Calm before the Storm

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Two weeks later

I had finally agreed to meet Dean for lunch. I needed to close that chapter once and for all. Trae and I still talked everyday and hung out a few times since his birthday. I got to a nice bistro in downtown Tampa. I spotted Dean sitting in the back with a hat and shades on. Im sure trying to avoid fans recognizing him.

I approached the table and he stood up
"Lena" he pulled me in for a hug.
I felt my limbs go cold like I didn't want to be touched. "Dean" I smiled slightly and sat down.
"How you been? I miss you"
"I'm doing well working on business plans"
"That's what's up? You need help?"
"No I'm doing this one on my own but thank you"
He nodded. Our waiter came over and took our order. I ordered a lemon water and a chicken salad. Dean got a water and the same salad.
"I want to start by saying Im sorry Lena. I know I broke my promise to be honest and love you no matter what" he put his head down. Although I was hurt I felt bas he had to carry around such a secret. "Dean why lead me on? Why not stay single?" "Lena I love you nothing about that was a lie" "But you like" I stopped as his eyes searched mine for mercy. " I've been beating myself up a-lot about it. I don't know Lena it's something I haven't completely understood myself"
"Dean but you let me fall in love with you knowing you truly wasn't going to treat me right" "I know and I'm so sorry Lena. You are such a great women. All my anger and aggression spilled out onto you because of this big secret"
Our lunch came and we talked for almost two hours. By the time we were done I was over it. I would never forget what he did but I did forgive him and accept things enough to move on. Before I left he gave me an envelope with a card in it.
"Open that when you get in the car or at home. Thank you for everything Lena"
"You're welcome Dean" we hugged and I felt a since of weight leave my body. I needed that talk more than he did.

I got in my truck and drove off I needed to get home and do some laundry. I took the envelope upstairs with me and opened it. My mouth dropped. It was a thank you card but a check for 200k fell out of it. Dean had written a note saying if I was reading this our talk went well and thanking me for allowing him to be open with me and listen. He wanted to help with my business no strings attached. I was so shocked. Tears came to my eyes and I thanked God immediately for blessing me with compassion and forgiveness towards others.

I text Dean thank you and decided laundry could wait. I went and deposited the check in the bank and went to get a massage and facial. I was thinking about Trae so I text him.

Lena: Hey you how's your day been?

I finished my pampering and went grocery shopping. After shopping putting everything away I realized Trae hadn't text me back. I called and it just rung no answer. I went to check his location and it was off.

I cooked some shrimp and scallop Alfredo for dinner and worked on my business plans. With the funding I got from Dean today I was well on my way but I needed to bring more money in. I hadn't worked in a while so income was low. I didn't plan on going back to the club anymore I enjoyed it but I wanted more than that lifestyle.

I looked up a few locations to check out for potential venues and made appointments to see them soon.

Trae called.
"Hey love what you doing?"
"Eating and working on plans. What you been doing?"
"Yeah I'm almost home babe I'll bring some eggs"
I scrunched up my face and looked at the phone. Did he know who he called.
"Um Tra"
"Babe Im heading there see you shortly ok my phone is dying"
He hung up.
That was some crazy shit I don't know what he was up to but I'm sure he would tell me once he got here.

Within 20 minutes he was at the door and using the emergency only key fob I gave him last week.

"I'm in here" I called from the couch.
He came in and smiled at me then put a finger over his lips for me to stop talking.
I was so confused.
He sat next to me and grabbed a blank paper from my book and wrote a note

My phone is bugged the Feds are listening don't say my name or yours. Don't act suspicious.

I mouthed to him "What the FUCK?!!!"
He kissed my forehead "what you cooked for dinner?"
"Alfredo I'll make your plate"
He turned on a basketball game and turned the volume up and followed me in the kitchen.

When we got to the stove he leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I gotta make them think I don't know its bugged. My cousin work for them and tipped me off this morning. They tryna build a case on our whole organization and niggas getting sloppy out here" I nodded. "So you think its just your phone?"
"Naw Im taking my ride to a shop they got gps trackers and shit on it tryna see where I be at. I know you clean or I wouldn't have came here"
"I hope you not getting me in this shit. I'm trying to start my business"
"Never love"
"Well leave that phone out there lets go outside and finish eating"

We grabbed our plates and drinks and went outside of my bedroom balcony and closed the door. His paranoid ass was a trip.

"Damn you cooked this?" He slurped up noodles.
"Yes and stop slurping them damn noodles like that" I laughed.
"This shit good as fuck"
"Thank You"

We talked for a bit then showered. I was about to tell him about my talk with Dean but incase they was listening in I didn't want Dean brought into anything at all.
"You know I gotta sleep with you right?" He walled back as I was putting lotion on my legs.
"You took the damn sheets off the bed" he smirked.
Damn I did cause I was supposed to do laundry.
"You better stay on that side and dont be taking off my covers"
"Ight bet" he jumped in the bed on my side.
"Heyyyyy" I yelled.
He pulled me on top of him and tickled-me until I could barely breathe.
"Ok ok" I panted like a dog.
We got under the covers and watched tv. He pulled me closer and I didn't stop him he had a body made for cuddling and I loved it. Before I knew it I was drifting off into lala land. I could surely get used to this hard body every night. Just not sure how his lifestyle would make that happen. I wanted no parts of his illegal acts.

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