Chapter 20

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Wanda has been in be a really bad mood today. But she was also being a bit of a bully towards the four other littles. Nat has tried time outs and taken her toys away but she still seems to be getting her own way.

Tony had booked another day at the pool again because it was too warm. And they didn't like their pool which was lame. Yesterday was Kate now today is Wanda. It was like they were planning it all.

"Wanda NO!" Nat screamed watching as
Wanda had pushed Kate into the pool. Thankfully
she wasn't in headspace. Nat stormed over towards the girls.

"Kate are you okay?" Kate nodded holding
her chin.

"Can you go over to Clint or Laura please sweetie and they'll check you out" Kate nodded and walked over to the couple.

Nat picked Wanda up. She began thrashing around and Natasha walked over to the 4 women that where there and Lena and Kate. Who was slipping.

"I'm going to take Wanda to the restroom to have a conversation with her. Don't come in" nat spoke which caused everyone to nod except Kate and Yelena.

"Does it hurt hun?" Kate nodded.

"You're going to be okay but a bruised chin" MJ walks over. Maria and Sharon walked away from the group to grab something from the bar that was there.

"Hey Kate are you okay?" Kate nodded and laid
down on the chair that was next to Laura and Yn. Rubbing her eyes.

"What happened?"

"Wanda again" MJ rolled her eyes. And sat on the chair where Yelena was playing with her toys.

"Hey sweetie can I play?" She asked the blonde. She smiled when the little gave her a block and pointed to the pool. MJ was confused.

"She wants you to throw it in the pool" yn chuckled. MJ nodded and did what the little wanted her to do.

MJ threw the blue block into the water which made Yelena giggle and do grabby hands towards the older woman. MJ picked her up and took her to the pool. She looked at yn asking permission if she could take her in the pool. Yn chuckled and nodded.

Yelena was placed in the pool on the
woman's hip. She giggled splashing her arms in it. Maria and Sharon came back over and sat on the chair next to the woman and little.

"How is she?"
Sharon asked pointing towards the brunette laid

"She'll be fine. Just a bruised chin nothing
serious?" Maria sighed.

"What's up with her Wanda today?" Sharon asked looking around at the team then back at the older brunette in front of her. Yn shrugged not knowing what was up with Wanda today. Kate ended up falling asleep between yn legs.
MJ walked back over with Yelena in her arms.

"M- ma-ma" Yelena pointed towards a food court.

"Are you hungry baby doll?" She asked Yelena smiled babbling

"do you want me to take her?" MJ asked.

"If you want to. You can" yn chuckled watching
both her girls walk away.

All the littles, MJ, yn and hope where extremely
tired. They've been playing in the sun for the past 3 hours. Tony announced that everyone go back to the compound. Everyone agreed. Yn grabbed Lena and took her back to the compound.

When the girls walked inside the compound in YN's room she saw Nat laid on yn's bed and Wanda asleep in the crib in her room.

"If you want me to move her I will" Nat smiled.
Yn nodded, Nat picked Wanda up and took her to her own room before walking back into Yn's room.

"How'd it go?" Yn asked as she placed a sleeping blonde in the crib.

"Alright. She's not allowed her toys or tv for 3 days. She bit me when I placed her in time out. She's never acted like this before. Oh and she smashed the tv in my room with her powers" Nat sighed with an eye roll.

The brunette laid on the bed next to the redhead bringing the older woman on to her chest.

"I seriously don't know what's up with her" nat
finally let her emotions explode. She let the tears
fall down her face. Yn had never seen the older
woman like this before. She's only ever seen her be nice, and pissed as fuckkkk. But crying was
something new to her. She rubbed the redheads
back letting her cry it out into her chest before she spoke to her.

Once Nat had calmed from her crying.

"We'll both never know my love but she'll soon come out of that whatever she's in. If she becomes out of control we both know we'll have to get her out of headspace to talk to her. She's hurt Lena, Kate, MJ and Sharon. Bucky doesn't listen to what people say to him because that kid does not give a flying fuck" yn chuckled which Nat joined in with.

"Maybe when she wakes up I'll get her out of
headspace and ask her" Nat softly smiled looking up at the younger woman. Yn nodded while playing with the woman's hair. Making both girls drift off to sleep.

Nat was the first to wake up. She was half on top of yn as she slept. She stayed in her position for a while until she felt yn move a little.

"Hey" yn croaked out.

"Hey" Nat smiled moving herself from yn as she sat up. Yn smiled as she sat up being nat into a hug.

"That was a nice nap" Yn chuckled.

"Yes it was" nat smirked

"What are you smirking at?"


"Tell me"

"It's nothing" yn nodded.

Yelena woke up rubbing her eyes. She looked to her right and saw her mama and smiled. She began to play with her feet spitting everywhere with her tongue.

"Get dressed we have dinner with everyone in 20 minutes" the blue eyed girl nodded and quickly jumping out of bed.

She picked Yelena up and began to dress her in the brown tracksuit. Nat walked in with a really grumpy Wanda. But Yn walked in to her walk in closet.

"Nat?!" Yn shouted.


"Should I wear my birthday suit?" Yn smirked. Nat poked her head around the door in the closet with a raised eyebrow. Yn smirked
and winked at her.

Nat came running in.

"Yes" yn laughed.

"You really do like seeing me naked?" She asked.
Wanda came out from the bathroom, she looked at everyone and rolled her eyes before waking out of the room probably to the team. Yelena walking out behind her. She had come out of headspace. She hasn't been out in a while.

As yn and Nat stayed. Nat smirked coming towards the brunette. She wrapped her arms around yn's neck and the other woman wrapped her arms around the smaller girls waist.

"We're alone" Natasha smirked.

"Yup" Yn picked the green eyed girl up and threw her on her bed before running to her closet to get dressed.

"hate you Reyes" she sulks.

"No you don't. I'm pretty sure. If I'm 100% correct you want me to fuck you right now" yn smirked. Natasha blushed

My baby girl <3 x Yelena Belova Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum