Chapter 50

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I felt a cold wind blow over me. I can't move. I try to open my eyes, but they just won't budge. My body starts to shake and quiver. I feel weak. That's why I can't move. I'm to weak. This doesn't make sense. I force my eyes open and they are filled with a bright light. It's so bright I have to close then to save my eyesight.

I let my closed eyes get used to the color of the light, than I reopen my eyes. I can see the ocean blue skies above me. I tilt my head to the side, but feel a shooting pain going from my head, down my neck, and ending at the bottom of my spine. It made my eyes tear up, and fingers curl. I wanted to move. I pulled through the immense pain, and put both my my hands flat on the ground. I pushed myself up, and it took all the strength I had to get into a sitting position. I had lost all of my strength. I open my eyes and do a quick look over of my body. I'm bone skinny and starving. But not the starving where I would just go to Nando's and eat myself full. I needed actual proteins and milk.

I lifted up my shirt and I could see my ribs. "What the bloody hell happened?" I ask myself. I was never this skinny. I also had some muscle on me. This was completely out of the ordinary for me. I just sat there for what feels like hours, staring at the field I was laying in. I start to smell something foul. It smells like something died. From sitting and taking a break; I regained some strength. I decided to stand up. Again I pushed through the pain, and stood up. "Wow. That was hard." I say to myself. I take a couple steps, but then I'm about to fall over. I lean up against a tree to regain my balance. Again I smell that horrid smell. It's stronger now.

Still holding the tree, I walk around to the opposite side of it. What I find, is a dead body. Of who, I don't know yet. Something tells me to sit next to it and I do. It's face is being covered by hair and it's body is caked in dirt. It's hair is long and brown so I think it's a girl. She's skin and bones, literally. I move her hair out of her face and I'm horrified by who this is. It's Lena. Dead. Lena's Dead. All that rushing through my mind is: Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead........then I see a bright light and then it's all over......




It's dark, but I feel warm. It doesn't take me much time to realize that I'm standing. With my eyes still showered in darkness, I begin to walk forward. I try to open my eyes, but they won't budge. I take my hands and try to pull my eyelids open and I finally rip them open. I can feel the hot blood dripping down my face. I look in my hands and see what I feared. I ripped skin. But not my skin. My skin wasn't that dark of color. I feel around my eyes and feel little holes surrounding both of my eyes. I take a closer look at the skin in my hands and see that it has little nails in it. Than it hit me. It didn't look like my skin because it wasn't. It was someone else's skin nailed onto mine to keep me from seeing.

I throw the skin to the leafy ground below me and I start to walk forward. I walk out of the woods and into an open field. I see someone walk over a tree. He looks like he's about to collapse. He leans on the tree, makes a strange face, turns to the opposite side of the tree and falls. He begins to cry. Than I notice the dirty blonde hair. That's Niall. I take a few steps in his direction, than I hear someone call my name. I turn to see Aspen running towards me. I run and take her into my arms.

Me: "ASPEN!" *hugs her*

Aspen: "Haha don't squeeze to hard! Our little boy's in there!" *points to her stomach*

Me: "What?!?"

Aspen: "You do remember don't you?"

Me: "Remember what love?"

Aspen: " know then we....." *falls onto Louis*

I feel something prick my stomach and I prop Aspen up. Than I realize what happened. Blood is seeping through her mouth. Someone has shot an arrow and hit her heart. I look off into the woods behind me and see a dark figure go running off into the brush. I try to move but I can't. There's a bright light, then the nightmare is over.....




I feel something crawl on me. No, not one something, hundreds of something's slowly traveling across my skin and clothes. It feels terrible. I'm afraid to open my eyes or mouth because I don't want those things inside of me. I take a half deep breath through my nose and stand up. I feel most of them fall off of me, and I franticly rip the others off. I slowly open my eyes to look at I was covered in. They were maggots. Maggots only crawl on decaying things, and I for one was not dead. I start to walk, but then the most disgusting smell enters my nose.

I feel something drip on me, so I naturally look up. It's something hanging from a tree. Wait...not something...someone....and not just one someone, but there has to be about 15-20 dead bodies hanging in the tree. What dripped on me was blood. Something made me want to climb that tree. I was hesitant at first but then climbed with ease. I arrived at the first branch with someone hanging on it. I cut down the person, and see who it is. I move the hair out of her far and scream in horror.

I gently set her down and hold her. It's Elisa. Her face is caked in blood and dirt. I take out my knife and I'm about I cut my throat, then everything goes bright and I'm out of the nightmare....




I wake up leaning against a tree and my hat over my head. I try to move my hands my I notice they are tied behind me. I open my mouth to yuan and my mouth is gagged. I have to clue what's going on. I shake my head to get the hat off of my face. I notice I'm close to the water. The tide starts to roll in and out and I'm franticly trying to get out of these chains and onto dry land. I manage to shimmy one hand free, and that's enough the untie my whole body. I set down the chains I was tied with and run as fast to land as possible.

I lean against a tree and I smell something funny. I look up and I see Harry in the tree and he's cutting something down. I'm about to call his name and climb after him when I hear "ZAYN!!!" It was Becca calling me from the water.

Becca: "ZAYN!!! HELP ME!!! I'M DROWNING!!"

I can't swim. I can't save her. There a small raggedy dock leading out into the sea. I start to run towards the dock. I hear her screams become fainter by the passing minutes. I finally reach the closest possible point I can get to her without being in the water with her.



I sigh and weigh my options.

1.) Jump in the water and save the woman I love.


2.) Be a scarred little boy and watch the love of your life drown.

I rip off my shirt and jump into the water. I see Becca slowly get pulled under the water. I try to swim towards her, but I don't know how. This feeling scares me so I start to panic. I can feel my body slowly sink. Right before I drowned I saw Becca with something wrapped around her neck and she was dead. I started to cry and breath in the water to also die. But a sparkling light came over me and I was out of this living hell.....


Hope you all like this chapter!!!


1.) What do all of these lads have in common?

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