Plentiful - 53

613 15 22

TW: gore, blood, vomiting, fa and fai slur used, fight/knife fight implied

Vance's POV:
"I'll stop by each of yours, we'll walk there together." I tell the boys, tossing my disgusting school cheeseburger on my tray. "Definitely, is Y/N doing ok?" Gwen nods, taking a long drink of her milk, her eyes studying my concealer covered neck. Y/N and I had to pick some up before school. It does the trick, if you're not too close to anyone. "Yeah, I think so. He seems, upset but he'll talk about it without getting sad or mad." I explain, referring to a short checkup last night.

"Mhm, that's good." Gwen says, her eyes glued to my neck. "What the fuck are you looking at?" I grumble, hunching over a bit. She hums and shrugs her shoulders, elbowing Finn who rubs his arm and glances back at her. "Ow, Gwen, what?" He asks, she clears her throat and leans into him and whispers in his ear. I growl under my breath as his eyes go wide and his jaw drops a bit. "Vance, did the plan work?" Finn laughs, getting everyone's attention. I grit my teeth and cross my arms. It'd be really nice to have Y/N here today, he'd be able to shut this shit down with me.

"What the fuck are you talking about? If I remember clearly, your plan was cut short when Y/N vomited on himself." I grumble, eyeing Billy who leans over the table, basically on top of it to hear clearly. Apparently our lie wasn't good enough, these assholes don't look surprised at all.

"Did he, vomit on himself?" Finn raises his eyebrows, referring to our lie and looks away from me, taking a bite of his burger. "He did. Billy, if you stare any harder I'll skewer your fucking eyes out." I threaten, Billy throws himself onto his circle seat and nods hard.

"Yup, uh-huh, yes sir." He nods, a smile creeping on his face. "I just didn't know you were a bottom." He adds, my face flushes hot and I pull my lips to the side, refraining from blowing our cover. "What the fuck are you fucking talking about?" I growl, glaring at him angrily, he swallows his spit and shrugs. "I dunno, normally it's the.. Bottom who ends up with that many hickeys. Concealer doesn't match your skin tone." Billy adds the last part, grabbing everyones attention.

"Hmm." I hum and grip the table hard, I shake my head and tsk. "Funny, it wasn't who you think it is." I lie straight through my teeth, well enough for them to sorts believe it. "It's none of my business, but they're not going to let it go. So I'll make my own comment, I don't buy it." Bruce says, which pretty much sums up I'm fucked, no, we're fucked.

*** Time Skip ***

Griffin warned me Billy was going on and on about his plan working all sixth hour, and told me he's never gonna let me live it down. Which I was hopping would be enough warning to ready me for all their future questions, but it wasn't.

"Did you guys actually have sex? Were you really bottom? I mean I know Y/N doesn't take shit from anyone-sorta, but you, how the fuck did he top you?" Billy bombards me with sexual questions, he's never had much of a sensor when he gets comfortable around someone. He's like that racist aunt at Thanksgiving who doesn't stop talking politics, minus everything about her, other than their shared drive for watching the world burn.

"Billy. Shut the fuck up." I growl, getting in his face, he nods and slides his hands up in the air. "Mhm, I'm sorry. Just happy for you and your new ride." He smirks, I grab his arms and kick his feet out from under him. "You little prick!" I yell, pushing his face onto the pavement, I climb onto his back and bend his arm to the side on his back. "Shit, shit Vance I'm sorry!" He winces and tries to push himself off the road with his free hand.

"Take it back!" I yell, he closes his eyes and whines under his breath. "Vance you're going to hurt him." Robin warns, sitting down on the curb in front of us. "I don't give a shit! Fucking take back what you said about him, you cunt!" I yell, I'm not really going to hurt him, it's more playful bater, trust me it doesn't look like it but I'm not actually scaring Billy.

Manifestation of Manipulation - Vance Hopper x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now