered and as I strained to look and the gasped.

"My mom's house." I said and Lloyd kissed my neck.

"Right you are Pumpkin. You run, I have that tactical team break into your mom's house and she is gone Pumpkin." Lloyd said and I turned my head to look into his eyes.

"You would kill my mother?" I asked and he nodded.

"You leave me, I have to take my anger out on someone." Lloyd said and then walked over to Ransom and held the gun to his head. "Not to mention Ransom here. His brains will look good on the wall." Lloyd continued.

"Lloyd stop please." I begged and he looked at me. He kept his gun to Ransom's head but walked over to me and passionately kissed me. I heard Ransom growl as he did and since I still had a hold of his hand, I squeezed it to calm him. Once Lloyd and I broke apart he looked at Ransom.

"You can leave, she stays." Lloyd said. Ransom looked shocked as did I.

"What?" Ransom asked.

"I want you out, I don't care where the fuck you go but you are to leave and not come back. If you do come back or don't leave I shoot you closed. Juniper stays." Lloyd said and I groaned.

"Ransom, go...get out of here." I said and released my hold on his hand.

"Hell no Kitten, I wont leave you here..." Ransom said and Lloyd cocked the gun.

"Ransom go! I need you alive and safe. You wont get far with me anyway, I will hold you back. Just go. I love you." I said and Lloyd groaned.

"Take him!" He yelled to the guards and the came in and grabbed Ransom. I pulled him back to me and gave him one last kiss as he was being dragged out of the room. I watched them take him out the front door to a waiting cab. Lloyd grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

"You tried to leave again Pumpkin...time to be punished." Lloyd said and dragged me upstairs.

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