Mom's So Called Intuition- 52

667 21 19

TW: fluff, sexual activities implied

My parents came home and gave me some news. My biological mother's funeral is tomorrow, Monday. Apparently the people she used to to be friends with and the small hick community I lived in for most of my life decided to pitch in to have a funeral and wake in Denver, on my behalf...

Vance ran home to get clothes for school tomorrow, and to call the others about attending the funeral. Which is nice of him, but I'm not even sure I want to go.

I push all my bedding and pillows into the washer and dump detergent into its holder. Slamming the little container closed I start the washing machine and push myself to sit on top of it, staring at my dark, dingy, and unfinished basement.

I space out as the washer begins to shake hard, the shaking only sends me deeper into my thoughts. It's random things mostly, except for the obvious, and.. Vance, God I am so lucky to have him. I seems like I've been thinking about him for hours when he himself emerges at the top of the stairs, a grocery sack in his hand with clothe inside, another grocery sack with snacks inside. "Your mom said you've been down here awhile." Vance says over the loud roar of the washing machine. I hop off the machine as he reluctantly steps into the basement, his shoes scrapping the gravelly pavement. He breathes in deeply and sits down on the last wooden step.

"I was just thinking." I smile and take a seat next to him, he nods and pulls at Tab out of the sack and offers it to me. I gladly take it and crack it open. "Thanks." He nods again and pulls out a Mountain Dew bottle and cracks it on the wooden steps. "What we're you thinking about?" He asks, we both take a long drink and have a short pause after. "You. Us. What are we?" I ask him, he shrugs and takes another swig.

"Boyfriends?" He asks me, I crinkle up my nose and shake my head. "I was thinking that too. But, it doesn't feel right to say, y'know? Not yet at least, let's go on a couple of dates first before we make it official. Does that sound good?" I ask him, he hums and thinks for a minute. "I was thinking the same, it's a relief you feel the same." He smiles and nods, I smile too and cheers my drink with his. We drink down our drinks and breathe heavily after.

"I'm glad we're on the same page." I grab his chin gently and kiss him passionately, his tongue pushes into my mouth and his hands grab my hips. I groan into the kiss as he pulls me onto his lap and gropes my ass. He breaks the kiss and presses his growing erection against my crotch.

"Can we still do this?" He asks, I nod and lean my arms over his shoulders. "Yeah. And I mean, we can call each other boyfriends, but I'd like to go on a few dates before we make it official enough to tell the others. If you want to tell the others." I tell him, he nods along and rubs up and down my sides. "Yeah, I want to tell them." I smile and climb off his lap, fixing my shirt a bit.

"Thank god, I don't know how much longer I can deal with lying to them." I laugh softly, he nods and grabs my thighs. "I get it." He hums, pulling me closer and kissing my stomach. I ruffle his hair and smile down at him, he rests his chin on my stomach and smiles too. "I wish I could put into words how handsome you are." He whispers kissing my stomach through my shirt again and resting his head there. "Hmm, my pretty, sweet looks good on you." I hum back, running my hand through his hair.

He kisses me again and runs his hands down my legs and back up to my hips. "Cool your jets, lover boy. My parents are home." I tease him and scratch his scalp when he looks up at me again. "They won't come down here." He tells me slowly lifting my shirt to kiss my bare stomach. I bite my cheek and bend down to his level. "My mom has laundry day the same day as me. So unless you wanna be caught with my dick in your mouth, keep it in you pants for a bit." I laugh, kissing his cheek and standing back up. "Fine." He huffs and leans backwards on the stairs.

I laugh through my nose and sit down next to him, he grabs the snack bag and sets it in my lap. "You got it, first time we hung out. Assumed they were your favourite." Vance amazes me, a Marathon bar is what he got me. "What are you, you a stalker?" I tease he shrugs and smirks. "Maybe a lil'." He smirks and bends a kiss my neck. I hum and move into his touch, allowing him to grab my chin and tilt my head.

