Carved In - 15

800 24 16

(Song by: Rob Zombie, Dragula) 🤤

TW: fa slur used, panic attack

The rest of Saturday was a boring blur, as was Sunday. Monday rolled around rather fast despite having nothing to do all weekend. Morgan called Saturday night to let me know they'd be back late tomorrow night.

Sadly, here I am, sitting in 6th hour completely bored out of my mind. On the plus side I've got music to keep me running. Oddly enough Bruce didn't try talking to me today, and instead of dragging me to his table he let me wonder off to eat my lunch by my locker. I'm not dwelling, I'm not stressed, I'm just avoiding the inevitable a little longer so I can try and figure out what it is I'm supposed to tell them.

English class is nice, I get to write my own story that's not even worth many points, zero stress involved. Just a quick, stress relieving exercise. I'm sure Gym class will also prove stress relieving, today we're playing dodge ball.

*** Time Skip ***

I hurl an angry ball at some innocent kid who has nothing to do with my anger.. Anger, that's what I'm feeling. Anger towards the kid who just cost me a fortune, anger towards the kid who cost me my dignity and soon to be my parents respect. A kid I don't even know the name of. I shouldn't let it bother me, but how can I not? Bruce was and is right. It doesn't matter if it's true, it still hurts, I don't give a fuck about the word he used against me. It's what the word implies that will soon destroy my relationship with my family and my new some-what friends.

I am deep in my thoughts, winning the dodge ball game with flying colours. The last kid on the red team never stood a chance, not against my pure rage. I throw a ball hard, not too hard because I don't actually intend to hurt him. It's not his fault after all. The ball hits him in the hip, coach blows a whistle and shouts at us to return to the locker room.

I pant hard and wipe an unnatural amount of sweat off my forehead with my poor, drenched, grey Gym shirt. Coach sends me an almost sympathetic stare, I decide to brush off. I quickly make my way back to the locker rooms, eager to be in the comfort of my home.

As soon as I push open the locker room door I'm met with the sight of a kid from my class talking to Vance and Griffin. They're all changing, their lockers next to one another's. I hurry past the row and towards my locker at the very back. Wasting no time changing into my normal wear.

Just when I think the coast is clear Griffin and Vance take places at both my sides. "What?" I mutter, grabbing my bag out of my locker and taking my Walkman out. Vance looks me up and down before scoffing. "Are you going to keep whining like a baby or are you going to tell us what the fuck we did?" Vance snaps, I glare at him and put my headphones around my neck. "You guys didn't do anything, I'm just not in the mood today." I reply, harshly slamming my locker closed.

I carefully move past Griffin and hurry out of the locker room, Vance and Griffin following me quickly. "Y/N!" Vance yells, drawing the attention of just about everyone in the hallway rushing to leave. I ignore him and pull my headphones on. Turning the volume up all the way as 'Dragula' by Rob Zombie blasts in my ears.

I hurry through the hallway and out a side door, successfully escaping through the crowd. Just narrowly avoiding Vance and Griffin who must not have seen me, because they don't follow me out the door. I take this opportunity to hurry towards my car, parked just feet in front of me. I jog to my car, unlock it and hop in while avoiding a glimpse of the word carved into my paint. I take my tape from my Walkman and slide it into the tape player in my car. Blasting the music over the speakers as I toss my bag in the back. I pull out of my parking space and towards the schools exit.

Manifestation of Manipulation - Vance Hopper x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now