Finns Tent Apartment - 32

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(Song by: Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell, Ain't No Mountain High Enough)

TW: fluff, lemon..?, choking and a bit of hair pulling
(I think lemon is in between fluff and smut..? Idk)

Night is slowly but surly falling, the tent was finished just before the misquotes came out. Gwen and Donna are staying at Susie's tonight, since her dad didn't want them in the tent with us. All of us that are left are taking up the two rooms, the hallway between the tents a bit smaller than the tents themselves. On one side is where Finn, Robin, Griffin and Billy are going to sleep and on the other side is Bruce, Vance and myself.

We're all laying around in the side of the tent I'm sleeping in, talking and listening to the radio. Everyone's changed into sleep clothes and relaxing on pillows and in sleeping bags.

"You guys wanna play a game?" Billy eagerly chimes into our boring conversation about how bitchy our school teachers are. "Depends, what game?" Finn shrugs, giving him a knowing face. "Truth or Dare!" The group groans loudly, it must be a Billy specialty. I laugh slowly and rest my head on my hand. I'm laying on my side, smiling at the boy. "Do you often ask to play?" I laugh, he rolls his eyes and replies. "Every time we hang out, but these assholes never want to play!" He exclaims angrily, obviously disappointed.

"Because it's boring." Bruce says, Billy is about to speak up but Robin does first. "And you guys have shitty truths." Robin says, once again Billy goes to defend the game but can't. "And dares." Griffin adds, Finn laughs and speaks up too. "And Vance always makes us do dumb shit, I got grounded last time we played. For two weeks!" Finn shouts, Billy furrows his eyebrows and points a bright flashlight at him. "That's the fun of it, Vance likes Truth or Dare because he takes is seriously." Billy says, Finn slaps the flashlight out of his face, Billy turns it off and keeps talking.

"I mean, come on guys! Don't be so sour, our childhoods almost over!" Billy whines, he's got a point. Everyone looks sad at that comment, everyone but Vance. "You twerps are boring as fuck, just play the game." Vance says from his sitting position across from me. "I'll play." Robin says, Billy has a silent party and looks to the others. "Babe, come on?" Billy says, gesturing his hands to Griffin, he sighs and nods. "Ok fine, I'll play too." He says, a smile appearing when his boyfriend has an arm swinging celebration. "I'm in." Finn nods, he looks at Bruce who is bitting his cheek and thinking.

"Bruceeeeee." Robin starts, the others join in until Bruce huffs out loudly. "Fine! But if it's boring like usual I'm bailing." He seriously eyes each boy, a finger pointing at each of them. "Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye." Billy says, a hand over his heart and the other over his eye. "Y/N, are you in?" Billy asks, a smile spreading on his face when I laugh. "Sure, I can't be the only party pooper." Billy cheers and falls backwards on purpose for dramatic effect, making everyone laugh, even Vance laughs. He seems to lighten up a bit around them, like he has been with me, I guess I've finally made my way into their group.

"So who's first?" Finn asks, looking to Billy for directions. "I'll go first, it was my idea." He smiles, scanning the group. "Bruce, truth or dare?" Billy asks with a smirk. "Truth." Bruce says and moves to sit criss crossed in the circle that our group has formed.

"Do you have any female interests?" Billy teases Bruce slightly. He bites his lip and smiles softly, shrugging. "Yeah maybe, I'm kinda digging Morgan." Bruce laughs looking at me, I smirk. "Ooooo!" Finn and Griffin ooo with large smiles.

"My turn right? Robin, truth or dare?" Bruce asks, Robin hums and looks at Finn for help, Finn just smiles at him. "Dare I guess." He says cooley, Bruce thinks for a second before clapping. "I dare you to blindfold yourself and wrestle Billy." Bruce dares him.

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