White Knuckle Grip - 14

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(Photo from: Lavells for Leisure on flicker - from Pinterest)

TW: fa and r slur used
(The r slur is censored)

Y/N's POV:
Saturday morning is rolling by soooo slowly, like painfully slow. I don't have a television set up yet and all of my bored games are at my old house. So far I've done quite a bit of unpacking and decorating my now poster filled room, but there's only so much I can do before I loose my mind. Normally it wouldn't be a problem to get it all done right away, actually I normally enjoy spending hours decorating.

Today is just not my day, because my parents left me with no food and no source of entertainment. Plus it's not like I can call the guys, I don't have any of their numbers, I'm not even sure if I did that they'd be cool hanging out with me two days in a row. Houston kids are weird about it, like there's nothing to do in Houston so any time I met up with my old side friends it was more of a chore for all of us. I have my car keys though, maybe I can go to Julie's diner? Nah that'd be weird, right? Two days in a row. What if I just go pick up some weekend snacks from the store? That honestly sounds like the best- No, the only option. Snacks it is, I guess.

*** Time Skip ***

After driving around for a bit I eventually found a Safeway grocery store. With 40 bucks my parents left me I begin buying groceries. Pushing the loudly squeaking trolley around.

My eyes are lidded as I roll around getting only the essential's. I wish I went back to bed and just starved. I think, my eyes scanning through bread, trying to find what my mother normally buys. And I left my old grocery list with the exact bread on it, in the car. Great going me.

Instead of reading through all of the brands I pick one out that looks the same... Or maybe it's similar? To the bread I think we get. I place it in the trolley and wheel myself towards the frozen goods. For some reason someone thought it was a good idea to let a bunch of kids run around alone, and I can tell because I can hear the teens loudly laughing on the other side of the coolers.

I pull open a cooler and grab two cheese pizzas. My mother is vegetarian, not by choice it's for dietary reasons, but she doesn't mind it and I want to make sure if I don't end up eating these pizzas that she will. I toss the pizzas in the trolley and spin around the corner, riding the edge of the trolley. I'm definitely too heavy to be doing this anymore but who cares!

I want to continue living in my head but the said group of teenagers are the one and only group of boys, all still dressed in pj's. I'd say something but I am not in the right mind to deal with them, so instead I keep walking and leaning my chin on my hands, my hands gripping the trolley.

Let's see... Waffles... Waffles... Looking around every isle corner I eventually find the frozen waffles. I grab a box of chocolate chips waffles and toss it into the trolley. Should be enough.

*** Time Skip ***

Carrying my groceries out of the store and heading back to my car is surprisingly easy. Though I have 5 bags I manage just fine. I get to my car and pop the trunk, toss the bags in and slam the trunk. I breath out heavy and take my keys back out to unlock the doors. Before I do I pause in confusion.

"What. The. Fuck?!" I yell, diving to my knees to feel the key marks in my car. They're not random though, it' perfectly spells out 'Faggot'. I scoff and stand angrily, I grab the roof of my car and lean over taking deep breaths.

God damn it. God fucking damn it! Who would even do that?! I yell in my head, slamming my fist on the cars roof, I sigh deeply and back way. Running my hand down the back of my head, shoes scrapping pavement behind me makes my heart skin to my stomach.

"Hey faggot! I've seen you hanging out with those other fairies!" I spin around on my heels and smile at the curly brown haired boy. "You're the one who did this? What the fucks your deal?" I growl as he comes closer, I bawl my hands into fists as he stalks even closer.

"I just told you! What, are you r*t*rd*d too?" The boy sneers, I scoff and clench my jaw. Never swing first, especially because this guys a minor, I'm not getting into trouble for some name calling. Just calm down.

"Bullshit, you called me a faggot, that's not explaining yourself." I sternly add, unclenching my fists to stare at him like the idiot he is. "I think that explains itself!" He yells at me, I roll my eyes and jingle my car keys and laugh. "Hardly, I'm not even a fag." I smile at him, he frowns deeply and steps even closer.

"Doubt it, you hang out with those dead kids, everyone knows they're all a bunch of fags." "Dead kids?" I question, ignoring the hate he's throwing to avoid more confrontation that pisses him off. I'm really not looking for a fight today. "You don't even know? You're in deep shit kid, I won't have to deal with you myself. They'll get you killed before I even get a swing in." He sneers, sighing I cross my arms. "You have got to be the most vague, cliche bully of all time."

Instead of using another insult he swings at me, I duck and dodge his punch easily. He stumbles past me, giving me the perfect grip. I grab his arm and hair, slamming his face against my cars roof. "Now, what the fuck was that?!" I yell, bending his arm so he can't get me. I bend it hard as he reaches for me. "Ah! Listen twerp." I growl, pressing my full weight against him. "Fuck with me or my friends again I will embarrass you 10 times harder." He wiggles in my grasp and yells.

"Let go you freak!" I scoff and tighten my grip. "Alright, whatever, get the fuck out of my sight." I laugh, shoving the kid off my car and onto the pavement. He falls backwards and lands on his ass, gets up quickly and scowls at me. "Run along asshole." I snap, he does so and scampers away.

I sigh and look back down at my car, the word scratched deep into the paint. "Fuck..." I mutter, glancing at the sun shade that had been left down, the pictures of my friends and I left for the world to see.

"Fuck.." I whisper, running my hand over my mouth. I move towards my trunk, my throat tight as I pop it open. I dig through the bags until I find my drink, Cola once again. I crack it open on the trunks latch and take a drink hopping to clear my throat of it's tight feeling. I don't want to cry nor to I feel like it, it's more of a worried feeling. I'm not sure what my parents are going to say when they see it.

"Y/N?!" I hear someone call my name, more like a question though. I tightly grip my glass and slam my trunk. Not now. Not them. I can't let them see it. I don't know what they'd say. I ignore the calls and hurry towards the drivers side. I swing open my door and grip the door hard. My throat tightens even more as Bruce jogs close to my car with his normal smile. He's the only one close enough to see me as I look up at him.

His smile fades and he slows down. "Woah, what's wrong?" He asks, caustically moving toward my car. "Nothing man, I'm just not in the mood." I grumble flipping my car shade up and climbing in. I slam my door and turn on the radio. Bruce leans down and looks in the passengers side window as I lean my head on the steering wheel. He opens the door and waves the boys to wait a second. He climbs in and closes the door softly, turning the music down carefully. "What's the matter?" He asks, I glare at him and scoff.

"I said nothing, get out Bruce. It's really just too early, I'm not a morning person." I mutter, looking away from him, he sighs and nods. "Alright, cya Monday I guess.." He mumbles, climbing out, as soon as he closes the door I drive off. White knuckling the steering wheel.

Authors note:
Thanks y'all for all your love and support!
I'm happy y'all are here for the story I have to tell <3

Manifestation of Manipulation - Vance Hopper x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now