"You left a shit ton of hickeys, what do I tell the boys?" He asks between now heated kisses and sucks. I smirk and run my hand down his leg. "You don't, don't say anything. Like you normally do." He chuckles and bites my neck gently. I clench my jaw and tighten my grip around his lower thigh. "Vance.." I groan, he nods and moves to bite the middle of my neck. "What sweetface?" He whispers before bitting my neck hard. I wince and bite my lip as he licks the tender spot. "Nng..." I groan deeply through clenched teeth.

"Hey kids!" My mothers voice calls behind us, quickly Vance sits up and lays his hands in his lap. I retract my hand away from his thigh at light speed, ripping at the Marathons wrapper to distract myself. "Mom, hey." I say, clearing my scratchy throat as she steps past us. "Did you catch a cold?" She asks, turning to look at me funny. I shake my head and glance at Vance who pulls his jackets collar up to hide the hickeys. He glances at me and looks down at the new hickeys and visible bite on my neck.

I laugh awkwardly and pull my jackets hoodie up a bit. "No no I'm ok, uhm, just had a Tab that's all." She nods and places her full laundry basket on the dry. "24% Sodium does that to you." She chuckles, her smile fading when she turns around. "Pressure on your throat, here, does the same. You boys being safe?" She lays it down flat, I go wide eyed and shake my head. "Mom- that's not, no it's- it's not- fuck!" I stumble over my words, my chest shaking already.

"Language! And honey, I already know. You two act the same as your father and I when we were young." She smiles, my chest stops shaking and I speak up. "Younger." I add, smiling at her softly, she smiles her rose-y lip stick and brushes down her long skirt. "Thanks hun. So, you never told me, you're being safe?" "Mom please! Yes, we're-we're being safe.. Let me keep some dignity!" I laugh, my face growing warm.

"Hm, that's all I needed to know. Vance, you're a lovely boy, I appreciate all you've done for our son. I'm glad to know he'll be keeping you around and more often." Mom smiles at Vance who clears his throat and nods hard, a smile on his face. "Thanks Mis. Westly, I sure hope so." Vance smiles, grabbing my leg gently, I blush and look down at his hand then too him, however he's not looking at me.

"Oh please, you can call me Susan, sweetheart. A white women's name, I know! My mother, bless her heart, cursed me." Mom snorts and places her hand on her chest dramatically. Vance chuckles and shakes his head. "I think it suits you." He says, mom does a little shrug and smiles at the ceiling. "Thank you dear, flattery works on me." She says, Vance gives me a knowing look and laughs. "I wish it worked on your son." He says, mom snorts and shakes her head. "The real way to his heart is horror movies, he and his father used to have movie marathons and buy, ironically, Marathon bars just before at Tony's Bodega just down the street."

"I'll uh, keep that in mind." Vance says, mom nods and hurries past us and up the stairs. "If your hands are clean, toss my laundry in when yours is done! Thanks hun!" Mom calls and shuts the basement door loudly behind her. "Mom!" I shout in annoyance, Vance however laughs and slides directly next to me. "Your moms a keeper." He tells me, kissing my cheek. "She most certainly is. At least she doesn't mind.." I smile softly at Vance, he nods and slides his hand over my cheek.

Pulling me in to kiss him softly, a heart-filled kiss. Tender and sweet, gentle and a bit too pleasing to Vance. "She won't come back down." He tells me, breathing hard on my lips, I lick my bottom lip and bite it. "Still a bad idea, and a gross place for your first time." I add, pecking his lips and pulling away. "Your loss." He winks at me and grabs the grocery bag.

"Oh? My loss? Nah, I doubt it, you'll be begging for it later." I tease him, elbowing him hard as he opens his Reese's Pieces. "You know me so well." He teases back and watches me take a bite of my Marathon bar intensely. "She wasn't lying, y'know, 'bout the movie marathons. Mix in a little weed and you've got yourself a deal." He smirks and shakes his head, laughing through his nose. "I'll think about it."

Authors note:
This isn't edited AT ALL

I currently have no time to edit this, so I'll post it now and edit it later
(if there's even anything needing editing)

Just didn't want to starve y'all WITHOUT warning
cuz I'm sick like that 💪😎
... I take it back that was cringe asf

Manifestation of Manipulation - Vance Hopper x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now