Chapter 13

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By the time Louis and I got down stairs, Harry's nose was bandaged up, Niall was eating God knows what, and Liam was checking his Twitter. Louis still held my hand tight as we walked through the door. Seeing Louis hold my hand granted him some very nasty glares from the other lads. When his grip finally released my hand, I noticed that Zayn was no where to be found.

Me: "Hey guys, where's Zayn?"

Liam: "He went to go find you. I think you need to find him. For all we know, that poor sap could be stuck in a tree."

Me: "Hahaha ok I'll be right back! And when I get back, you better have your "Rock Me" moves memorized!!!"

Harry: "I can't dance because of my nose love."

Me: "Haha nice try Harry. If I've danced with 4 broken toes on point, you can dance with a bloody nose."

After I told Harry off, I went on a search to find Zayn. I looked all over the studio and on every floor but I still couldn't find him. I decided to just give up. I needed some fresh air or a nice walk outside. I needed some time to let everything that's happened today sink in.

1.) I met One Direction.

2.) I am actually not hating them.

3.) I'm going to be working with them for a LONG time.

4.) One has held my hand, one has tried to kiss me, and I am letting one take me on a date this weekend.

This has been a crazy day. I walked out to the beautiful Weeping Willow tree in the back lot of the studio. I walked under it and found someone looking out to the small lake. I could tell who it was by the GIANT hair. It was Zayn.

Me: "Zayn? Are you ok?"

Zayn: "I don't know."

I went and sat beside him. We sat there for a good half hour before ether of us said anything. It was truly beautiful. It was spring, so all the trees were in blossom. There were pinks and reds and small buds falling off the tree we were sitting under. It made me think of Heaven.

Me: "We have to talk sometime."

Zayn: "I know we do. I was just hoping you would start the talking and I would jump in."

Me: "Haha. What's the matter though?"

Zayn: "Well, I don't know exactly.'

At that point he looked me in the eyes and I nearly melted. They way he looked at me was different than how I have been looked at before. Different even from how the other lads look at me. Those giant brown orbs locked in mine made me want to scream. Was I crushing on Zayn?!?

Omg it sure sounds like it! All of this was running through my head and then it happened. He leaned in close, closed his eyes and kissed me square on the lips. Just then we hear foot steps behind us, and we hear someone say, "I think I found them!" And that was when we were caught by the rest of One Direction snoggning under a tree.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HOPE U LIKED IT!!

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