Just Us

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Lena POV

Here I sat in the living room trying to keep my cool. Trae just popped up with his son. I don't mind I mean I love kids. I just wasn't prepared. After a few hours went by he was antsy.
"L can you call my daddy I'm bored"
"Ugh yeah let me call him"
I called Trae 4 times and it went straight to voicemail each time.
"He must still be working you wanna go to the store with me to get some stuff?"
"Can I get something too?"
"Yup lets go"
We both got up and put our shoes on.
I locked up and he reached to hold my hand. Seeing that helped me relax maybe he liked me a little bit.
We went to Walmart and he played me like a fiddle with his cute little self. We got snacks a few games I got him some clothes since he said he was going to ask his dad can he spend the night. Deuce had enough stuff that he was looking like my new roommate. Trae didn't even have this much stuff. I got something to cook us spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner.

By the time we got back Trae was calling.
"Hey y'all good?"
"Yeah we just got back from the store he wants spaghetti for dinner"
"Let me find out he tryna steal my future woman" he laughed.
"Hold on"
I called Deuce to the phone.
He took it and ran off back to his new room.
He was a sweet little boy for sure and just like his daddy. I started cooking and heard the door opening. Trae came in carrying a duffel bag.
"Hey gorgeous" he walked behind me and kisses my cheek.
"Hey you" I kissed his back. Deuce came running in bringing me my phone back and jumping in his dads arms.
"Was you being good for L?"
"Yes daddy"
"Good you ready to go?"
"Where we going? L making spaghetti" he frowned his eyebrows and looked over to me.
"Mommy is waiting for you she misses you"
"Aww man ok"
"Go get your shoes" Trae put him down.
I was a lil sad to see him go but I kept cooking.
"Can we talk when I get back?"
"I'm coming back to stay"
"Ok" that cheered me up.
Deuce came back in the kitchen dragging a bag of his stuff I just bought.
"Deuce what is all this?" Trae leaned down picking up the bag.
"L got me new stuff" he answered full of excitement.
"Oh really?" Trae shuffled through the bag.
"Yeah sorry I tried calling first to make sure it was ok but you didn't answer"
He nodded. "Deuce I tell you what lets spend the night and I'll take you to mommy in the morning" "Yaaaaayyyy" he jumped up and down.
"Come on lets take a bath" they headed to the guest room.

I yawned not realizing I was tired. Trae walked In with Deuce on his trail. "L daddy said I can leave my stuff here" he smiled.
"Ok good" i smiled at him.
"Let us finish this you go shower" Trae took the pan of garlic  bread from me.
"Oh after the hard part is done" i laughed and headed to the shower in my room.
I took a quick shower and found something appropriate to put on since a little one was here too. When I walked out Deuce was at the table slurping his noodles just like his big head daddy.
"Here I made your plate too"
I sat down and we ate talked and watched tv. I enjoyed having Trae around now I got to meet his son and he was just as sweet.
Trae's phone kept vibrating and he grabbed it from his pocket and cursed. He got up and went out on the balcony.
"You like your food?"
"Yes its gooood" Deuce had sauce all over his mouth.
Trae walked back in and looked exhausted and frustrated.
"Deuce mommy said you have to come home and keep her company. Tell L goodnight and grab your shoes"
"Ok" he stood up and ran off to the room.
"I'm sorry she on some other shit. I'll explain when I get back"
"Ok" I just nodded and looked away not to show my disappointment.
When they left I cleaned up everything and went to bed. I was beyond tired. I had a few appointments tomorrow to see some properties so I needed the rest.
Trae was growing on me and making his way into my heart. Hopefully it wasnt too soon.

I smelled him before he even got in the bed with me. "Hey" i turned around to face him.
"I'm sorry for waking you up"
"It's ok. Everything ok?"
"No but it will be"
"Anything I can do?"
"Yeah actually"
"Whats up?"
"Lena I know we been just vibing and going at this day by day but in my eyes you my girl. So I don't know what we need to do but im tryna cuff you sweetheart"

It Was All A Dream: LenaWhere stories live. Discover now