Chapter 49

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When Desy and Lena were arguing, I wanted just to tell then both to stop. They're going to be sisters, so they should just stop. I couldn't hear what they were fighting about but when Lena walked away with tears in her eyes, I knew that something wasn't right here. I was just about to walk towards Desy, when Elisa came running out of no where and into Desy. They talked and then went running down the hallway to get Lena. They had a secret they were keeping from me. Just then I saw a strange man come down the opposite side if the hallway. He had a hood to cover his face and a black leather jacket.

Me: "Umm Can I help you?"

?: "Yes. Yes you can. I'm looking for Liam Payne from One Direction. Have you seen him around here?"

Me: "Yes. I am Liam Payne. What do you want?"

?: "My name is Mr. Blakemen. A little bird told me that you and your friends are in a little....pickle? Is that correct?"

Me: "Yes it is."

Just then Elisa, Desy and Lena came running down the hallway in scrubs. That got a slight laugh out of my mouth. They acted like they didn't even see me here. What's they're problem?

Mr.B: "Well, I can help."

Me: "How?"

Mr.B: "Magic. That's all it takes."

Me: "Magic? There's no such thing."

Mr.B: "Oh but on the contrary my good lad. You just have to believe and there will be magic."

Me: "I'll believe it when I see it!"

Mr.B: "Than allow me to show you."

Me: "Ok. Whatever you say Mr. Blakemen."

Mr.B: "Oh son. Please call me Mr.B."

I nodded my head and I followed him into a old supply closet. He told me to sit on the floor and close my eyes. I did what he said. He told me to clear my head of all distractions. I did. I cleared my head of Desy. I cleared my mind of everything with the Lads. I feel my body relax. All tension is gone. I actually feel sleepy. Mr. B was mumbling some weird words and then he put his hand on my forehead. He was speaking in Latin. I started to learn Latin. I could only understand a couple words here and there.

Mr.B: "(Speaking in different language) devil......lord.....enter his body......soul......mine...."

Right when he said soul and mine, I realized that what he was doing wasn't magic. It was devil worship. I was about to push him away, but a sharp pain resonated all over my body. I felt certain part of my body go numb and felt like I couldn't move them. I opened my eyes and pushed him away. I was getting up to leave, but his firm hand was on my shoulder.

Mr.B: "Where do you think your going son? Your under my control now."

Me: "What!? No I'm not!"

Mr.B: "Yes you are. Look down at your arms."

I did what he said and I saw my arms covered in blood and razor sharp metal objects sticking out from them. I nearly fainted seeing the amount of blood pouring out of my body.

Mr.B: "Now. Go kill Lena."

Me: "What?!? No! She's my sister! I love her! Why do you wanna kill her?!?"

Mr.B: "Because. She and her little friends have betrayed me. They tried to run from me. They deserve to pay the ultimate price."

Me: "I can't do this...what about her boyfriend?? And her friends?!?"

Mr.B: "Haha your really asking that question?? Why do you think Louis and Harry are in coma's? Why do you think Niall and Zayn had sudden 'Stomach Pains'? That was all my way of getting rid of them! Your the smart one of them all. I needed to keep you alive to have you kill the girls that are left."

Me: " want to kill all of us?"

Mr.B: "Besides you yes."

Me: "I'm not doing this. I can't. You can't make me."

Mr.B: "Oh really? Watch me."

Just then he raised his hand and I stood up. I tried to regain control of my body, but I felt like I couldn't move. He took over my body. He can make me do whatever he wants. He made me walk over and grab a very long and sharp surgical tool from the closet. You could tell how old it was by the layers of dust and rust on it. One good thing was that I can still speak as myself.

Me: "What are you doing?!?"

Mr.B: "Controlling you. Now. Lets go kill Lena."

He made me walk forward and out of the closet. I was holding the sharp object in my right hand and my left was clenched in a fist. I checked for her in Harry's room and when she wasn't there, I checked Nialls'. I had tears in my eyes as I walked up behind her. Her head was hanging low and she was hunched over. I noticed that she was holding a small bloody machine. I, nervously, walked right up behind her and stabbed the rusty metal tool into her abdomen. Her head shot back, the thing she was holding dropped to the floor and she looked me in the eyes. I mouthed the words I love you and watched as her eyes fluttered close.

I was forced to pick her up and rush out into the hall. I tried to scream for help, but I couldn't make a sound. My voice was gone. I walked right past people and they acted like they didn't even notice me carrying her. I started to walk a little further and I started to regain feeling. I, slowly at first, started to run and scream "SOMEONE HELP! SHE TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE!" And immediately nurses ran over and took her from my arms. I dropped to the floor and started to cry. What if she dies? It would be all my fault....what would I tell Niall if he wakes up? That the I murdered the love if his life? He would never speak to me again....what if he tried to kill himself because Lena died?


Hope you all liked this chapter! I know all you Liall fans are going to hate me, but I needed to do this! Comment and vote please!

Question Time!!!:

1.) Is Lena going to die?

2.) Is Liam going to be able to want the others before its to late?

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