Overworked - 51

672 21 8

TW: vomiting

Vance's POV:
"Vance, Vance get up- please get up." Y/N's drowned out voice pulls me out of my deep sleep, I blink my eyes hard and pull them open. "Y/N?" I mumble, blinking at the brightness of the room. "Vance I'm going to be sick, please get up, please!" Y/N begs me, shaking me gently, I sit up fast and swing myself out of bed to stand next to him. He's a bit hunched over, his face drained of its colour and his eyes sunken. "Shit shit ok, let's go." I grab by boxers off the floor and rush him into the bathroom. As soon as he lifts the toilet lid he vomits, I tug my boxers on and rub his back.

"You're overworked." I tell him quietly, speaking only seems to make it worse as now he's crying softly. I bend down next to him and frown as he vomits whatever is left in his system. "I feel fucking horrible." He groans, sitting up slowly so he doesn't get sick again. "Do you want to see if a shower will help?" I ask, rubbing his leg as he flushes the toilet and closes the lid. He nods and carefully picks himself up. He's wearing his boxers, I assume he woke up and was getting dressed when it hit him.

"Yeah, but first call Billy. I want these fucking handcuffs off, this is the last thing I want to deal with when I'm sick." He mutters, slowly walking out of the bathroom and too his room, using the wall to help him. I grab his arm and hold him up so he doesn't have to use the wall. "I'll make that little shit cough them up." I threaten Billy, Y/N laughs and sinks to the floor once we get into his room. "Thanks babe." He teases me and closes his eyes, resting his head on the beds frame stuck out bottom. "Babe?" I smile, sitting down next to him. He shrugs and lays his head on my shoulder. "Just let me have this one." He whispers, I laugh and nod. "Sure."

*** Time Skip ***

I called Billy, he told me to call Robin, who in turn told me to call Finn to get the keys. Finn stopped by, slid the keys under the bedroom door and apologized profusely, through the door, to Y/N and I until we were dressed. Y/N had to convince Finn it was fine, and by the look on Finns face when he left tells me he knows exactly what happened between us.

Y/N's POV:
Vance reads a comic book as I shower, I'm sitting on the tub floor and washing sweat out of my hair. The warm water washes away the sick feeling a bit, along with the dried cum and sweat as a bit of a bonus. Vance clears his throat and tosses the comic book into the sink. "You doing alright?" He asks me, I smile and lay my head in my knees. "You treat me like I'm breakable Vance Hopper, but yes I'm ok." I smile and look towards him as he peeks his head in the curtain. "Just making sure." He smiles down at me, closing the curtain and sitting back down on the toilet lid.

"How about you? Hm? No swelling?" I ask and suck my bottom lip in. "I'm ok, getting this.. Stuff off me would be nice." He says, obviously avoiding saying cum. "You could, get in too if you wanted to. I won't peek. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye." I swear, smiling at myself as I scrub shampoo into my hair. "I can be honest with you, so I'm going to be. I am way too fucking embarrassed." Vance truthfully tells me, picking at his finger nails anxiously. "Oh for sure, you're good. I'm not a snowflake Vance, and.. I won't make you do anything." I tell him, he chuckles and stops picking at his nails, immediately calming at my response. "Thanks, Y/N."

Authors note:
Just a short sweet chapter to accommodate those who are mentally scarred from the last chapter lmao

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