Chapter 7

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I usually don't have water breaks in my classes, but I couldn't focus because Travis was on my mind.

I told the lads (with a TON of attitude FYI!) to take a water break and be back on the floor in 10. That would be just enough time for me to text Travis.

Me: "Hey, what did you need to talk about?"

Bo<3!: " I wanted to talk"

Me: "Like us as in our relationship?"

Bo<3!: "Yeah, that kind of "us".

Me: "Why do u put us in quotation marks? Ur acting like we're done!?"

Bo<3: "Lena. I'm sorry. I just can't date someone long distance. I hope u can find someone better than me, I just think we should......stop dating....and maybe stop talking....I think that's best."

When I received that text, I couldn't control myself. My legs gave out from under me, and I completely collapsed right where I was standing. I start to sob and scream from the pain of heart break and the pain coming from my massive head ache.

Literally, as soon as I fell, every last boy in One Direction came to help me. Niall had helped me up and sat me on his lap. I couldn't really see well, but I think the other lads (besides Liam) were giving him VERY nasty looks. He just held me there, ignoring the looks he was receiving from Harry, Louis, and Zayn, and he rocked me while I sobbed. I noticed that Harry had my phone and was writing something on it.

Me: "Give me back my phone Mr.Styles"

Harry: "1: Call me 'Harry' love, and 2: I think you need our numbers."

Me: "No I do not! Just give me back the phone."

I hopped off of Niall's lap in tried to get my phone from Harry.

Harry: "Oooo! Who's Bo with a heart and exclamation mark?!?"


Travis wrote me another text. It said:


I'm sorry we had to end this way. To tell you the truth, I still love you. I will always love you. I just can't date someone as far away as you are. I think it's for the best that we forget about each other for a little while. It's killing me to even think about what your reaction is to this. Knowing you, you're probably on the floor crying because your legs have out. What ever you do, Do Not and I mean Do Not go back to ur old ways and u know what I mean.



Again, my legs gave out and I. Started to sob again. But this time instead of Niall helping me up (which he tried!!) Louis helped me and I sat next to him and he stroked my head. How did guys always know that I love when they stroke my head?!

Harry: "Love? Can I ask you what's the matter and what's making you this upset?"

All I did was hand him my phone and told each of them to go though what just happened between Travis and I. When Louis read it, he propped me up so he could hold me tighter.

Louis: "You don't need to worry. We're here for you. You don't need that Travis fellow. And I am sorry for what ever we did to make you hate us so much."



The Dancer (A One Direction Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz