Ransom Drysdale Arrives

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"Ransom Drysdale..." Lloyd said and chuckled.

"Lloyd Hansen, the only man to go to Harvard to play football." Ransom said and Lloyd shrugged.

"I like being the exception." Lloyd said and I just sighed.

"I'm going to talk to the chef. Should I tell him we have a guest for dinner?" I asked. Lloyd looked at me and smiled.

"Before you do, meet a friend of mine from Harvard, Ransom Drysdale, This is Juniper Mitchell. She basically takes care of all things around the house." Lloyd said.

"Nice to meet you." I said and shook his extended hand. His grip and stare lingered slightly longer than usual, Lloyd cleared his throat and Ransom released.

"Yes we will be having a guest for dinner and he will be staying a few days, I assume?" Lloyd asked and Ransom sighed.

"We need to talk..." Ransom said and I knew that was my cue to leave.

"Pumpkin..." Lloyd said and I stopped and turned.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Let me know when dinner is ready. As well as put Ransom in the room furthest from yours." Lloyd said and I groaned.

"Any more requests?" I asked being snarky.

"Stop being a bitch?" Lloyd questioned.

"Not a chance in hell." I said and continued to walk to the kitchen. Once I informed the cook that we had a guest staying for the foreseeable future I went to head upstairs to get a guest room ready when I walked past the room Lloyd and Ransom were talking in. It was cracked open.

"Lloyd I murdered him! I'm on the run right now!" Ransom said upset and unraveling.

"Do they know it was you?" Lloyd asked.

"I don't know, I think they were starting to suspect so I just ran here. I knew you had this place and Croatia has no extradition." Ransom said.

"So how long do you need to stay? I mean you know I don't lead the most upstanding life." Lloyd said.

"As long as I can. Please Lloyd, you owe me." Ransom said and Lloyd groaned.

"Yeah, yeah, I know but you had money to get you out of trouble." Lloyd said. I went to walk away.


Shit...shit...shit...I walked into the room.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Eavesdropping?" He asked. Ransom looked panicked.

"I heard nothing I wasn't supposed to." I said. I then looked Ransom.

"Do you have any bags I can take to your room once I make it up?" I asked and he sighed and handed me his duffel bag. "Thank you."

"Did you find out what was for dinner?" Lloyd asked.

"Chicken cacciatore." I said and Lloyd nodded.

"And which room would you prefer Mr. Drysdale in? You said furthest from mine, but which one?" I asked and sighed.

"3 down from me." Lloyd said and I nodded. I went to walk away.

"Juniper..." Ransom said and I turned to look at him.


"You can call me Ransom." He said and I smiled and walked away. I got outside the door when I heard Lloyd.

"Don't flirt with my girl Ransom."

"Your girl? That why I'm in the furthest room away from her?" Ransom said.

"I mean my help, don't flirt with my help." Lloyd said. "And since she is the help don't you want to be called Hugh?" Lloyd asked.

"Not by her." Ransom said and Lloyd rolled her eyes.


Later that night after dinner I had gone to my room and was getting ready for bed when there was a knock on my door. I figured it was Lloyd needing something before I went to bed. I put my silk robe over my nightie I was wearing to bed and opened the door as I tightened the tie on it. I was shocked when I saw Ransom.

"Hey, can I get you something?" I asked and he sighed.

"So I left my room to go to the kitchen and get some whiskey but I got lost on my way back. This place is huge." Ransom said, I just looked at him and shook my head.

"You're not lost Ransom, you wanted to prove to Lloyd and myself hat no matter how far away you are from me you can still get here being undetected." I said and he hung his head and huffed a laugh.

"Wow, you always so blunt?" Ransom asked.

"Only when I'm right." I said and he smiled. He just looked at me and smiled.

"Would like to join me for a drink? I really was thinking of getting one." Ransom said and I smiled. I looked down at my attire.

"Let me change..." I said and he shook his head taking my hand.

"I wouldn't dream of it kitten, come on." Ransom said and gently pulled me from my room and I hid my giggle.

"You think are so smooth that I wouldn't notice the nickname you just called me." I said as we walked towards the steps to head downstairs to the bar cart in the living room.

"Well Lloyd calls you Pumpkin..." Ransom said and I rolled my eyes. We were silent until we got to the living room and Ransom poured us drinks. He sat next me on the couch super close pulling my bare legs into his lap and ran his fingertips up and down my leg stopping midthigh at the hem of the robe.

"Lloyd calls me pumpkin because he knows it annoys me...." I trailed off and Ransom leaned in close to me.

"Does kitten annoy you...kitten?" Ransom asked.

"Not yet..." I said and he smirked. He backed away from me but kept running his fingertips up and down my legs. I quickly finished my drink as did Ransom.

"I need to get to bed. Lloyd usually need me up at an ungodly hour." I said and Ransom smiled. We both stood up and he walked me back to my room. Before we reached my door Ransom pinned me against the wall caging me between his arms. We just looked at each other and I felt my breath quicken, this man knew what he was doing. Before either of us could say or do anything we heard him.


"I was just saying goodnight to her Lloyd." Ransom said and came back to look at me.

"Goodnight kitten." Ransom said and I smiled.

"Goodnight Ransom. Goodnight Lloyd." I said getting out from Ransom's arms

"Get the fuck in your room." Lloyd said and walked in my door, then shut it. I stayed by the bedroom to listen to what would be said. "I told you to stay away from her Ransom! She is off limits!" Lloyd growled.

"Why Lloyd?! You aren't fucking her, someone should be. Girl needs it! I touched her legs downstairs and I could tell that was the most action she got from a man in a long time!" Ransom said and I knew he wasn't lying.

"Stay away Ransom!" Lloyd said and I heard Ransom scoff and walk away. I knew Lloyd was still outside my door and I was terrified what was going to happen. I heard the lock on the outside of my door lock, you could only do this with the master key.

"Lloyd?!" I asked pissed and banged on my door.

"I'll let you out in the morning. No more late-night drinks." He said and I heard him walk away. This was new fucking low. I walked over, laid on my bed and all I could think about was Ransom pinning me again the wall and I moaned as I slid my hand down my body and under my nightie I started rubbing my clit thinking of Ransom but then someone else entered my mind, standing in his naked glory I have seen so many times and I didn't even care who I was picturing right now I was just wound so tight I needed a release. As I started moving my hand faster sticking 2 fingers inside of me and pumping, I let a few moans escape out of my mouth. I pulled the pillow to my face so I could release as loud as I wanted with no one hearing me. Once I was done, I cleaned myself up and fell into a peaceful sleep being fully relaxed now.

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