Cuffed - 49

671 18 12

(Photo from:

TW: sexual activities implied

Robin's POV:
I cross my arms and give Finn a sarcastic glare. "What do you think?" I ask him, he sighs deeply and throws himself down on his bed. "It's definitely one of your stupidest ideas." Finn comments, Billy groans and sits down on Finns desk. "They kissed! In my hammock! Twice! No doubt they have feelings for each other, they're just denying it because they think it's complicated. Which it's not, they like each other back and they don't know, that's the problem. They're too blind to see it. But we-WE see it, for them." Bill defends his really dumb plan with an equally really good explanation.

"Alright, fine. I'm in. Finney, babe, how bad could it be?" I say, Finn blushes and sits up, glaring at me. "How bad? Vance is going to kill us, and who knows what Y/N's going to do! There has to be a better way to get them to confess their feeling then handcuffing them together and locking them in Billy's basement." Finn doesn't put Billy down lightly, I shrug and scratch under my bandana. "I admit it does sound pretty extreme." I comment, Billy sighs and crosses his arms. "Fine. What if we just handcuff them together, steal the keys, and leave them at his house? No tricking them to pick us up and hang at my place." Billy tweaks his original plan for the better.

"I'm fine with that. I'd just be worried we'd send Vance into another episode if we locked him in your basement, you know?" Finn mumbles, Billy nods and stands up. "You're right, I'm sorry for suggesting that, it was dumb, I don't want Vance to have to deal with that. Not again. So we're all good with stealing Y/N's handcuffs, handcuffing them together, running away with the key and then playing the waiting game?" Billy asks, looking at me this time. I nod at him and wave at Finn. "I'm ok with it if Finn is." Finn nods and gets up. "I'm fine with that. You think it'll work? I'm sick of them denying it over and over again." Finn chuckles and stands directly next to me.

"I think so, it's perfect timing too, it was written all over Vance's face today. Oh I'm so in love with Y/N." Billy mocks Vance with a high pitched voice and makes kissing noises. I laugh and hook my arm around Finns hips. "Shut up dude, Vance will kill you if he hears you say that." I tell Billy, who laughs in response and hisses out. "Well I don't see him around." He defends himself and shrugs with his hands. "Vance has eyes everywhere." Finn smirks and grabs my shoulders. "You're right. I take it back." Billy acts afraid, but quickly throws it out and laughs.

"When are we doing this? You have work all weekend, you didn't plan on hooking them together for school I assume." Billy smirks and begins to leave the room, Finn and I drop our arms and follow him with smiles. "Right now! They'll have all weekend to get together, if it fails, well then I'm out of plans." Billy confesses, a hint of hopefulness in his voice.

*** Time Skip ***

Y/N's POV:
Vance and I have been relaxing and watching a show for at least a hour now. It's almost dinner time and we plan on going out to eat, I finally have my car back, without a horrible word scratched into the side.

A loud knock at the front door pulls both of our a
attention away from the TV. "I'll get it." I tell Vance, he nods and relaxes again. I shuffle past him and hurry to the door as the person knocks again. "Coming!" I holler, I grip the door handle and look through the peephole. Outside is a widely smirking Billy and two smiling dorks behind him, Finn and Robin. I tug the door open and let them in. "Hey guys, what are you doing here?" I ask as they pile in, their smiles fading. "We wanted to make sure you were doing ok." Robin nods at me, I close the door and smile. "I'm ok, thanks guys." I thank them for worrying about me, Robin nods again and turns to look at Vance who's already being pestered by Billy.

Manifestation of Manipulation - Vance Hopper x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now