Early Dinner - 12

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(Photo from: reallancastercounty.com)
When I was looking for good photos I stumbled across this one that looks identical to what I was visioning, I wasn't sure I was gonna add a photo for this chapter but when I saw this I new I had to. 😫

Finns POV:
I grab Robins arm before we fully make it out of the clearing. He pauses and looks back at me with a smile, I lean over and kiss my boyfriends cheek. The quarry has always been a some what romantic spot, Robin and I went on a double date with Billy and Griffin when they had first gotten together, so it's a deserved kiss.

"I love you Robin." I smile, letting go of his hand as he turns more towards me. "You're too sweet Finney Blake, I love you too." Robin pecks my lips once more before turning away. I feel my cheeks heat up as I follow him, noticing Y/N turning away from us. Gosh, I hope he didn't see...

Y/N's POV:
"We're running out of day light, at this rate we'll be freezing to death instead of drying off." Bruce laughs, pulling his shirt up and over his head. I bite my cheek and look out over the dark water.

"Scared, pussy cat?" Vance smirks at me, pulling his hair back into a ponytail. "Sacred? Why would I be?" I question, he shrugs and looks away, pulling his shirt off and tossing it to the side. He's well built, definitely a naturally kind of build. Sighing I sit down and untie my shoes, trying to ignore the fact everyone else is getting undressed.

(Pork Soda was playing while writing that🥲 If you are an Eddsworld fan you understand lmao kinda ironic actually...)

The sounds of splashing and laughing tells me the boys have already gotten in. I look up to see Vance kicking his pants off and tossing them to the side, he looks back at me and then turns around after making eye contact.

I quickly remove my clothes and toss them in a pile. My eyes can't help but catch a glimpse of Vance sinking into the water. Get your head out of the gutter. I found out he's not a minor and immediately swoon over him. Get a grip! I scold myself, Griffin places a towel down next to my stuff and smiles at me. I smile back as the boy hurries towards the water. I'm the only one not in yet, I run my fingers through my hair and walk towards the water edge. I walk in and let the cold water ingulf me.

Shivering I sink all the way under and pop back up. Pulling my hair out of my face and pushing it back. I smile watching the boys tackle each other and try to drown one another. Donna swims up next to me to avoid the ruckus. "Y/N?" She asks, I nod and smile at her. "Donna?" She giggles and nods too, rubbing her arms slightly. "I don't know why they enjoy swimming after school so much. It's always too cold by this time." She says. "I was just thinking the same thing, we could've come early tomorrow since it's the weekend."

Donna raises her hands up and lets them back down limply on the waters surface. "Exactly!!" She calls, giggling with me once again. She calms down and crosses her arms over her chest. "You're nineteen, right?" She asks softly. "Yup." I reply, not really knowing what else to say. "Sweet, that makes you the new dad of the group." I look over at her with a funny look and smile.

"I thought Vance was?" Donna shakes her head and laughs. "No way, Vance is more like our angry Uncle who gets us into trouble, but Bruce is our mom for sure." Donna laughs, making me smile wide. I watch Vance as he tackles Finn, Robin failing to fight him off for him. I laugh loudly and cover my mouth when Vance notices me.

"You laughing pretty boy?" He sneers, I laugh harder at his comment and cover my eyes. "Pretty boy? Wow such an upgrade from all your other rude comments! I'm flattered, Vance, really." I say loudly, he pouts and treads water towards me. "Come here you little shit, I'm gonna fucking make you forget I ever said it!" He yells, I scream and swim away quickly, treading water ever so slower than he.

"Swim faster! He's gaining on you!" Griffin yells at me, I laugh and try to pick up my pace only for Vance to crash into me and pull me under. I hold my breath and fight him as he begins to tickle my sides. I burst out of the water laughing and coughing, he sneers and tickles me harder. "Ahahah! St-Stop!" I shout trying to shove the strong boys hands away from my sensitive sides.

"Say you forgot!" He hollers, I laugh over him and shake my head hard. "Now way! Hahaha!" I laugh harder as he move to tickles my upper chest. "Then you're screwed!" I grab at his wrists and try to push him away. "I'll save you!" Gwen yells, jumping onto Vance's back. She fails miserably to pull him backwards into the water with her. He laughs and continues tickling me. "Hahah! Vance-Stop-Hahah I'm going to die, asshole!" I shout loudly, finally the tickles subside when Bruce tackles him.

The two boys fight back and forth by tripping each other and pushing till I catch my breath. "Ahh I can finally breath." I breath heavy and smile wide at Gwen whose helping Bruce take Vance down with force. "Get his legs!!" Gwen yells as she wraps her arms around Vance's neck. Laughing Vance flips her over into the water hard, she comes up laughing and wiping water out of her eyes.

*** Time Skip ***

After swimming and fully drying off we decided on getting an early dinner at a family owned restaurant in town. So we lock up the bikes out front of the restaurant and leave the towels to dry on them.

I follow Billy inside the small diner and smile when the lady from the front desk smiles wide. "Billy sweetheart! What do you kids need?" The lady asks, Billy smiles and walks up to the counter. "Hey mom, we're just getting some dinner before going back home. What time are you off work tonight?" Billy asks, talking to his mother with a poppy attitude. "Sounds good! I get off at 7:30 tonight. I'll pay for your food, you kids go sit and I'll take your orders soon." She smiles at us, Billy nods and grabs a stack of menus. "Thanks mom!" "Thanks ma'am." I smile at her, she gives me a smile but pauses.

"You're a new face, what's your name sweetheart?" She asks with a genuine smile. "Y/N, whats yours ma'am?" I ask. "Call me Julie, Y/N." She nods at me, I nod and pull my jacket off. "I haven't seen you around town, are you new here?" She's asks as I put my jacket on the coat hanger next to the door.

"I am, I moved here three days ago." "Ooh that's lovely! Where from? How are you enjoying the town?" I laugh at her enthusiasm and reply truthfully. "I'm from Houston, and it's not much different, just smaller and prettier." I nod to her, she giggles and nods in agreement. "Sure is a nice town, well Y/N, I'm glad to have met you. A friend of my sons is a friend of mine. If you ever need anything stop on by." Her nice gesture warms my heart. "Thank you, you too." I smile wide before she hurries off back and into the kitchen.

Everyone else has taken up three booths, already joking around. I slide into the empty space next to Vance and steal a menu from beside him. I look over the menu and eventually find what I want. Across from me is Finn and Gwen looking at Vance with coded stares. Do they seriously think I'm dense enough to not see this shit?

I think with a smile on my face, this time Vance doesn't ask why, instead he smiles and puts his menu down. Looks like we've got our own secret coded looks going on.

Authors note:
Are you liking the pace it's rolling?
All but one of these chapters have been the same day. Aka Friday if you haven't caught on lmao

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