Spit It Out - 21

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(Song by: Slipknot, Spit It Out)

TW: fa slur used

It was a long walk home from the theaters to my house but I managed with no complications. Everyone spilt off from the group when needed, Vance was first as he lives on the opposite side of town, nearest to Grab n' Go. I offered to walk him home but he shot me down and told me I shouldn't walk through town alone, ever. Which was sweet of him but I also kinda just wanted to hang out with him a bit more, maybe his short amount of sweetness was worth the hassle of even asking.

Soon though it was just me, myself and I. Left to think about the night and the very long day well spent with Vance. Even if I didn't get to walk him home. Besides all the confusing flirting and Vance's very selectively prevalent anger problems, it was a really good day. Morgan getting back tonight is just the icing on the cake. Speaking of which, I have no idea when she'll be arriving. Hopefully before I inevitably pass out tonight.

*** Time Skip ***

Yeah. So that didn't happen. Apparently arriving late means four in the morning kind of late, not a chance I was staying up till four, not on a school night! Well, not on a random school night when my schedule isn't already messed up to that poke. ANYWAYS, the only reason I know they got home at four is because they were painfully loud coming in.

I have to get up alone today because I'd feel bad making Morgan get up. Not that she has to, it was just a friendly gesture to drive me the first day. So here I am, eating waffles with syrup at the dinning table alone, only minutes before school starts. Though I wish I was blissfully uncaring towards being more than a little late, the kitchen clock feels the need to remind me every second how late I'm going to be.

Normally the clock ticking sound would be enjoyable, calming even, but this morning it's the opposite. I hurry and take the last bite of my waffles and rush over to the sink, put my plate and fork in and run to grab my bag off the dinning room chair.

I rush out the front door, jumping down the porch steps, completely clearing them. Despite being in a rush I notice an oddly familiar pick-up truck parked behind my car on the street. Though I can't put truck with face, too many of my family members have the same truck. I push open my front gate and unlock my car. Practically nose diving into the drivers seat, tossing my book bag in the neighboring seat.

I turn on the car and wait a moment to find a good song in my glove box. I'd die happy being late if I was late because I had to find the right music. Finally I stumble upon the Slipknot album, by Slipknot obviously, I pop it in the tape player and press play. I'm about a quarter of the way through the tape, 'Spit It Out' playing loudly over the speakers almost immediately.

*** Time Skip ***

I arrived at school about 30 minutes late, traffic wasn't too bad but it was much worse than normal so I had a good excuse and was excused a late report.

First few hours were boring as usual, no one talked to me, perfect- perfectly boring, a good boring to be honest. Except today has been a bit weirder, people looked at me and I mean really looked at me. They looked, glared, avoided, whispered, all aimed at me. The hallways are the worst, specifically the hallways right now.

I walk to my fifth hour class with my book and pen in my fist. I easily ignore the stares and talking, it's all happened before so it doesn't bother me now. Pushing open the classroom door to my fifth hour science should be humiliating with all the stares, yet I don't know what it is I should be humiliated about, so it doesn't bother me.

I quickly move past desks to my desk in the back, take a seat and happily gaze out the window at the old oak tree barley keeping its leaves as its nearly October. Only a few more weeks left of warm air until it's all falling leaves and comfy sweaters.

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