No Air

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I was in full on get money mode so I got up the next day and made up to my man. We fucked like old times and make up sex is always better. Over the next few weeks you could call me a Stepford wife. I was cooking cleaning and doing everything he wanted. He had no clue every dollar he gave me or kept around for stuff I went and got a safety deposit box and was making weekly deposits and using old shopping bags like I went shopping. He never asked to see what I bought. I didn't even tell Ty I was taking no chances.

"Baby what you doing" he walked in our closet just as I was putting some cash in my shoe box.
"Going through these shoes. I think I might take some to a shelter or something I don't go out anymore to wear these kind of heels" i held up my pink stripper heels from Halloween.

"Oh ok well I'm headed out for a bit. Love you" he kissed my forehead and walked out.
"Hey babe can you give me a few dollars to go get some stuff for the house? Im bored" i smiled nice and sweet.

"Yeah ill leave it on the counter downstairs" he got in the elevator.

I got up doing my happy twerk. I had almost 75k my goal was 200k and I could start making moves. Christmas was coming up and i would go into the new year a single rich women.

I skipped down the steps and heard him on the phone and stopped to listen.

"Yeah she good she finna go shopping and shit and you can slide through. Im gone drive around the block but just head over the door will be open"

This nigga had some nerve to be letting a bitch come where we lay.

"Yeah we good bring that outfit I like too sexy ass"

As he hung up I snuck back upstairs. I was crushed inside. How long has he been cheating? And this nigga keep me locked up in this house so he can fuck off with other bitches. This only made what I was doing worth it so much more. I was instantly sick to my stomach to know Im kissing and fucking on you raw. Who knows what you bringing home.

I heard the door close and the garage door open. I got dressed quick threw on my shoes and went to get my shoe box of money. I added the 5k he left on the counter and headed out. I left the side door unlocked so I could sneak back  in that way.

I drove out of the complex and made sure security saw me leave incase he asked them. I put the money in the bank and took an uber back to the house. I had them go to a neighbor house a few doors down. I put my hat and sunglasses on and snuck back to the side door. I peeked in and his car was back and another car was backed into the driveway.

I crept in and heard to voices but both sounded like men so I'm like damn the bitch must not be here yet. I snuck back out and waited on the side of the building. After 30 minutes and no one coming I went back in to see if I could hear more talking.

Putting my ear to the kitchen door i didn't hear anything they must have went upstairs. Slowly opening the door I heard music playing. I pulled out my phone and started recording because something told me he was on some bullshit.

I got to the stairs and heard moaning and froze in my tracks. I must have missed her talking the first time. My blood was boiling but I would have evidence of him cheating and it would be all over. I took a few deep breath's and got to our room. I heard him moaning like a bitch he must be getting head from the hoe.

I made sure my phone was still recording and I slowly opened the door.

Air stopped pumping through my body it was stuck in my throat. I couldn't move his eyes were closed head back so he didn't even see me. The nightmare before me had me stuck in place. Me gasping for air got his attention.

"Lena" he shouted pushing the bitch off him.
"Dont you dare say a fucking word"
I looked over and was even more stunned when I saw another dick. Looking up it was his teammate with a fucking wig on.
I was going to faint I was lightheaded and nauseous all at once. The room started spinning.
They both scrambled around for clothes. I just kept recording they didn't even notice my phone.

"You sick dick in the booty ass niggas have the audacity to be fuckin and sucking on each other" I finally found my voice. I laughed so hard a good laugh where I was in tears.

Dean tried to walk towards me.
"If you lay one finger on me Im callin the cops. You are pathetic. Don't ever even speak to me again"

"Lena its not what it looks like" he pleaded.

"Oh I see very well. Troy here from your team likes to play dress up and you fuck him. Clearly I can tell"

I looked over at Troy who was beet red trying to figure out an escape plan.

"Oh Troy don't worry your wife isn't here" I smiled and winked at him.

"I'll be back for my shit tomorrow when you are not here"
I walked out the room slamming the door. I ran as fast as I could back to my uber and told her to get me the fuck out of here. I saved the video and blocked his number. When I made it back to my car I threw up everything I ate that day. Down low nasty ass Dean. I cleaned up at the gas station got gas and cried my eyes out in the car. Yeah I wanted out but that wasn't apart of the plan. How the fuck did I not see all this happening around me.

I called my mom first she would understand.
"Ma" I cried into phone
"Whats wrong baby?"
"Dean was cheating on me in our house"
"I know you fuckin lyin"
"Yes ma I just left I'm going to a hotel for the night but I may come stay with you guys until I find a place"
"Of course baby. Let me tell your"
"No please don't tell dad he gone try to kill him"
"And you think I won't?" She was so serious.
"Please mom let me handle it" i begged.
"Ok well you call me when you get to a hotel and let me know you ok"
"Ok I will love you ma"
" I love you too"

I booked a hotel in Ybor for a week so I could get my head right before I made my next move. I went to T-Mobile and got a new phone. I sent my mom the number. I changed the passwords and pin numbers to all my accounts so he couldn't try anything.

I got a text from Ty
Ty: Hoe where you at Dean ass blowing up my phone looking for you. He got my nigga finna split his shit
Lena: I'm staying at a hotel I'm done with him.

She called me immediately.

"Wtf you talking bout what happened?"
"Gurllll he was cheating on me"
"Bitch you lyin"
"Yes Ty im so hurt"
"Damn friend I'm so sorry"
"I'll be ok"
"Who was he cheating with?"
"Some hoe" i lied. I didn't want to accept that it was a man myself yet so his secret was safe. For now.
"Damn. Lets go drag the hoe"
I laughed Ty ass stayed ready.
"Its ok Ty I'm just moving on it's ok"
"So where you staying?"
"A hotel by the club"
"Oh shit ok well come see me tonight we gone get lit and forget about his dumb ass"
"Ok I will"
We hung up and I unblocked Dean so I could check his location. I rarely did it but now I had reason to. He was at the house so I couldn't go get clothes.

I went to the mall and Walmart and got everything I would need until I could get my stuff from his house. I even got a laptop from Best Buy. I showered and got settled in the bed to relax and watch tv.

I scrolled through IG and saw Trae in a picture at the club. My heart skipped a beat. I unblocked him on IG and sent him a request. Dean had sent me a million Dms trying to get my attention. I knew how to make him go away. I found a picture of me and Troys wife and I posted it tagging both Dean and Troy with  the caption "Bottom Bitches" 🥴

It Was All A Dream: LenaWhere stories live. Discover now