Night Out

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Things with Trae and I were going good. We were both pretty busy but we talked every day. He was out of town handling "business" and wasn't coming back for two more weeks. I finally found a building that I loved and he promised to help me decide on it when he got back. I was getting stuff ready for Ty to come over and spend the night. She was taking the night off so we could go out to dinner and a hookah spot then come back to my place. We had been talking more often too but we hadn't been able to hang.

Security called just as I was folding the last towel for the guests closet. "Yes she's good. Thank You"

Within minutes Ty was at the door.
"Hey Bitchhhh"
"Hey hooooee"
We laughed and hugged I truly missed her.
"Come on I got us some drinks to pregame before dinner"

We talked and drunk danced just enjoyed each other before getting dressed. When we pulled up to Hookah Ty wanted to valet park so we could go straight in. I was hesitant to turn my keys over but what the hell could happen. We got in the bar and got a section. Ty got a hookah and I ordered drinks. I wasn't a smoker and definitely not a damn hookah. We was vibin and having a good time when a few guys stopped in front of us to talk.
"Hey ladies can we join you?" A extra dark chocolate guy said. He had a beard and thick diamond necklace hanging from his neck. His friend was a white guy bearded with muscles looking real sexy. They were nicely dressed.
"Yeah come on" Ty slid closer to me and they sat on her side. "Freddy. And this Ghost" the chocolate one introducing them as they sat down. "Im Ty and this is Lena" I gave a polite wave and went back to bopping my head and drinking my drink. Ty and Freddy talked and Ghost and I just sat there vibing with the environment but we didn't talk.

"Hey Lena you want another drink?" Freddy asked. "I'm good but thank you" I knew better than to take drinks from strangers. I was tipsy but not drunk. Ty on the other hand was high and drunk. "Ty you ready" I asked her seeing her slurring her words talking to the guys. "Nooo" she giggled. Her ghetto ass giggling was not a good sign.

"Come on we gotta go" I stood up. I got that hair raising feeling and felt like something was wrong. "Lena stop being a party pooper" she swatted at my hand trying to help her. "We can help you" Freddy offered. "Yeah we can follow you to take her home" Ghost finally spoke. "No that's ok but thanks" I offered a smile. Moments like this I wanted Trae around.
"Come on Ty" I finally convinced her and she stood up and put all her hot girl thick weight on me. Drunk weight was heavy as hell.

We made it to the valet and I saw Freddy and Ghost had followed behind us. We waited for the valet to bring my truck and they were taking forever. Ty had stumbled back to Freddy and was all in his face. "Lena I'm going with him" she slurred. "No you aren't" I was not letting that go down. "She good. I'm a gentleman honestly" he gave me a charming smile. I still didn't trust him. Just then my truck came up. "Welp there is my ride Ty lets go" I pulled her from his arms. I managed to get her in the backseat and got in. I heard her rambling in the backseat but long as she was safe with me she can talk shit all night.

I made a turn to get onto the highway and a car made the same turn as me. I know my paranoid ass was just thinking crazy but I watched it to make sure. I got off two exits early to see if they followed me still. They did. Now I was panicking and it was 2:00 in the morning. I turned down a side street and they turned too so now I knew they were following me. I knew it was late but I called Trae.

"Babe whats wrong?" He answered groggy and half sleep.
"I'm sorry but someone following me and Ty from the club. She drunk in the back seat and Im scared"
"Wait what?"
I repeated what I said and he woke up.
"Facetime me and put me on the phone holder"
I did what he said.

"Where you at?"
"I'm like ten minutes from home I got off on the wrong exit and been just driving to see if they still following me"
"Ok bet I just text D. Head to gyros he there"
"Ok" I was still scared but I knew D would keep me safe. The car kept trailing me.

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