Any Day - 16

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(Photo from: Amazon- Metallica Men's Master of Puppets Distressed Slim Fit T-Shirt Black)

TW: a small bit of fluff

Vance's POV:
Y/N some how convinced me to stay the night at his, I normally wouldn't stay over at a new friends house... But it feels like I've known him for awhile, even though we've only been friends for four days.

Y/N is sitting across from me, eating his portion of frozen pizza in silence. He's in his pj's which happen to be some red short shorts and a worn down white "wife beater". My pj's are brown and peach, plaid, baggy pants and an old Metallica shirt that's just a little too small.

(Forgive me if that's not what they're called, they might actually be called tank tops..? Idk wife beater is what they've always been referred as If y'all can't tell I was raised a mix of hick and street lol)

Y/N's POV:
Vance seems surprisingly comfortable in the silence. He's eating and keeps stealing glances of me thinking I don't see it. I slide off my fathers leather chair and onto the floor. Placing my pizza plate on the coffee table. Vance does the same and sits right across from me.

"Sorry there's not much to do, most of our stuff is at our old house still." I tell him, smiling softly as he nods and takes a big bite. I chuckle and finish off my pizza while waiting for him to chew. "It's alright, my house is the same way. There's never anything to do." He sniffs, and takes another bite.

"Is summer really fun with the group? Or do you guys only hang out during school time?" I ask, he nods and smiles at me. "Yeah summer is fun with them. We swim at the quarry a lot and there's this roller skating rink Griffin and Billy drag me to every summer since 7th grade." He laughs softly, I smile wider and rest my cheek on my hand.

"Sounds like a lot of fun." He nods and looks up at me, taking the last bite of his pizza. "Mhm.. What about you?" He asks with a full mouth, I laugh at him and shrug. "I don't know, Houston was always boring. I spent most of my summer at our local mall. Morgan and my friend Theodore, the one I think Morgan should date, hung out there every Saturday. This one time we decided to take photo booth pictures and broke the wooden seat. Apparently we were too heavy. But we got our pictures and got the hell outta there." I laugh and ramble on, his laughs with me and seems genuinely interested.

"Sounds like you're inseparable." He smiles, I sigh and nod. "Yeah.. I thought so too. But I moved, and I'm not sure things will ever be the same. Long distance sucks." I frown, Vance nods softly. "I get it, Morgan seems pretty close to you though. I doubt she'll let you go easily just because you moved." I nod and rest my arm on the table now.

"I hope you're right, I think I'd loose my mind if we ever stopped being friends." Vance listens closely and nods, his hand sneakily moving to touch mine. I glance down at his hand and back up at him. He clears his throat and pulls away, his cheeks a little redder than normal. I can't tell if he's trying to be sweet and regretting it, or if this guys feeling something more towards me.

Besides my own thoughts I smirk as he grabs both our plates and stands up. "I'll go put these in the sink." He say, I nod and smirk. "Uh huh, you do that." I tease him, he ignores me and hurries into the kitchen.

*** Time Skip ***

I roll around in bed, failing to fall asleep. I groan angrily and roll over to look at the time. 3:30 am, absolutely fucking great. I frown and close my eyes, attempting to fall asleep even though my eyes don't feel heavy at all. They're not even dry, so I don't feel tired either.

I restlessly kick my blanket off of me, it's tangled and beginning to piss me off. I sit up quickly and fling my blanket around so it's not folded weird. Just as I lay back down and get comfortable under my blanket-that's not longer trying to strangle my legs, a knock on my door echos in the room.

I can feel my legs becoming tired as I kick the blanket off me again, I slide out of bed and hurry to my bedroom door. Swinging it open with a huge breath, I smile at Vance who has his hands in his pants pockets. "Hey, I can't sleep." He mutters, I nod and step out of my room. "Same, I don't feel tired at all." I agree with him, he nods too and follows me into the kitchen.

"Me neither, grab me a glass." He says as I grab a glass out of the cabinet. "Thanks." I do so and hand it to him, moving to the fridge. "Mhm." I tug it open and fill up my own glass with cool water from our water jug. I take a long drink as he fills his up, closing the fridge when he's done. I eye him as he takes a drink and lowers the glass from his lips. "Do you mind if I sleep in your room?" He asks, I pause my long drink and set it down on the counter. "Nope, can't sleep alone?" I tease, he frowns and sets his glass down too.

"Fuck off man, it's just weird having my own room at a sleepover." He defends himself, I nod and jump onto the counter top. Sitting in front of him as he backs up. "Alright, fair, you can take my bed I'll just sleep on the floor." I shrug, he sighs and moves a bit closer to me. "I'm not going to steal your bed from you. We can just share it, we're friends, aren't we?" He asks, I shrug and swing my feet a bit. "Alright, I just didn't wanna make you sleep next to me. I roll around a lot, Morgan says I could be a kick boxer in my sleep." I smile at him, he laughs and shrugs. "I'll fight back then."

"Oh I'm sure you will." I tease him, taking another long drink. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks, I shrug and hold my glass between my thighs. "Whatever you what it to mean." I smirk, he scoffs and moves right between my legs, his arms on either side of my hips.

I am immediately shocked by his actions but easily act cool, I just never expected this type of flirtatious friendship from him. "You're real confident for someone your size." He growls, getting in my face, I smirk and put my cup down. "What's my size have to do with anything? I'll still kick your ass any day of the week." I tease, laying my arms over his shoulders.

Growling again, he grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him. "I'd like to see you try, Y/N." He mutters in my ear, my face begins to heat up so I cut off his little charade. I laugh and push him away and jump off the counter top. "You're hardly taller than me." I roll my eyes, however he is persistent and keeps flirting. "That's not what I meant." He moves closer to me again and leads me back to the counter, my waist now pressed against it. His arms on either side of me again. I look at him and smirk wide, he glares at me seriously.

"I'm talking about your strength, you've got hardly any muscle compared to me." He says, grabbing my upper arm to give it a firm squeeze, finally breaking character to smile at me. I smile back and cup his face with both my hands. "My goodness you are such a horrible flirt!"  I laugh, moving away from him as he gives up. "Am not! I'm not flirting with you anyways, jackass!" He yells, I scoff and lead us back to my room. "Yeah ok, whatever man."

Vance doesn't fight me anymore and let's me get the last word in. Or at least that I can hear of, the words do profanity under his breath don't count. I climb into bed and lift the blanket back up. Without being told he slides into bed next to me and pulls the cover over him. "I wasn't flirting with you." He lays down on his side and gets comfortable. "Well it seemed like it." I do the same and face the other way.

"I wasn't being serious." He replies, pulling the blanket up more. "Ok ok, you weren't flirting, just playing. Goodnight now, dork face." I say, closing my eyes, I feel more tired now. "Mhm.. Night." Vance hums back, I can tell he's tired now too and doesn't want to peruse this topic any longer.

Authors note:
Can you tell I am undoubtedly in love with the movie IT? I've added a few little things here and there.💀

This one is honestly loosely edited lmk if there's any mistakes
Wanted to get this out to y'all soon and didn't have much spare time to edit it today

I put 10 shitty minutes into editing this chapter- over the spanned of a VERY eventful hour
Which is nothing compared to my normal 30 minutes of editing 🤡

I have to write another episode tonight so I have an EXTRA EXTRA back-up in case I can't write/edit tomorrow, I have a lot going on tomorrow so bare with me

Manifestation of Manipulation - Vance Hopper x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now