Ticked Off Moring - 36

618 17 8

TW: fa slur used

Y/N's POV:
Vance shakes me awake and shoves a water bottle in my face. "Y/N wake up. I picked up ibuprofen for you." Vance tries to get me to take meds but his sentences aren't making sense to me yet. "Hm..?" I tiredly respond, weakly pulling my eyes open in the process. "Your meds. I bought them. Take them." He responds in an obviously sarcastic tone.

"Nooo lay back down." I whine and push the cold water bottle away from my cheek when he presses it back against it. "Y/N get up! I'm not letting you develop chronic headaches you testy bastard." Vance growls and presses the cold water bottle to my neck, groaning angrily I push it away and close my eyes. "Your yelling will give me chronic headaches before missing a dose of pain killers will."

"Ha ha. If you don't get up I'll make you." He threatens, I pay him no mind and cozy back into his warm blankets. "Y/N. Get the fuck out of bed, or I'll drag you out." He growls, grabbing the blanket and tossing it off me. I frown and wrap my arms around myself. "Yeah right, you're all talk no show." I grumble back at him. Vance grabs the underside of my arm and my thigh and swings me out of bed. "You're pissing me off." His deep voice gets his point across, however I feel more cozy than ever. I relax into his arms and hide my face against his chest. "Mmm, good." I respond dully.

Vance marches us out of his bedroom and into his living room, where he drops me hard onto his leather couch. "Ughhh, coldddddd." I frown, opening my eyes to see Vance shove a water bottle in my face. "Take it, now." He demands, I give in and grab the water bottle. Only to roll over and hide my arms and face in the couch cushion. "Y/N I swear to god, I will slap your ass so hard you'll be crying for weeks. Take your God damn meds before I loose my shit!" He shouts, throwing my meds at me and storming away. "If you haven't taken your meds by the time I'm back you better be prepared for hell!" Vance yells from where ever he stormed off to.

I want to take his threat seriously but sleep is pulling me back in, the couch cushion embraces me and soothes me back to sleep. I groan and reach for the meds that had rolled into the couch by my legs. As I dig it out loud foot steps approach behind me. "I'm getting them, Vance you threw them in the stupid couch." I mutter back at the man behind me, slowly fishing the meds out.

Before I can wrap my hand around the medications ridged lid a hand slaps down hard on my ass. "Vance!" I yelp, sitting up and looking back at him, he crosses his arms and scowls at me. "Take this seriously." He demands of me, he knows I enjoy this type of physical touch or he wouldn't have done it. "You're so mean." I whine, rubbing my now sore ass.

"I'm mean? I took care of your whiny ass all night long, and went to the store to get you meds, which took a hour of my morning. If you think that's mean, you better buckle in!" He shouts, I frown deeply and poke my lip out. "I take it back, you're a big prick." I say, digging the bottle of meds out of the couch. Vance grabs my cheeks and pulls me to look up at him. "Take the damn meds, before I show you what me being mean looks like." Vance threatens me, I smile and lean my forehead against his. "You're getting better at flirting." I tease him, he pulls away and stomps off into the kitchen.

After taking my meds I rolled back over on the couch and hid my face in the cushion again. Vance drapes a blanket over me and switches on the TV. Letting out a sigh as he lifts my feet and sits down, letting my feet lay back in his lap. "You took them, right?" He asks, I nod and stretch my knees a bit. He nods and slides his hand under the blanket and grabs my ass. "Does it hurt? I didn't mean to slap you that hard, I'm sorry." He apologizes, I know it was a joke and no actual bad intentions so it doesn't bother me one bit. "No, but if you're so worried you should kiss it better." I tease him, he chuckles and moves his hand to my hip. "Fuck off." He says with a laugh caught in his throat.

*** Time Skip ***

"Can we drink together?" I ask Vance, bending my knees to pop them. "That sounds like a bad idea." He responds, his eyes glued to the TV. I hum in disappointment and slide down to my thighs are laying over his. "I'm fine Vance, and you said you wanted to." I tell Vance who seems reluctant to turn his gaze towards me, so he doesn't. "I said I wanted to before you got your ass kicked." He points out while intensely watching the TV. "That wasn't completely my fault, you tested him, we could've just walked away." I roll my eyes and turn my head to watch the TV.

Vance pushes my thighs off his own and swings his leg over my hips, his hands finding my wrists easily. "I defended us so we wouldn't be terrorized every time we walk into school, no one will sharpie faggot on your locker or dump food on your head for laughing too hard at a joke. I did it because I want you to have a fucking chance to finish high school without a criminal record and leave this shitty town."Vance goes off, grabbing my cheeks hard and spitting anger out at me, it's not anger directed at me just anger I have to deal with.

I frown and slide my now free arms around Vance's neck. He lightens up and licks his lips nervously, opening his mouth to say something that doesn't come out. "Thanks for actually carrying, Vance, it means the world to me." I smile and pull the hot headed boy into a hug. He relaxes and lowers himself to lay on my chest. "I didn't mean to take it out on you.." He whispers and tightens his hug around my torso. "I know, I don't mind." I whisper back, relaxing into his touch as well. "Drinking doesn't sound like too bad of an idea." He mumbles, looking up at me with a desperate smile. I smile down at him and pull his hair out of his face. "Told you so." I tease the already ticked off blondie.

Authors note:
Running on no sleep 🤩
If I wake up late tonight I might post again bc this chapter didn't satisfy the urge to write lol
Night y'all <3🤧✌️

Manifestation of Manipulation - Vance Hopper x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now