Find Juniper!

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*****LLOYD POV*****

I woke up the next morning hoping to find Juniper up and moving, back to performing her duties. She was free and I would make sure she knew it was out of the goodness of my heart, also the fact the team would be home today and wonder where she was. I checked her room and she wasn't in the bed but something seemed off, some of her drawers were open as was her closet door. Her room was always immaculate. I went downstairs to my office and looked inside, no Juniper waiting with my coffee but I asked desk drawers open.

"FUCK!" I yelled throwing things off my desk. I rushed into the tech room.

"I need all camera footage from the outside of the house last night! Everything now!" I yelled and everyone started looking and then looked at each other. I saw nothing coming up on the screen.

"We don't have anything. It looks like the system was scrubbed clean last night and stop recording." The main tech said. I wasn't thinking and punched a computer screen. She had bested me, she learned my systems, she learned how to bypass everything and clean it all out. She made a run for it and needed it to be clean. I had to commend her for being ballsy enough to do this. Did I drive her to this? I couldn't have, I mean I may have crossed a line but she knew what kind of man I was and what I did for a living. If I wanted her dead she would be dead.

"Find Juniper!" I yelled to the tech. I then looked at the team came walking in and Ransom looked at me.

"Find Juniper? What the fuck is going on?" Ransom asked me.

"It's seems Pumpkin went on a little adventure and is gone." I said and walked over to my office.

"An adventure?! What the fuck does that mean Lloyd?!" Ransom yelled following me.

"What the fuck do you mean what does that mean?! She is gone! She ran in the middle of the night and wiped the system so I would see her do it. She came into my office, got ger ID, passport and money and is gone!" I yelled and Ransom groaned.

"I told you this would happen! Didn't I tell you that if you didn't start treating her right she was going to run?!" Ransom yelled.

"Yeah you did! Shut the fuck up though please." I said annoyed and Ransom groaned and walked out of my office.

*****RANSOM POV*****

I walked up to Juniper's room and she was really gone. I looked around for any clue of to where she was but her phone was left on the nightstand and she was really gone. I sighed knowing I wish I had a chance to tell her bye or maybe talk it out of running and seeing what we could do. I realized how tired I was standing in her room and I headed to my room and opened the door. I saw the letter on the floor and sighed. I picked it up, walked to my bed and sat down. I ripped it open and sighed seeing who it was from instantly.


I know you are away right now and I'm not sure when you will get this letter but please know I wish I could have said goodbye to your face but I didn't have that option. I had to go Ransom. Something happened after you left to work that I can't stay around for. Once I finally get settled and know what I'm going to do I'll send you a letter to the PO box in town. Felix knows the box. I'll miss you.


Your Kitten-

I smiled seeing that she cared enough to get word to me before she ran. There was no way Lloyd could see this letter, he would for sure think I helped her escape. I put it in the lockbox I had in my room that I always kept my gun in. Once I was done there I took a shower and then went to talk to the night guards to see if anyone could get me information.

*****LLOYD POV*****

I was sitting with the night guards Alex and Thomas.

"Which one of you got her out?!" I yelled and neither answered. I groaned and punched them both in the face.

"One of you had to help! Who helped?!" I yelled again.

"Neither of us." Thomas said.

"So she became invisible and ran that way?! I highly doubt it!" I yelled and they were silent.

"We don't know what to say Mr. Hansen." Alex said and I punched them both again.

"Get out of my sight." I said and they walked out of the room. I saw Ransom standing at the door.

"You just had the same idea I did. You get anything from them?" Ransom asked.

"No according to them she either became invisible and disappeared or grew wings and flew away." I said and Ransom groaned.

"Do you have any idea where she could have gone?" Ransom asked and I smirked.

"I know exactly where she went." I said. I just need to go pull up the surveillance. I rushed to the tech room smiling to myself the whole way.

"Thought you were smart Pumpkin...can't hide from me." I said out loud as I entered the tech room. Once her house was up on the screen I smiled and looked at my main tech. You are to watch this house and do nothing else! The minute you see Juniper, you let me know.

"Yes sir." He said and I smiled.

"I got you now Pumpkin." 

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