Chapter 19

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After I had helped Lena get ready, I ran back over to my place. I sat on the couch and grabbed an ice cold beer from the fridge. God I love having my own place. At about 9 I shoot Lena a text telling to call me when she gets in or just give a ring in the morning.

At about 8:30 am the next morning I revived a text from lena.


IT WAS AMAZING!!! I WILL HAVE TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT TODAY!!! How does lunch sound? At noon head over to my place and we can talk! Plus I have some good news for you my love!

I gave her a quick text telling her that I would be over at noon sharp and that I couldn't wait to hear all about it and the good news she had in store for me. By the time I was actually awake and willing to do something, other than sit on the couch, it was 10. I got up and threw on an over sized gray sweatshirt and a pair over sweatpants. I looked like a total bum, but I didn't care.

I washed my hair in the deep sink I had put in and threw my soaking wet hair in a high messy bun, on the top of my head. It was just about time to head over to Lena's house by then. I made my way across the street, careful of all cars, and wandered to her front door.

She greeted me with a hug and motioned for me to come in and take a seat. She had some tea and carrot cake muffins out for us to munch on.


We sat down at the island in her kitchen and talked. She told me everything. She also started to tell me about a date that she was setting up for me.

Me: "So who is this date with?"

Lena: "I can't tell you! Sis it's a blind date! That would be cheating!"

**By the way: we call each other our "Sister" because we look and act so much alike**

Me: "Please tell me it's no hobo from the street!!'

Lena: "Haha no! Why would I do that?!?"


Lena: "Hahaha I promise! Just please do it! It's tomorrow night. Pretty please?!? For you sister from another mister?!?"

Me: "Ugh fine! I give in!"

We talked for a little while longer and she told me she was going to work out all the details. She told me to stop by her house at 6:45 the following night so she an drive me. I guess whomever I'm going on a date with tomorrow will drive me home. I'm nervous because I have no clue who this person is. It could be a serial killer for all I know!!

After some tea and muffins, we said our goodbyes and I headed home. I needed to get some cleaning done around the house before I went off with some random guy tomorrow.

*****NEXT NIGHT******

I just got to Lena's house. I'm shaking. My stomach is fluttering. I had a very hard time putting my make up on so I had Lena do it. She also chose my outfit. She chose a purple color shirt and a pair of my favorite jeans. I guess where ever we were going, it wasn't fancy. I don't really like fancy that much. I mean it's good once in a while, but not every day.

She threw my tiny dark red flats at me and I put them on. We got into her car and drove off. She said she was going to drop me off and than go out for coffee with Harry afterwards. Man she's really playing those lads. The surprising thing is: she's good at it too.

We parked in a field. That got me even more nervous than before. I saw Niall and someone talking and I saw that it was Liam. He looked as nervous as I did. Once we saw each other our shoulders dropped and we both let out a sigh of relief. Lena hocked her horn and left me there. Niall shot Liam a "Good luck" look and left him as well. It was just the two of us. In the woods. Alone.

Liam: "Hi! I'm Liam."

Me: "Haha Hi! My names Destiney. Wouldn't this be easier if we just moved closer to each other instead if screaming?"

Liam: "Haha great idea."

We both walked closer and found ourselves meeting in the middle. We both pulled into a hug and started to walk forward. We made small talk and told about ourselves. He had a very interesting life. Compared to his, mine was really normal.

He had a picnic set up and we ate while we talked and watched the sun set. It was the most beautiful colors and shades of red, orange, light purple, and yellow I have ever seen.

Liam: "Do you like the view?"

Me: "I don't like it. I love it! How did you find this place? It's"

Liam: "Out of the way?"

Me: "Yeah! Thats exactly what I was going to say too!

Liam: "Haha! I tend to do that a lot."

Me: "Me too! Haha we have a lot more in common than I thought we would."

Liam: "We do! To tell you the truth: I thought that Niall had set me up on a date with some slut he met off the road. And you are DEFINITELY no slut!"

Me: "Haha that's funny because I thought that Lena had set me up with a hobo off the street!"

Liam: "Haha I don't think I'm a hobo."

Me: "And I don't think I'm a slut."

Liam: "I KNOW your not a slut. Your very beautiful Destiney. You really are."

Me: "Thank you."*Starts to blush. Hides face with hair**

Liam: ***Gets close. Moves hair out of her face***

Me: ***Looks at Liam***

Liam: "Can I try something Destiney?"

Me: "Like what?"

Liam: "This." ***Kisses her***

When Liam kissed me I felt sparks. It was truly magical. When his lips met mine, my heart skips 100 beats. It felt as if I could die in that very moment, and I wouldn't care because I was with him. I was with someone who truly cared about me. Liam's the one. I can feel it.

I wonder how Lena's date is going?.......



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