Success in escaping?

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Laura POV:
It was the middle of the night and i decided that NOW i'm gonna try to escape, i need to find a way out of here. I went to the attic to check if he was rest or whatever he do when he is in that situation and thank god he was. I quietly went back downstairs and walked to the window , i took a deep breath and turned around to check that i really was alone, then i slowly started climbing out of the window. My feet reached the ground and finally i was out , i slowly started to walk until i was a few meters away from the house i start running. Hours passed and i arrived at a place where i thought that it would be far away from him.  I went into a house and locked the door and all the windows , i collapsed on a chair and tried to catch my breath , i truly was scared that he would find me again but i needed to go out there i NEED to find a way out of this hell. The days have passed and he didn't find me yet but i still had no idea how i get back , nobody would find me they all think i'm dead and nobody knows that this shit place even exist. I took a deep breath until i unlocked the door and walked out of the house , red thunderbolts began to show up at the sky , i swallowed hard and started walking. Hours passed and i still walked , looking around to see if there was anything where i could hide "THIS ISN'T FAIR!! WHY ME!?!" i shouted and started crying , it was enough i wanna go home! To Mom! To Will! To Jonathan! To Hopper!! more tears streamed down my face , why does all this shit always happen to me!? I sighed and tried to focus on the situation.  I looked around again and finally saw a house , i walked to the house and went in it when i looked around i noticed frames at a shelf , i walked over to look at them and oh my god! It was Hopper with my mom! And there were more pictures , there was even one of me when i was a baby , i mean i always was close to Hopper he was always there for me but one day he started to avoid me more. I walked through the house and saw something under the ground , i grabbed it and it was a box full with papers ... i knew it was wrong but i started reading them until i found a paper what looked serious , i started reading it and it almost took my breath away.

yeah finally i made it to update a new chapter! I'm apologizing for not posting for so long but i was so busy at the moment! I'm really trying to update regularly! hope y'all doing good x

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