Say it...Love

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*****2 WEEKS LATER*****

Lloyd and I had been married for 2 weeks and we were just getting back from our jet-setting honeymoon. We never stayed in one place too long. London, Paris, Rome, Bahamas to end the trip. Once we got home there was a problem and Lloyd had to leave again. I was home alone, alone with guards...usually he would have had me go with but he told me I needed to stay home on this trip. Beverly had left to go back home but we promised to visit her when we were out visiting my mother soon. I took a book and walked through the maze going to sit and just enjoy the weather. Once I got to the middle of the maze I sat on a bench and looked around. I was thankful no guards came with me, if Lloyd knew I was alone he would have a fit and I'm sure someone end up tortured or dead.

"I know you're here, I can feel you." I said out loud. I looked and there he was coming around the corner. "Ransom." I said standing up and he rushed me and passionately kissed me. I should have pushed him off but I couldn't. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held me close to him. Once we broke apart I did push him back slightly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and he sighed.

"I knew Lloyd was gone and I had to come and see you. I have been waiting and praying you came to the maze." Ransom said and I groaned.

"And if I hadn't?" I asked.

"I would have found a way to sneak into you room tonight to see you. I had to see you kitten." Ransom said. I just sighed and looked at him. "We can run now. He is gone, no clue when he will be back. I have a place for us, we can get married, start a family. Everything we wanted." Ransom said taking my hand and tried pulling me the way he came.

"Ransom, wait..." I said and he looked at me confused. He then looked down at my left hand he was holding and felt my ring. He held it up and then looked at me.

"Your engaged to him?!" Ransom yelled.

"Married, 2 weeks now." I said and Ransom looked at me like I had just shot him.

"Married?! You married him?!"

"I did, he asked me and I said yes." I said as Ransom ran his hands through his hair.

"Why?! He blackmail you into doing this?" Ransom asked and I shook my head.

"No, I wanted to marry him. You knew when we were together I loved both of you." I said and Ransom hung his head.

"You loved us both?" Ransom asked and I sighed.

"You more at the time but Ransom I needed you to go. I needed you and my mother safe and right now I have both of those things." I said.

"So you have to be married to him so everything and everyone can be safe? That's not a happy marriage Juni." Lloyd said and I shook my head.

"I'm very happy with Lloyd, Ransom please understand that. Did I love you? Yes, of course I did. Did I want a life with you? More than anything. Was it ever going to be possible? No. Ransom you want to have me and have a family with me, Ransom you are on the run from the law, that was never going to happen. I wanted you Ransom, but it wasn't going to happen and you knew that. I want the house, with kids and a husband and not have to worry about who saw my husband out that day and could the cops be on their way." I said and Ransom hung his head.

"I would make us safe Kitten." Ransom said and I just hung my head.

"I can't Ransom, I'm Mrs. Lloyd Hansen now and I want to be. This is what I want now. I will always love you but I have to move on, so do you." I said. Ransom walked back up to me and cupped my face.

"I will always love you Kitten. Lloyd treats you bad, come find me." Ransom said and passionately kissed me. This was our final goodbye, I would never see Ransom Drysdale again.

Once we broke apart he left as quick as he came. I wiped away the falling tears, placing my head in my hands as I sat on the bench. I wasn't sure how long I had been there when I heard another voice speak up.

"I know you missed me Pumpkin but coming to cry in the maze?" Lloyd asked and I looked up and smiled at him. I got up, rushed over to him, passionately kissed him and he groaned in the kiss. I pulled away and looked at him suspiciously since it wasn't a pleasurable groan. I lifted his shirt saw and a bad bruise up his entire side.

"Lloyd!" I said and he sighed pushing his shirt back down.

"I'm fine Pumpkin. I just want to crawl into bed with you and hold you close to me before we leave tomorrow." Lloyd said.

"Leave?" I asked confused.

"I think it's time we go see your mom. It's been long enough. I need to meet my mother-in-law." Lloyd said and I gave a small laugh as we walked back through the maze to leave.

"You mean the mother-in-law you threatened to kill?" I asked and he groaned.

"How about we not mention that to her Pumpkin." Lloyd said and I nodded my head. As we walked back to the house Lloyd looked at me.

"Why were you crying?" Lloyd asked. I sighed...I needed to tell him.

"Ransom was here." I said and Lloyd stopped walking and looked at me. His eyes turned dark and cold instantly.

"Where? On the property? You let him through the gate?!" Lloyd asked grabbing my upper arm tightly.

"No! Nothing like that. I went to the maze to read and he showed up. I think there is a breach in the fence or something." I said and Lloyd loosened his grip but didn't let me go.

"What did he want?" Lloyd asked and I sighed.

"He wanted me to leave with him and with him. I told him we were married and I loved you." I said and Lloyd pulled me flush against him even though I could tell it hurt him.

"You are mine Pumpkin, I won, I got you, you're mine." Lloyd said and I pushed him off of me.

"I thought you married me out of love, I'm not a prize Lloyd." I said and he groaned and ran his hand through his hair and I crossed my arms. "Say the words Lloyd, say you love me." I said and he just looked at me.


"You haven't said them this whole time we have been married and I have let it go. Say it now, I want to hear it." I said and he didn't say anything and we just stared at each other. I finally shook my head and walked the rest of the way to the house pissed off. Once I got inside I started up the stairs.

"Pumpkin!" Lloyd yelled and I didn't stop. I got to the top of the stairs. "I love you!" Lloyd yelled and I stopped and turned to looked at him at the base of the steps. He rushed up the steps to me and grabbed my waist. "I love you Juniper Hansen." Lloyd said and I smiled hearing that all together.

"I love you Lloyd Hansen." I said and he passionately kissed me. 

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