Chapter 14

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Me: "I can't believe she actually had the nerve to say that! And just walk out!!! I have to find her!"

Niall: "Leave her be Hazz. Let her find Zayn."

Louis: "Yeah for once I think we should actually listen to Niall."

Liam: "She needs some space too. A LOT has happened all in one day for her."

Louis: "Yeah, I mean she just met us and we've been trying to make our move all day. She needs some quiet time."

Me: "We'll I don't care what you lads think I should do. I'm going to find them both. I'm not going to stand here and take her crap!"

Niall: "I thought you fancied her though?"

Me: "I do."

Liam: "Than leave her be."

Louis: "Plus if she is with Zayn, we can't forget about our bet."

Niall: "Oh yeah! Hazz you can't interrupt them if they're doing something! It's against the bro code!"

Me: "Ugh! I don't care about that! I just need her."

Niall: "Well, so do I."

Louis: "And so do I."

Liam: "I think you guys should drop this bet thing."

Louis: "Why?"

Liam: "Because, she's a very cleaver girl. If she knows your turning her into a giant game of 'let's see who can get to her first', she's just going to play you straight back."

Me: "She wouldn't do that."

Niall: "She's to nice and sweet."

Liam: "Ok don't believe me, but when she plays all of you, don't come crying back to me."

Louis: "She has been gone for a while though......"

Niall: "Yeah....I'm going with you Hazz."

Louis: "Yeah me too."

Me: "How about you Liam? Are you coming?"

Liam: "Ugh, I have nothing better to do, so sure I guess."

Me: "Ok, let's go. I think I know where they are."

We walked out of the building and out our hoods up so no one could recognize us. We walked over to the perfectly sized Weeping Willow tree and saw Zayn and Lena talking. Than all of a sudden, we see Zayn lean in and kiss Lena. She doesn't pull away. She doesn't kiss back. She sits there frozen.

Me: "I think I found them!"

I see Zayn nearly rip off Lena's lips by pulling away so fast. She looks at me with a sigh of relief and blushes terribly. Niall goes over there to start talking to Lena while Louis and I pull Zayn over to the side and Liam sits on the grass and messes with his phone.

Me: "What was that?!?"

Louis: "You caught her so off guard!"

Zayn: "She liked it though."

Me: "How can you tell?!?"

Zayn: "Right before you interrupted us, she let my tonge...."

Louis: "Stop. I can't take any more!!! She's mine!!"

Me: "No she's mine!"

While we were arguing, we didn't even notice Niall and Lena messing around. Niall was carrying Lena over his shoulder and she was screaming in laughter. They fell on top of each other. Than Niall grabbed her, whispered something in her ear, and they quietly left.



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