The Plan

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The next morning we headed back to the city. We stayed at my house since now I knew Trae ass used to be driving almost 2 hours home to Orlando. I loved his big house but I had missed my space it felt like a home.

Trae took Deuce to his grandmas house for a day or two so he could move around as he called it. I was nervous to hang with them niggas again and Trae tried to help me relax sending me to get a massage at the spa for the day.

When it was time to get ready Trae was getting dressed too. Him and D was going out too but not to party. He wouldn't tell me what they planned to do but that he would have eyes on me all night so just be myself.

Ty text me saying that Boosie was coming to Skye so thats where we would be. This was even better I was comfortable there and knew the club like the back of my hand if shit went left and I needed to get away. I let Trae know where we was going and he let D know.

I took my time getting to the club but I was ready. When I walked up I put on my best face. Ty and the guys were standing at the VIP entrance waiting for me.
"Hey hoe" i laughed and hugged her tight.
"My bitch" she kissed my cheek.
"Wassup yall" i greeted them.
They smirked and gave me a head nod.
"You friendly this time huh Lena?" Ghost asked.
"Well damn was I that bad last time?" I smiled.
"Hell Yeah" they both said in unison.
We all laughed. "My bad yea we good" I reached over and gave them both a hug.
"Alright the gangs here lets go in" Ty said and we headed in and upstairs.

The music was thumping and I needed a strong drink to keep this act up. Trae text me to make sure we got a section on the stage.

"Lets go to the stage" i danced drinking my drink.
"Bet" they lead the way and Ty got us a section up there.
They got bottles and chilled checking out the scene. Freddy was all over Ty while Ghost inched closer to me but I can tell he was hesitant. " I don't bite" i leaned over and told him in his ear. He smiled and put his arm around me. "So what you do?" I asked. "I own a business out of town" "what kind?" "A laundromat" "Thats dope. Im trying to open a business too" "Oh yeah?" He looked shocked. "Yeah I'm taking my time but It's going to be a dream come true" I felt my phone vibrate and didn't even have to check it. It was 1am nobody would text me this time of night but Trae. I was too close to Ghost to check it without him seeing it.
"I gotta pee" Ty turned to me. Talk about perfect timing. I stood up to go with her. "Come on pissy P" I teased her. She had to use the bathroom a million times when drinking. We headed to the back and in the bathroom. I went in a stall to pee too and checked my phone.

Trae: Aye bruh the nigga gone die but you tryna make him die right now huh? Get the fuck out that nigga face NOW

Lena: LMAOO ok babe damn just playing along

Trae: Fuck that back off that nigga before I spray his brains on yo dress

Lena: I love you too

We headed back to the section and saw they had ordered more bottles and drinks. I saw a few ladies eyeing them and decided to go to phase 3 of the plan. I got up danced and grabbed some of them to come to our section. Ty of course always into that shit and twerked her ass on some of the girls too. We gave them a real show. Once the girls had them distracted i pulled out my lip gloss tube that was filled with the magic powder as Trae and D called it.

They were drinking straight out they Hennessy bottles so i had to be quick. I was able to get some of the contents in both of their bottles without getting caught. I now just had to make sure they didn't share the shit with no one.

I watched them both drink up the contents and sighed in relief as they didn't notice a difference. Now we had to just make sure we got them to leave with us and not these new hoes. I went to dance closer to Ghost and he grabbed me around my waist. He leaned down to my ear "You so beautiful. I need to make you mine" Before I could respond a shot rang out in the back of the club. I didn't even need to know who the fuck did it but I jumped and screamed anyway. I don't know who I was turning into but the thrill and knowing my nigga didn't play about me had me so horny.
Ghost and Freddy shielded us and we ran towards the back doors. I grabbed Ty ass and we was able to get lost in the crowd that rushed out the back door. I drug her ass towards the alley and we ducked behind the dumpsters. I waited until Trae text me to move.

Trae: Green

"Ty come on lets go"
"Bitch we done lost Ghost and Freddy" she looked around the alley still scared. She tried calling but they didn't answer. "Girl lets get the fuck out of here" I yelled.

We made it to our cars and I told her to call me when she make it home. I went straight home and took a hot shower and waited to hear from Trae. I started reading a book and didn't realize I dozed off until my phone woke me up.

"You hungry?"
"No im good"
"Ok im on my way"

I got up and pulled his rolling tray out the drawer and lit some candles on the balcony. I turned on some light music I know he was gone need to be relaxed to get some sleep tonight.

I heard him come in and got up to greet him at the door.
"Hey babe" he picked me up and i wrapped my legs around him. "Im surprised you still up" he rubbed my ass and walked us to the room.

"Yeah I dozed off for a second" he put me down.
"Let me shower" he handed me a bag of food. He knows me so well because he got me food anyway. I did a lil dance as I ate one of the boneless wings dipped in blue cheese. Or drowned in blue cheese as he says.
"I knew yo ass was hungry" he laughed sitting down next to me. He lit up a blunt and sat back. The view of the city and the water was what brought us both peace.
"So?" I asked eyeing him.
"Shit finna get real soon but we got them out the way. But they said some shit I still find hard to believe" he blew out smoke.
"That my pops hired them to take me out"
Now I was lost what the hell would even make him think his dad would do some fucked up shit like that.
"You entertained it?"
"I don't trust nobody right now" he rubbed his face.
We talked ate and he smoked a second blunt before we headed inside.
"I love you" I said it so low I didn't even think he heard me.
"I love you too babe" he pulled me closer to him in the bed. A full stomach and my man holding me close what more did a girl need to fall asleep.

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