Boss Bitch

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Still feeling a little in a fog I blinked slowly trying to get focus. I was in our bed and the curtains were slightly closed blocking out most of the sun. I was still slightly sore but much better. I wore a cast on my arm and a few bandages. Whatever drugs the doc gave me I had to be out good for him to put a soft cast on without me feeling a thing.

"Hey babe"
I jerked my head to look at the door. Dean stood there with a sympathetic smile on his face. He walked slowly to me and sat next to me and moved my hair out of my face.

"Lena talk to me please. I swear Im so sorry. I love you so much"

"I love you too Dean"

I know he was wrong to react that way but I know I caused it trying to still be in the club and talking to niggas in my DM. We were both wrong. I leaned over and kissed his check reassuring him I was ok.

He helped me around the house for a few days while I was healing and sent me flowers when he had to go back to practice. Thanksgiving was around the corner so I wanted to go spend time with my family. I had been avoiding Ty coming over or meeting up with her until my bruises and cuts healed. Her ass would notice every and go off.

I decided to call her and check in.
"Hey hoe"
"Hey whore" I laughed.
"Where Dean hiding yo ass?"
"Im just home been resting" half telling the truth.
"Ok well im coming over to make sure"
"No" I yelled not meaning to but also not wanting her to come.
"Damn its like that?"
"No im sorry how about I come to your spot?" I pleaded.
"Lets go to the mall and out to eat instead? Maybe some fresh air?"
"Deal I'll pick you up" I smiled relieved.

I text Dean and let him know of my plans and  then got dressed. He sent me a few thousand dollars to shop. He was still feeling guilty. Deep down I was still emotionally hurt inside. Id never had anyone put hands on me and I still don't know if staying was the right answer. I know I love him and he loves me.

Pulling up to Ty's house she came out and was her normal ball of energy. We headed to the mall and talked the whole ride then she asked about my arm. I knew I had to tell her so I started from the beginning and she sat silently listening.

"So where he at now?" She picked up her 9mm out her purse.
I burst into laughter but stopped when I saw she was dead ass serious.
"Ty no its ok he didn't mean to and its just a few bruises I'm fine" I'm not sure who I was trying to convince more her or myself.
"Lena his ass need to keep his hands to his self and if he cant this black mamba will"
"Thank you Ty I appreciate you having my back. If I ever need you I know you coming"
We hugged and got out to start shopping.

I made sure to buy Ty something too since Dean was treating this shopping spree. We ate lunch and it was just like old times I missed girl time for sure.

"So you not working so what you doing for money Lena cause if that nigga was so quick to kick you out you need a plan B."

"Yeah you right. I gave up my apartment and my car. I don't pay any bills and he buy everything."

"Lucky bitch" she mumbled under her breath.

I pretended not to hear it and made a mental note to get my shit right. We was both hustling now Im just letting Dean take care of everything getting lazy.

"Im gonna look for a job next week"
"Bring yo ass to the club"
"Naw I cant go back for sure now" i held up my casted arm.
"True. Maybe you can do the door. Tiana leaving in a week she moving to Miami with some other bitches she know.
"Maybe that way I'm just taking money and doing wrist bands. I'll talk to Dean"

We hung a lil more then I dropped her off so she could rest before work. I was thinking real hard about my future. Dean was helping me but I needed to do something on my own.

I headed to the store to buy a new journal and pens. As I was browsing I felt someone tap my shoulder. I took out my airpod and turned around.

"Damn if it ain't the ghost"
I looked at the floor. I felt bad for blocking him but Dean demanded it that day.
"Hey Trae. Im sorry my boyfriend"
He stopped me holding up his hand.
He looked at my arm.
"What happened?" his eyes looked like they were darker and his brows frowned.
"Just an accident" I smiled slightly hoping he believed it.
He didn't.
"Keep your head up baby girl. You know how to reach me if you need me" he kissed my cheek and walked away.
His cologne lingered and that feeling in my stomach was back. It was something about him that my energy wanted. I grabbed my journal snd supplies and headed home.

When I got home Dean was already there starting dinner. I was shocked he never cooked even though I know he knew how.
"Hey baby how was shopping?"
"It was fun I miss hanging out with Ty for girl time"
"That's good. I'm making some lasagne for dinner "
"I see" laughing as he layered the meat and cheese in a pan.
"What yo man know how to cook too I just let you handle it most times"
"Well we can share it because I'm looking for a job. I want to work"

He stopped and looked at me like I had three heads.

"I give you everything you need and want and you still not satisfied huh?"

Now it was my turn to look crazy because he must have hit his head too hard at practice.

"Dean if I want to work I can work I'm not about to just be your housewife and I'm not even your wife. Yes you do everything and I appreciate that but I want to start my own business or get a job to have my own money" I crossed my arms and gave him a death glare.

"Fine get a job and pay your own bills too. I try to show you a better life and yo ass just want to be a regular bitch"

He knew he fucked up soon as the last word left his mouth but he couldn't take it back.

"Let me tell you something. A regular bitch better than being a dumb beat up bitch now have a goodnight"

I stormed upstairs grabbed some clothes and went to the guest suite. I slammed and locked the door. Sliding down the door hot tears came down my face. This is not the Dean I fell in love with. What was happening to us. I took a long hot shower and got in bed. He knocked but I pretended to be asleep.

"Baby im sorry ok"
"Please open the door"
"Lena I love you"
He pleaded outside the door about ten minutes before giving up. I was so close to letting him in then I looked at the big words I wrote on my journal.


Fuck Dean my momma ain't raise no pussy. I let love take over but its game time. Time to stack and save and get the hell out of here. I finally was seeing the light and went to sleep with a smile on my face. This regular bitch about to milk this cash cow and jump over the moon on his toxic ass.

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