Center Consle - 10

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TW: sexual activities implied

I pull up to my house and take the bag of joints out of the center console. Leaving the car on for the boys, when I get out I can still hear the music blaring. I hide the bag of weed in my jackets inside pocket in hopes I won't get caught with it.

My parents cars are in the driveway which means they're off early today, must be a Friday thing. I jog up my porch steps and into the house and I'm immediately greeted by my parents.

Vance's POV:
As soon as Y/N closes his front door I turn the music way down. "Why'd you turn it down?" Billy frowns, leaning forwards to look at me. I turn around and glare at Robin and Finn. "Do you guys want him to find out about you?" I ask sternly, Robin sighs and shrugs. "I don't care, what's the worst he can do?" He asks, Finns arms wrap around Robins waist to comfort him.

"He could tell everyone. We don't know him yet. Do what you want, but I don't want you getting hurt if he turns out to be an asshole." I'm just looking out for them, I don't want to see them hurt. "He seems cool with it... He didn't give me a funny look for anything." Finn replies, defending a boy we hardly know. Sighing I sit back down properly and cross my arms.

"Alright, as long as you're good with it. If he says some shit though, I'm beating his ass." I growl, Robin leans over the side of the seat and points to the glove box. "Maybe he's got some secret shit lying around that could tell us more about him." Robin suggests, I grumble curses under my breath and glance at the front door. "Fine, you guys watch the door and tell me if he's coming." I growl, pointing to the front door. Billy and Bruce take up the offer and watch it for me.

Robin, Finn and Griffin lean in to see what's in the glove box. I pop it open, a bunch of napkins, straws and a crumbled paper. "This is fucking stupid, he's definitely going to notice." I spit out, taking the crumbled paper and un-crumbling it.

It looks like a letter, a crumbled up letter and a list with lots of spelling mistakes. "What's it say?" Billy asks, scooting closer to me. "Hang on." I mutter, quickly reading over it. "It's just some random shit. Grocery list and looks like a note from his mom talking about moving away from Morgan and some kid named Theodore. I dunno, just a load of mushy shit." I crumple it up quickly and shove it back into the glove box.

"Maybe Theodore is his boyfriend." Bruce adds, everyone looks at him funny so he frowns. "Too far fetched? Fine." He rolls his eyes and watches the door again. I pull open the center console and move around more napkins, closing it almost immediately after. "Haha, what? What's in there?" Finn laughs, laying his face against Robins back.

"Nothing shut up." I mutter, my cheeks feel hotter when he pries for an answer. "What is it? Couldn't have been that bad." Robin chuckles, I shake my head and lean to flip the drivers side sun shade down. "I'll tell you when the kids aren't listening." I reply, Billy and Griffin still feel like children to me. I'd feel bad corrupting them.

"Awww what? No! I want to know!" Griffin whines as I pick up a joint that had fallen from the shade. "No. It'd break your little mind." I chuckle, pulling a line of pictures off the shade. "No it wouldn't! I'm not innocent, Vance." Griffin whines again, his frown big.

"Forget it, you are to me. I don't wanna ruin what's left." I shoot him down, and examine the pictures. Three people are in each. Y/N, Morgan and another boy who must be Theodore. Only one picture catches my eye, and it's the one at the bottom.

"This might be something." I say, drawing everyone's attention. "So I was right, Theodore is his boyfriend!" Bruce yells, looking over the picture of the brown haired boy kissing Y/N's cheek. "We don't know that, this isn't enough. It might not even be Theodore." I grumble, putting the picture and joint back.

"Really? I think it is." Billy says, glancing out the window. "Here he comes." He says quickly, sighing I lean back and shake my head. "They're probably just close friends, don't get too comfortable." I warn the four boyfriends in the back seats.

Y/N's POV:
"Sorry that took so long, got caught up with my.. Parents, what's wrong? Why is Vance so red?" I laugh, teasingly. Robin just clears his throat and leans back into Finns arms. Finn quickly pulls his arms away and looks out the window. "Anyone going to tell me?" I mutter, glancing at Billy and Griffin, I can't see Bruce but I can tell he's avoiding my gaze.

"Griffin sneezed so got him a tissue out of the center console." Vance explains, looking at me side eyed, his cheeks slightly red. Smirking I buckle up and clear my throat. "Ooh I see, immature guys. Immature." I laugh but no one else does. Sighing I grip the steering wheel. "They don't know do they?" I ask Vance who shakes his head and smirks. I raise my eyebrows and look at the boys in the back who are refusing to look me in the eyes.

"Wow, leaving them in the dark? Harsh, you've got some great dirt on me and didn't even share." I laugh, Vance covers his mouth with his hand and shrugs. "I didn't want Griffin and Billy to know. Damage their innocence, ya know?" Vance almost seems too happy to say that. Laughing I nod in agreement. "Does that mean you aren't going to tell us either?" Billy groans, his eyes pleading me. I glance at Vance and shake my head.

"Sorry boys, your father would kill me if I did." I laugh, making Vance chuckle a bit. Billy and Griffin make pleading whines as I start our way back to the gas stop. "Ask Vance not me, I don't care if you know. I'm not ashamed of them." I say making Billy and Griffin pause. "Oh my gosh, do you have- No..." Finn laughs from the back seat. "Handcuffs, yes he does, and a lot of condoms." Vance finally laughs, the kids in the back groan in disgust and continue their whining.

"WAIT! YOU HAVEN'T DONE IT BACK HERE HAVE YOU?!" Billy shouts making all the boys in the back freak out. I laugh so hard I have to take deep breaths to survive. "No-No I haven't, calm down!" I laugh with Vance who I didn't think was still laughing. I smile at him and he smiles at me. He's just miss understood. I think when he begins turning red again. Before I can comment he turns away and laughs to himself.

Authors note:
I'm watching CoryxKenshin while editing this, so uhm... If there's any mistakes I accidentally skipped over lmk.

(Don't worry I'll review it again just in case- I wanna get this upload pushed out to y'all as soon as possible, bc I might not be able to upload tonight. Thanks for all the love everyone!! :) <3 )

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