Nightmare - 62

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TW: nightmares, unintentional self harm, fluff

The weekend has begun, a slow beginning going something along the lines of staying up all Friday night until my mom made us breakfast again. However, shortly after finishing our cheesy eggs, bacon and waffles we both fell asleep on the couch. My dad has work on Saturdays so he hasn't been home, and I assume my mom left us sleep because she didn't have the heart to wake Vance. I know she'd wake me in a heartbeat if I wasn't trapped under Vance.

A soft voice pulls me out of my sleep, in a daze I sit up and glance around the dark room. What time is it..? I blink hard and push my stuck hair off my sticky face. "Mm.. No.." Vance's whisper of a voice mumbles out, I rub my eyes and clear my throat. "Vance?" My voice comes out weakened and quiet. "Y/N..?" Vance whispers in return, stirring in the blanket besides me. "I'm here, what's-" I stop when I see Vance's dark eyebrows furrow in and push together. His eyes sealed closed tightly and his jaw a bit clenched.

He's clearly still asleep, a nightmare playing behind those eyelids. "No- Stop.." Vance mutters and stirs beneath my hands, I shake him gently and watch his eyebrows relax. "Hmm..? Y/N?" Vance whispers out, his eyes fluttering open. "That's me, dork. Are you alright? You were having a nightmare." I tell him, as soon as the last word leaves my mouth Vance shoots straight I'll and grabs my shoulders. "Y/N! Fuck, sweetface." Vance huffs out heavy and holds me close. "Hey hey... What's wrong? Hm..?" I whisper out concern for my boyfriend and wrap my arms over top of his own.

"Nothing.. I'm just glad you're still here." He lies to me. "I think we both have a habit of forgetting we're bad liars." I tell Vance as he backs away and pulls his hair tie out and puts it on his wrist. I gently slide my hands over his cheeks and pull his eye contact up to stay captured in my eyes. "I won't make you talk about it, but if it happens a lot and bothers you it might do you some good to tell me about it." Vance shuts down at the sound of my sympathy, he crosses his arms and lets his face twist in anger.

"What the shit are talking about? Nothing is bothering me." He growls and stands up abruptly, throwing the blanket onto my legs as he does so. "You're still having nightmares, we've talked about this before.. Why are you shutting down now?" I point out, maybe not the best thing to say in this situation but I've never been much of a therapist. "I shouldn't have told you about it. It was stupid to make you worry about my fucking dreams." He explains, I stand up and discard the blanket. "I told you I wanted to know, I want to worry for you and take care of you." Vance crosses his arms and scowls. This night seems to become more and more frequent, nightmares and a long talk...

"I'm sorry, you're right. It's just.. Friday was a shitty fucking day.. Didn't mean to take it out on you." Vance apologizes with sympathy lacing his voice. "You know I don't mind, it's a normalized response under pressure. I'm always here for you Vance, whether you want to talk about it or play some shitty old bored games." Vance sits down on the couch so I do the same, but leave space for him to breathe. "Thank you Y/N... I don't want to talk about it. And I am far from normal." Vance growls out the last part, I just shrug and smile. "Says who?" I say to lighten the mood, but it doesn't help at all. "Says my therapist, my mom, my dead beat dad and Moose." Vance growls out, staring angrily at his thumbs as he picks the skin off with his pointer finger.

"Fuck Moose! He's a pussy who's scared of anything that doesn't fit in a cookie cutter household!" I shout and bring down my energy when I notice him drawing a bit of blood. "Vance, stop.." I whisper and gently grab his arm, he stops and sideway glances at me.

"You're right, Moose is a fucking pussy." Vance agrees and slides my hand into his. "Fuck yeah he is." I nod and hold his hand close. "I had a nightmare you got taken away by a black van." Vance opens up, his eyes glossing over. "I'm still here aren't I? You woke up next to me, no black van, I haven't moved since the morning. You'll wake up next to me everyday, you've truly sealed your fate." By the end of my heart filled teasing and yet still concern filled talk Vance has his hands on my hips, his lips pressed against mine gently. "I love you so much." Vance breathlessly breaks the kiss and whispers sweet nothings to me. "I love you too Vance, you better not be sick of me yet because you're stuck with me." I laugh and let him guide me back into the sweet kiss.

Authors note:
Today doesn't count, but I'm gonna add the counter every time I upload to remind myself 😭👍
Next few chapters will prob be short so I can actually catch up

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