Flirty - 19

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TW: fluff

Vance's POV:
I don't know what I was thinking. I'm freaking Y/N out, I'm going to loose a friend before he even considers me his friend. Maybe if I keep my space for awhile it'll stop scaring him away.

I look over at the boy, his eyes are fluttering closed, struggling to stay open. "Y/N?" I ask. "Mmm." He makes a soft noise as if to say yes. "Do you wanna get some coffee? You look tired." I ask, he sniffs softly and completely lays his head down on the center console. I move to brush my hand through his
h/c hair but stop myself quickly. I cover my mouth and then grip the steering wheel again.

"Is that a yes?" I chuckle, he nods and shifts in his seat to slightly face me. My eyes trial up his legs and to his slightly exposed thigh where his shorts have ridden up. I clear my throat and tear my eyes away from him, surly if he saw me looking he'd think I was a creep.

I ain't got feelings for him. I only feel like this because he's gay too, so it seems ok to look at him.. Sure yeah... I try convincing myself, but deep down I can't seem to accept why I really feel the need to touch him.

*** Time Skip ***

Y/N happily drinks his coffee, his eyes focused outside the window. We agreed awhile back that we didn't wanna go back to his just yet so we're headed to a park not far from the school.

"I know you said you were kinda busy tonight, but the guys and I are going to see a movie. If you want, you can come with." I tell Y/N, he looks at me and nods softly. "Yeah sure, if I have time. When is it?" I nod and push my hair behind my shoulder. "Starts at 8:30, we're going to pick up snacks before though." I explain, he seems interested enough.

"Alright, I'll be there. If you don't have anything else to do you can hang with me till then, that way we can meet up with the boys together." He suggests, I lick my lips and think while focusing hard on the road. "Yeah sure, if you're good with me crashing at yours." He nods hard and takes a sip of his coffee. "Yeah of course, what's a couple more hours gonna do?" He teases me, I nod in understanding.

Y/N immediately hops out of his car when we arrive at the tall playground. I'm not exactly sure why he was so excited to play on a playground for kids. This playground has three layers, it's basically a mini building.

I get out of his car, lock it and hurry to follow the excited boy. "Hurry up!" He calls to me, smiling back at me. My heart smiles but I refuse to smile at him, I've got to refrain, it's starting to seem worse than when I fell for Bruce.

"Wanna go to the top?" Y/N smiles at me as I step onto the wood chips where he's waiting for me. "Sure." I chuckle to humour him. "Sweet." He smirks at me, his normal chill vibe coming right back with the simple word. I follow him as he jumps up to the playground and hurries towards a ladder up. I refrain from completely checking his ass out as he climbs up, talking to me the whole time but I don't hear him.

"Vance?" He asks when he gets to the second floor, I stare up at him and grab the ladder. "What?" I ask, he blows a raspberry and starts up again. "I asked you if you fancy anyone." He smirks at me, I frown at him and gently move past him after climbing the ladder.

"Fancy? What are you, 40?" I sneer, he scoffs and follows me up the last ladder to the top. "Fuck off!" He laughs, I smirk and gesture my hand to him to help him up the last bit of the ladder. He rolls his eyes and takes my hand, I tug him up and gently let him go.

"So, do you?" "Do I?" I mutter, moving to sit down on a seat, he takes a seat across from me, my view of him sorta blocked by bars. "Have a crush. I feel it's the most fitting question for this childish experience, gossiping about our crush's and talking shit about our parents." Y/N laughs softly, I swallow my spit and lay back on the cage sticking out over the playground behind my seat.

"Yeah I do, but they don't like me back so it doesn't matter." I respond, talking about said person right to his face. I don't have a crush on him, I just want to see what he says.

"Psh, that's stupid. Did you even ask them?" He questions, I shrug and look around the bars at him. "No, but I ain't need to." I say, he frowns and stands up quickly. "Ah so it's like that. Well, I hope they change their mind then." He comforts me, moving to sit right across from me, his back on the bars.

"What about you?" I question, hopping he'll say something that relates to me. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why would I want him to like me? Just because he's gay doesn't mean he has to like me. For fucks sake he doesn't even know I'm gay.

"Mmm, we'll I don't know, I'm still kinda new here. I don't know many people and I definitely don't have a crush on anyone back home." He explains, I kick the bottom of his shoe and nod. "Yeah, too soon have that kinda relationship, huh?" I ask more as a statement.

I immediately regret it when he responds. "Well I don't know. I kinda believe in love at first sight. You just have to realize that that's what it is first." He chuckles, I look up at him and fiddle with my hands to keep from saying something stupid.

"Really? I always thought that was shit they'd make up for movies so they ain't blow their budgets." I laugh softly, he shrugs and slides closer to me, sitting on his legs. "I don't know, maybe or maybe not." He smiles, sliding right between my legs.

I glare down at him as he lays his chin right between my legs, his eyes locked onto mine. "For example, we've only been friends for a short awhile and it's already normal to do something like this." He teases, his hands creeping to grip my knees, his arms wrapped under my legs.

"Yeah, so what? That's love at first sight?" I sneer, he smiles and lays his head on my knee. "I never said that." He teases, his hand moving to gently grope farther down my leg. I hold back a stiffy when he lifts himself from his knees. His hand between both my legs and on the seat to push himself up. "I was thinking more of friendship at first sight. But who knows, maybe they're the same thing." He says, patting my head before moving back to his seat to grab his coffee.

Damn it. What a tease, he's going to make not scaring him away so much harder. If he flirts even when I don't flirt back, that'll be a sign he likes me, right..? I can't read him as easy as everyone else. It's pissing me off, I wanna know what the hell he's thinking. I watch him closely as he takes a drink and moves to sit back down in front of me. I keep my eyes locked on him, my heart beating faster when my head fills with the things I could do to get back at him.

Authors note:
I've got such bad brain fog this chapter I'm so sorry if it sucks I thought about scrapping the whole thing but I realized it'd be better to just roll with it 💀
However I feel so bad about this being your one daily update today I'm going to work on the next chapter and have it uploaded before tonight🙏

Manifestation of Manipulation - Vance Hopper x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now