The Maze

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I walked into the Tech room at 11am on the dot and saw Lloyd leaning down to a tech and the tech looked visibly shaken.

"Lloyd..." I said and he looked up at me.

"Pumpkin..." Lloyd said and hit the guy upside the head. "Get it up." Lloyd said and then walked over to me.

"I know you hate me right now." Lloyd said.

"Hate is a strong word, extremely loath would work." I said crossing my arms. He sighed and guided me to a chair.

"I know you wanted to see your mom and talk to her. I wish you could do that for you but I'm I man in high demand and anyone would be happy to get here to me and wouldn't care about using you. I wanted to do something for you at least." Lloyd said and I sat down. On the main screen popped up a satellite video and I just watched it for a second unsure of what it was, then gasped. There she was, working in the garden at my old house. I covered my mouth as tears fell.

"Mom." I said and I just watched her. "Can I be left alone please?" I asked and Lloyd nodded as he got all the techs out of the room and they all left. I moved the chair up to the screen and sat down.

"Hey mom...I'm okay I promise. I wish you could see me or you could hear me but this will do...for now. You look good, so good." I said and watched tend to my sunflowers. I wasn't sure how long I had been watching when I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone lean down to my ear.

"'s been an hour and a half." Lloyd said and I nodded. I got up and turned to look at him.

"Thank you." I said and not caring about protocol, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. He seemed shocked but returned the hug. I had to admit having my body against Lloyds felt good, so good. Once we broke apart I smiled and walked out of the room. I instantly ran into Ransom and he smiled at me.

"You see your mom?" Ransom asked and I nodded.

"I did, she looked so good." I said and I turned to see the techs go back in the tech room and Lloyd shut the door with eyes on Ransom and me. I then looked back at Ransom. "Come with me." I said taking his hand as we rushed out of the house. I saw some guards go to follow us and I stopped them.

"Don't, we're fine, just going to the maze." I said and they nodded. Ransom and I started walking through the huge hedge maze Lloyd had on the property. As I walked through I was pulling Ransom behind me.

"Kitten, what the shit?" Ransom asked.

"Shh." I said and he looked at me shocked. I got us to a dark corner of the maze that couldn't be seen by someone watching from the house or any cameras and I leaned against the wall pulling Ransom to me. Having his body flush against me I felt his breath hitch.

"Kitten, this is against the rules..." Ransom growled.

"What about you watching me pleasure myself, that against the rules too?" I asked and Ransom blushed. "I wasn't mad Ransom, it turned me on more. I cant get you out of my head." I said and he quickly crashed his lips to mine. I moaned as I reached down and started to undo Ransom's pants and he started to bunch up my skirt.

"Kitten...." Ransom said as I stroked him.

"I need you Ransom, I have wanted you." I said and he growled as his lips attacked my neck and he started nibbling. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me up pushing my panties to the side and quickly inserted himself in me. I cried out but Ransom covered my mouth.

"Don't want to get caught." Ransom said and I threw my head back against the wall, his size was incredible and not something I was used to. Ransom was pounding into me relentlessly and I couldn't get over the feeling of him inside of me.

"PUMPKIN! RANSOM!" We heard Lloyd yell as he entered the maze.

"Fucking shit..." Ransom said and I placed my hands on his face making him look at him.

"Fuck me Ransom, finish us off before he finds us." I whispered and Ransom gave me an evil smile and kept thrusting hard and harder. Soon I felt myself clenching around Ransom and he was swelling inside of me. We still heard Lloyd yelling for us and I knew he was getting closer.

"Coat my walls Ransom, cover me." I said and he growled as he released. I tightened around him and released myself as Ransom drowned out my cried with a passionate kiss. Once we broke apart we quickly fixed out cloths and I smiled as we did.

"We will be doing this again." Ransom said and I nodded as he pushed me against the wall and passionately kissed me.

"You can count on it." I said once we broke apart. We started walking back through the maze and turned a corner to see Lloyd standing there looked at us.

"What the fuck Pumpkin? I have been calling for you both." Lloyd said.

"And we were walking the maze, what's the problem?" I asked and he looked between Ransom and I. He noticed I looked flushed and I was internally panicking.

"Come back to the house, I need to go into town and you will be going with me Pumpkin." Lloyd said and I looked at him oddly.

"I never go with you." I said.

"You are now, let's go." Lloyd said and I groaned as we walked back to the start of the maze.

"You have an hour and half, I have some work to do before we go. There is an outfit on your bed, get washed up." Lloyd said and I nodded walking to the house. Lloyd then turned to Ransom.

"Did you fuck her in there?!" Lloyd asked

"What?! God Lloyd calm the fuck down. She wanted to show me the maze. You told me not to touch and I'm not." Ransom said and walked to the house leaving Lloyd standing there.

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