Cringe - 48

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(Photo from:

I watch Vance play pinball, his eyes glued to the metal ball he is tactically hitting around. I'm careful not to bump the machine or to pull his focus away, he's had a long day too and it seems pinball is a bit of a stress reliever. He bought us snacks and begged me to let him play for a bit, it didn't take much for me to cave in and allow him to spend the rest of his money on pinball. Which was three quarters, he's already used two and is on his last one. Each game he's played has taken awhile, but him slightly sticking out his tongue and dodging the corners as if he's the pinball himself has made up for it.

"You're pretty good." I comment, my eyes watching the pinball bounce. "I know." He says, smirking when I chuckle and sit down on a stack of newspapers on the window sill. "You're cute too, your tongue sticks out when you get really focused." I tease him quietly, he pulls his tongue back into his mouth and sucks his bottom lip in. "Fuck off Y/L/N." He smirks at me for a second and then looks back to the game.

I hum and take a drink of my Tab, setting it between my legs and watching him focus again. His tongue slightly slips through his lips again as he leans down a bit to focus hard. "So rude." I lightly tap his leg with my shoe, he smiles and gently stands up, moving his foot to kick my knee. "Says you, prick." He teases back, he goes quiet and zones back in.

I leave him to it and gaze out the window behind me, taking another small drink. "Shit, it went straight down the middle." Vance huffs out, leaning his side on the machine. "Damn, did you loose?" I ask and put my attention back on him. "Yeah, let's go." He says, not waiting for me to answer once again. I follow him out of the gas stop and to the car.

"I probably have more quarters lying around somewhere if you wanted to come back tomorrow." I offer him, he shrugs and grabs my thigh as soon as I get comfortable in the car. "Nah, I'd rather hang out with you." He says, his eyes moving to look out his window. I blush and start the car, interlacing my fingers with his. Fuck. I'm actually head over heels for this guy, aren't I?

No matter how hard I try I can't keep the smile from forming on my face. Vance Hopper, you have.. Officially swooned me. I say in my head, smiling at the man beside me who doesn't see it. He must've felt me starting because he turns around and chuckles. "What?" He asks, his face going red, I shrug and look away to drive. "Don't worry about it." I tell him, lifting his hand in mine to kiss his palm. "How can I not, you're acting so.. Cringe." He smirks when I laugh and place his hand back on my thigh. "First off, ouch and secondly I am not acting cringe."

"Lair." He says and squeezes my thigh, I keep smiling and shrug. "Whatever." I tell him, I can't keep the smile off my face for once, I guess after finally admitting it to myself it took a huge weight off. Now there's the concern it'd ruin things.. He might not actually like me back.. I like him, yes I like thee one and only Vance Hopper. Wow, that's a well deserved slap to the face.

"Y/N, you're freaking me out. I'm glad you're.. Happy, but uh- would you stop smiling into space?" He laughs but sounds more concerned by the second. "Yeah sorry, I'm a happy. That's all." I let my smile fade a bit, in turn his smile widens. "Good." He nods, I nod back at him and tighten my grip on his hand.

Authors note:
Another short chapter

Posted twice bc they're both short chapters, kinda makes up for it I think 🤭

Manifestation of Manipulation - Vance Hopper x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now