We Can Handle This - Final Chapter

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*****5 YEARS LATER*****

"Daddy!!!" My 4-year-old son Levi yelled running down the stairs.

"DADDY!" His twin brother Jackson yelled even louder as they ran to the tech room and I was right behind them.

"Boys! No! Dad is working!" I said but they were much faster than me. Before I could stop them, they busted in the tech room.

"HOW HARD IS IT TO SHOOT SOMEONE?!" Lloyd yelled and I groaned hearing it as the doors opened.

"DADDY!" They boys yelled and attacked both of his legs and he looked at me out of breath at the door.

"Juni, Pumpkin...what did I say about keeping them out of here while I worked?" Lloyd asked trying not to lose his cool.

"Lloyd...Pookey, why don't you lock the damn door?" I asked and he glared at me. I then looked down at the boys.

"Come on! Dad is working." I said and they groaned watching the screen of some city square being blown to hell.

"Really?!" I asked pointing to the screen and he shrugged.

"HE'S RIGHT THERE!" Lloyd then yelled. He sat in the chair and the boys climbed into his lap and he watched the screens with them. "Extra 10 million to whoever puts a bullet in this ken dolls brain." Lloyd said through the coms.

"Oh hell no." I said and grabbed the boys from his lap.

"Get those brats outta here." Lloyd said to me and I just looked at him.

"Come on boys, dad doesn't want you. Never did." I mumbled the last part.

To say my pregnancy and the twins were unplanned is an understatement. When I needed to get the new shot of birth control the doctor was late and didn't get to come and give me my shot for a month. We thought we would be fine and took no precautions...enter Levi and Jackson.

I shut the doors to the tech room and I heard someone lock it behind me. I sighed and looked down at the boys who hands I was holding and they looked sad.

"Hey, you want to go walk the maze, I know dad just had it reworked and it's a new path?" I asked and they got excited as we went outside, of course with a guard and then we started walking the maze.

"Mommy?" Jackson asked.

"What baby?" I asked.

"Does daddy not love us?" He asked and I just looked at him and crouched down to the boy's level.

"You were just a surprise to dad and I. Dad just thought we had more time. Now with his job it's hard having kids around but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you. He loves you both very much, just like I love you." I said and they both hugged me and I smiled.

"Come on, let's find our way out of here." I said and they boys smiled and ran off a little ahead of me. I sighed looking back at the house and sighed.


Later that night I was tucking the boys into bed reading them a bedtime story. I looked at the door and saw Lloyd leaning on the door frame. I noticed both boys were asleep, so I quietly got up and left the room. As I was walking out of the room, I punched Lloyd in the chest. He closed the door with a groan.

"What the fuck Pumpkin?" He asked as we walked to our bedroom. Once inside we shut the door.

"Our sons asked me tonight if you loved them! Do you know how much that broke my heart? They think you hate them, that you don't want them. I know they were a surprise and I know we didn't plan on them but damnit Lloyd they are you sons! You heirs!" I said pissed off and he growled at me.

"And they ruined everything!" Lloyd said and I just huffed a laugh.

"Did I ruin everything too? Marrying me, did that ruin everything?" I asked and Lloyd sighed shaking his head.

"Of course not! I wanted you! I wanted to marry you!" Lloyd yelled.

"So, we were never going to have kids? Kids were never going to happen? The year and half deadline was bullshit to you?!" I asked and Lloyd didn't say anything. "Fuck you!" I said walking up to him and shoving him going to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" Lloyd asked stopping me.

"To sleep on the couch in the boys room. It's better than sharing a bed with you." I said and walked out of the room.


I woke up the next morning in my bed and I wasn't sure how I even got there. I knew I fell asleep in the boy's room. I was about to get out of bed when the door opened and Lloyd walked in with the boys and they were bringing me breakfast in bed.

"What's this?" I asked excited as the boys climbed up on the bed and Lloyd set the tray of food down.

"Boys..." Lloyd said and I looked at them.

"Happy Mother's Day!" They said excited and I smiled at them and gave them both a kiss.

"You guys did all of this for me?" I asked.

"Daddy helped! He woke us up and said he wanted to have guy bonding time with us." Jackson said and I looked at Lloyd and smirked.

"We are going to have a total guy day together. You were right, I need to be more present." Lloyd said coming over to me and I smiled as he leaned down and kissed me.

"And what is mom supposed to do while you guys are having a guy's day?" I asked and Lloyd smiled.

"I have a day at the spa planned for you, Grandma Rita and Grandma Beverly and then tonight a mom and dad date night while Grandma Beverly and Grandma Rita watch the boys." Lloyd said and I smiled.

"Our moms are here?" I asked excited.

"Plane just landed, be here soon so hurry and eat. They wanted to see the boys for Mother's Day. I delivered." Lloyd said and I smiled.

"Best husband ever." I said and he smiled. We all sat on the bed and had breakfast together. I watched Lloyd with the boys and he seemed like a brand-new man, something in his changed overnight and I wasn't sure what, but I couldn't complain.


That night Lloyd and I were at dinner and I was smiling at him from across the table.

"Thank you so today, it was an amazing Mother's Day." I said and Lloyd smiled.

"You do so much and deal with my shit daily, you deserved it. I actually had an awesome day with the boys. I never noticed how amazing they were before. I don't think I have ever spent a whole day with them." Lloyd said and I smiled at him.

"They love you, like I love you. We all love you. All 4 of us." I said and Lloyd looked at me confused.

"4?" Lloyd asked and I looked at him and smiled. I pulled the positive pregnancy test from my clutch purse I brought to dinner, handing the test to Lloyd.

"3 kids and me, 4 of us." I said and Lloyd huffed a laugh.

"Another one? You sure we can handle it?" Lloyd asked. I leaned closer to Lloyd across the table.

"You kill people for a living, honestly that can be cleaner than some dirty diapers." I whispered and he laughed. "We can handle this. I mean I got hit by a car, I think I can handle anything." I continued and Lloyd rolled his eyes.

"I love you Pumpkin." Lloyd said.

"I love you more Pookey." I said and he smiled leaning in giving me a passionate kiss. 

🖤🧡🖤 THE END 🧡🖤🧡

Hope you enjoyed!

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