Halloween in Theater - 20

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Y/N's POV:
Eventually Vance and I crashed back at my place and hung out, talking shit about teachers and random famous people.

School ended and soon the boys had found us, right now they're swarming over Vance. Asking him questions left and right, soon the questions grow quiet and they all seem more tense.

I stand on porch with crossed arms, watching them talk out why Vance skipped with me, and why I was now going to the movies with them. I enjoy watching their endless bickering and teasing of poor Vance, it's rather entertaining.

Vance's POV:
"So? What does that mean? Do you like him?" Griffin whisper yells, the boys all nod and mentally poke at me. "No! I just, hung out with him, that's it! Can't friends hang out?" I frown, looking around for at least one of them to agree with me.

"Yeah if you guys were hanging out the way we do, going on a park date and sleeping together isn't just friends hanging out." Billy points out, slamming his fist on his open palm. "What? Why not? I've shared a bed with you before!" I defend myself, waving my hand at Finn.

Finn rolls his eyes and hides his hands in his pockets. "Only because there wasn't anywhere else for you to sleep, and it's different for us. You know that, you're basically my brother." Finn frowns, Robin sighs loudly and crosses his arms. "Yeah I'm with Finney, you can't really compare our kind of bond to a.. Well a normal bond." Robin puts it down lightly for all of us to understand.

"Even if it was a bit more than friends that doesn't mean he fucking likes me." I growl, glaring at Bruce who's eyebrows raise. "He doesn't like you-what about you, do you like him?" He smirks when I frown and shove him hard. "That's not what I meant." He laughs and moves back towards me. "Then why haven't you denied it?" He smiles so wide it should hurt, I swear it'll get stuck that way, and I hope it does.

"Pfft... He's just embarrassed to admit he actually has real feelings for someone." Billy teases me lovingly. My cheeks feel hot as I kick the dirt, I can feel Y/N's eyes on me as I let my head drop. "I don't know what I feel, and.. I'll never know what he feels so it doesn't matter anyways." I bark out quietly, so Y/N won't hear.

"Well, I am sure we could.. Arrange something to find out.." Billy smirks, I know his stupid plan, he always wants to but never has the chance to fulfill it. "No stupid ass games, he wouldn't take it seriously." I snap, shaking my head at him. "Yeah well it seems like my way or the highway." Billy shrugs, sliding his hands into his red puffy jacket.

I tsk loudly and drop my head. "Fine. But this is only to SEE if he'd even be interested, it doesn't mean anything more." I glare at each boy, they all nod.

Y/N's POV:
I hurry down my porch steps and pull my pinned in hanky from my left pocket. It's both an important hanky to me and ties in with the hanky code. It's something funny Morgan, Theodore and I did for Halloween once, we dressed up as bank robbers and wore them as wrist bands as to "tell each other apart."

In reality we just didn't want to admit we thought they were cool. But that's besides my point, my main point is Morgan told me to wear it today, I'm not sure why but I'll blindly do it.

"Alright alright, quit your bickering! Are we leaving or not?" I ask, crossing my arms in front of the "fighting" boys. They all stop and glance at me, the bandana then back at me. Robin smirks and elbows Vance really hard, Vance grunts and shoves him into Bruce. "Hm?" I ask again, moving my hands to my hips like an angry mom.

"Yeah, we just had to ask Vance where the hell he was today!" Billy says, spitting hate towards Vance. "Don't fucking test me paperboy, today is not the day." Vance growls, pointing an angry finger at him. I sigh and cross my arms again, glaring at Vance. He looks me in the eyes then looks to my hanky. "Orange suits you." He sneers, I sarcastically laugh and shove past him. "Don't mistake it as you getting some." I tease, making the boys jaws drop.

"What the fuck happened today?!" Bruce whisper yells at a grumpy Vance. Vance growls at him and crosses his arms. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about." He poorly defends his honour and hurries to my side to avoid anymore confrontation.

"Do you want them to know?" Vance asks me, I look up at him, pause and look back at the following boys who are talking anxiously with their hands. I stop completely and face them, they notice and pause their walk, Robin shooting me glances as if he knows. If Vance of all people in their friend group accepts me, then there's no way they won't. Besides Robin and Finn are definitely out to them. Here goes, what's gonna make me or break me.

"I'm gay." I flat out say, shoving my hands in my pockets. The boys erupt into argument about owing each other fivers. "I told you! That's five from Billy, five from you too Finn." Robin smiles wide, looking back at me as Vance stops close next to me. "We kinda called it." Robin chuckles awkwardly as Finn shoves a five dollar bill from him and from Billy into Robins front pocket.

"Mmm, yeah? That obvious or was it because you snooped in the personal life?" I raise my eyebrows, I already know they did, my picture in the car was moved and my note was more crumpled then how I left it. "No.. Maybe... Yes." Billy hums, getting daggers sent from Vance. "It was Vance's idea!" Billy shouts, pointing at him.

"Come here little fucking snitch!!" Vance yells and races towards him, Billy screams and laughs running away from him. I laugh hard as Vance tackles him and wrestles the boy in the grass.

Vance's idea huh? I smile to myself.

Robin smiles at the scene, and looks back at me. He parts from the laughing and cheering boys to stand in front of me. "We accept you Y/N, seriously, it's really a relief." He nods, patting my arm softly. "You and Finn, huh?" I tease, his cheeks swell up and he smiles really wide. "Yeah, me and Finn." He replies, watching Vance help Billy up, each of them out of breath.

*** Time Skip ***

We've bought our snacks from Grab n' Go and hurried to the movies, luckily that girl wasn't there. At the movies Griffin purchased us popcorn, everyone tells him thank you and ruffles his hair. He smiles sweetly and blindly follows Billy, they must also be a thing.

Anyways, we hurry into the screen room and take our seats. The movie theater is pretty full, as it's a long awaited scary movie. Halloween, I have been waiting to see this one for what feels like forever. I'm sitting near the edge, Griffin on my left and Vance on my right.

*** Time Skip ***

"That was great!" Finn laughs, bumping into his boyfriend who seems super delighted he enjoyed the movie. Billy, Griffin and Bruce and loudly re-creating one of the scenes, I'm however cramming an empty popcorn bucket into an over flowing trash can out front of the theater.

I angrily shove it down so it stays, smiling wide when I get it to stay. A hand grabs my pants belt loop and pulls me back a bit. "Did you enjoy the movie?" Vance, looks over my shoulder at me. "Yeah it was pretty good, I thought it'd be more scary though." I smile and turn towards him and wipe my butter covered hand on his jean jacket. He grabs my wrist and smirks. "Want me to lick it clean?" He teases, I laugh and cross my arms. "No thank you, though it'd be more practical if it was you." I say, moving past him to follow the quickly walking boys.

Vance once again grabs me, this time it's my arm. He slows me to walk next to him. "Im glad you enjoyed it. I thought you'd jump more." He teases, I laugh and shake my head. "Yeah good one, I grew up watching scarier shit." I smile, he shrugs and shoves his hands into his pants pockets. "My bad for assuming." He smiles at me, I smile back and shove him slightly with my arm. "Should've known better." We laugh together until the boys slow to walk with us.

Authors note:
I'm hopping to be able to post twice today despite being very busy
If for some reason I can't fulfill yesterdays promise today I'll definitely have it tmrw 🙏
But I doubt I won't be able to get it done today :)

Manifestation of Manipulation - Vance Hopper x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now