Front Office - 4

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TW: Fl slur used

It is. The inside it just as bad as the outside. There's trash on the floor, from brown paper towels to soda pop cans. The hallway in front of me goes three ways. Directly in front of me is the cafeteria, two big doors separate me from it but I can still hear the breakfast commotion inside. Bitting my shark biten lips I make my way down the hallway to my right. Following a sign pointing to the front office.

Kids in the hallway steal stares at me, some girls giggle and whisper to their friends whilst the boys glare at me with devilish smiles. I pay the boys no mind as they shove and punch each other as I walk past them. Before I know it people are looking away from me and behind me and I couldn't give a shit as kids start running towards a loud commotion. Some running into me as they hurry past. A short boy holding both his bag straps tightly, stumbles past me, a boy in a red jacket helping him keep his balance. "Open your bug eyes and watch were the fuck you're going!" I shout backwards, directed at the short kid who had obviously not done it on purpose. He gives me a sympathetic look, his eyes furrowing to concern as the red jacket boy tugs him hard because the commotion they're running towards gets louder.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" I hear what sounds like a huge group of children chanting. Pausing I turn around and stand up tall to see who's in the middle of it all. Due to the fight being down the other hallway I get no luck and can't see the people in the fight. "Shit is that Vance?" A tall black haired boy curses as he hurries past me, a boy wearing a bandana by his side. The shorter boy, the bandana wearing one glares at me as we walk past each other. Just for a moment I scowl down at him, I've been told I have a resting bitch face so I use it to its fullest potential. Finally I make it to the office and push the door handle down, kicking the door open with my foot the rest of the way.

"This where I can get my schedule?" I start to talk to the nice looking fat lady behind the front desk but she seems in a panic. "Hi! Yes! Sorry I'll get back with you in one moment!" She smiles happily at me but her smile fades to anger as she power walks past me and out the office door. I'm left alone in the silence of the dusty smelling office. The chanting and cheers grow louder than ever, a whistle being blow in the ruckus only seems to worsen the noises. Without much else to do I throw my bag in one of two waiting chairs and sit in the one next to it.

What feels like an eternity later the nice day lady comes back into the office and immediately speaks to me. "Sorry about that sweetheart, what did you need?" She speaks sweetly as she sits down at her desk and spins in her chair that's missing a back rest but not the arms. "My schedule." I mutter, my eyes wandering across the small colourful trinkets and nicknacks on her desk. Rubber ducks, small Dalmatians and cards obviously left from students.
"Oh of course, and what's your name?" She smiles at me, I like this lady she's different from this dingy and shitty place. "Y/N  Y/M/N, Y/L/N." I reply, tapping my ringed fingers on the arm rest of my chair.
"Alrighty... Y/N... Y/L/N. Here it is! Let me print this off for you and you'll be good to go." The printer makes a buzzing noise and then a loud pop. The fat lady tsks and spins across the space to the printer.
"Darn thing! I just got it fixed, I'm sorry sweetheart can you want a few more minutes?" She spins back to her desk and gets up. "Yeah sure." I mutter. I'm not excited for class anyways.

A loud scratch like noise echos in the room, her nails dragging against her desk I assume. She swiftly safety pins a name tag onto her blouse that reads 'Ms. Blum'. Her attention is pulled from her name tag as the office door is pulled open, even more loud arguing and noises fill the room.

"Boys! Boys! Quiet down! Quiet down!!" She shouts at the group of boys, successfully yelling over them only the second time. "Sorry Mis. Blum." The short boy who ran into me earlier mutters and steps in, he glances at me before fully stepping in. Behind him is the red jacket boy, blood on his palms, definitely not his. Behind him is the tall boy and the bandana boy, the boy with the bandana has bloody hands and a busted bottom lip. Just like a clown car two more boys walk in, a boy with fluffy brown hair with a black cheek and dirty shirt like he'd be crawling on the floor. The last guy looks like the oldest and most pissed off of them all. He's a handful for sure. His nose is bleeding and his hands and some of his arms are covered in blood. Sighing I grab my bag and place it between my legs.

"It's alright Griffin, you boys wait here, I'll go get supplies to clean you up." Mis. Blum frowns and places her hand on my shoulder before leaving. I glare up at her and cock my eyebrow. "Can you wait just a little longer? We're short staffed and I have to take care of these boys first." Instead of wasting my breath I nod and watch her leave.

"Fucking bitch, I should've knocked Mooses fucking teeth in." The blonde haired boy snarls, angrily throwing himself down in the chair next to me. Bandana boy jumps on the desk and sits facing us. "We'll get him early next time." He says, but the blonde one seems even more pissed off by his comment. "There won't be a next time, those fuck tards even LOOK at you funny Finn, come tell me and I'll beat them to a pulp." He growls out, glaring between the two boys. "Right, Finn you alright?" The bandana boy asks, looking from blondie to the fluffy brown haired boy who must be Finn. "Yeah I'm ok, thanks for defending me guys." "Of course, that's what friends are for." Red nods, pats Finns back and smiles.

I seek no interest in their conversation, instead of listening to them I get up and hold my bag in my hand. Paying their glances no mind as I slide into Mis. Blums chair and click around on the computer. "Damn." I grunt looking around her desk for her password. The boys go quiet and glance back at me, their talking interrupted by my searching for her password.

"What are you up too new kid?" The tall black haired boy asks, leaning his arms on the desk to look over it and at me. "Don't call me new kid." I tell him with a scowl, but smile when I find a pin code on her pull out keyboard. "Bingo." I quickly type in the password, student enrollment pops up- guess she didn't have time to close it.

"What should I call you then?" Ignoring him I type in my name and pull up my schedule. "He's fucking talking to you, punk." Blondie snaps, a hate filled glare sending daggers at me. "Vance it's all good, chill." The tall boy says, blondie aka Vance, grunts and goes back to pouting. Arms crossed over his chest like a child. Tall dude looks back down at me and smiles. "I'm Bruce Yamada." I quickly grab a pen and write my schedule on my arm. I close the pen and turn back to the computer. Studding the screen that reads all my personal information. "And uhm, this is Robin Arellano, Finney Blake-" "Finn, call me Finn." Finn interrupts Bruce and nods at him, Bruce nods back and smiles. "Finn Blake, Billy Showalter and Griffin Stagg. Now it's your turn, what's your name?" Bruce introduces everyone not waiting for them to say their hellos. I glare up at him and clear my throat. "And the hot headed-blondie?" I ask, leaning back in the chair, throwing Bruce a metaphorical bone. "Vance Hopper, now fucking tell us your name, you flamer." Vance snaps and shifts in his chair to lean forwards, as if to threaten me.

Smiling at his comment, I tiredly click it all away and power off the computer. "Flamer? Is it the pericings? Or the raging boner you got when you saw me?" I sneer, honestly expecting to have to fight the kid. He goes red, not from blush, but from seething anger. "Vance don't- dude he's not worth it." Robin says jumping off the desk as Vance stands up and takes a harsh step.

Seconds after my comment Mis. Blum comes back in. "Alrighty! Ive got the stuff." She pauses and looks between all of us. Sensing the obviousness of the grown tension. "You better not be starting another fight Vance, another one and you'll be suspended." She warns the fuming boy. Robin pushes him back into his chair, that seems to calm him down a bit.

Sticking around is definitely a bad idea, so I slip out of the desk area, shooting Vance a wink and flirty smile. Now, I know what you're thinking- Flirting with a child? That's disgusting Y/N! Cut me a break, the dudes an asshole and I obviously don't have a fucking crush on the guy.

Instead of reacting with anger, like I thought he would. He crosses his arms and looks me up and down, his eyes landing on mine a bit softer than before.

"Oh sweetheart don't leave just yet! I'll get your schedule soon." Ms. Blum says I pause in the doorway and smirk. "Nah don't worry about it, thanks anyways Mis. Blum." With that I leave the office and look down at my arm. "First hour English, great." The sarcasm is just about the only thing that felt right about that last sentence.

Authors note:
P.S. any words in italics is your inner thoughts

Manifestation of Manipulation - Vance Hopper x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now