💕 Trae & Lena 💕

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Trae POV

I held my composure in front of her but I was furious. We left the island early because my dad was acting unusual and I smelled the lies he was feeding me about business. I also got a call from the security lead at my house that my dad called in the old team to come put in new cameras inside and outside the house. He was told not to tell me but he never liked my dad so he called once he left his post for the day to make sure he didn't get caught telling me since they put cameras in their station too. He was up to no good. Luckily I could just stay with Lena so he was going to be waiting forever for some intel at the house because it would sit empty.

Then the call she got I had my people still trying to trace the call. Now she was pregnant so I definitely had to end this shit and fast. These two niggas was useless at this point cause they wasn't connected to my dad anymore for all he knew they were dead. I made em disappear and folks stopped looking for em. I headed to meet D at one of our spots. I text Tammy to make sure Deuce was good after our trip and she sent me a picture of him sleeping.

"D i don't know who it was but they told her she was dead then hung up" I explained while we-talked business in the basement. We watched the cameras surrounding the old historic house he rented out to a young mother and her son. They didn't have access to our space and they knew if they spoke of its existence they would be dead. "How was the visit with pops?" He asked smirking at me. "Bro the nigga act like I did some foul shit to him. He barely talked but kept making slick ass comments about Lena." I still was pissed. "So what we doing?" D was anxious. "Im gone hit him where it hurt and see if he start making moves" I sent off a few text to stop all motion.

We moved guns, drugs, and cleaned cash. Without those operations in motion he would surely talk to me then and explain why he was being so ruthless trying to kill me. I had to strike and this was the only way besides killing him myself.
"Yo we got a connection on that call to Lean bean" D interrupted my thoughts. "Who was it?" "It pinged from a block your number line but the account connected to a nigga name Troy Johnson". We eyed each other not the NFL player Troy Johnson. We were confused as hell now. I wanted to ask Lena how she was connected to him but thought about her ex nigga Dean who play for the same team as Troy. "Her ex-nigga Dean may have put him up to some shit. He was hitting on her and shit when they was together. She never told me why they broke up" i was glad it wasn't my dad but at the same time mad because now I had to keep her safe from an unknown person.

Why did Troy want to hurt her and was it something she wasn't telling me about her and Dean? I had to get this shit in order and fast because i wish like hell someone touched her let alone now that she was carrying my seed she was all the way off limits. "D put a trail on both them niggas best you can and see what come out of it" "Say less". We dapped up and I headed  back to Lenas a place I'd be calling home for a while now.

Lena POV

I cant lie and say I wasn't scared and stressed to the max. I'm pregnant!!! Like a whole baby is in my stomach I'm still shocked. Then someone wanted me dead. I felt like I was in a movie and I wanted to get out fast. I had too much going on at one time I needed a break before I had a breakdown. I called Ty up to see if she wanted to hang but she didn't answer. I made an appointment to see my OBGYN this morning so I guess I could do some retail therapy until my appointment.

I got dressed and walked pass my bike that I had missed being away on the island. I wonder if I can still do a few miles? I decided to skip the store and hop on my bike. I connected to one of my favorite instructors and jammed out to the music. I was in a good groove but the. i started feeling light headed around 2 miles so I ended it short. I grabbed some water and gulped down two bottles. I staggered to the couch to catch my breath.

Trae came in alerting me that he was there to take me to the appointment. "Shit hold on babe im gonna shower quick" i got up and ran to the shower. We made it to the appointment just in time with lead foot here. He held my hand the entire time while we waited to be called.
"Im scared" i blurted out just as they called my name to go back. "I got you". We headed back and Dr. Kim was already in the room waiting for us. "Oh my Lena I heard the news and I just had to hurry and get you in here" she hugged me. Dr. Kim was one of my moms good friends. "Please dont tell her." I pleaded. "Of course not" she smiled.

I changed into the gown and laid back on the table. "This will be cold" she squirted some blue gel onto an instrument to do the sonogram. Trae's eyes lit up as we watched the screen. Dr. Kim clicked away and typed stuff on the computer. "Ok so based on your cycle and the size and lengths im seeing here you are about 10 weeks along." "But my stomach is still flat" i was confused. "So you are in pretty good shape so it will take a little time but that should change by month 5 for sure" she explained.

"Can we hear the heartbeat?" Trae asked. "Yes sir" she turned something on the machine and we heard what sounded like tiny drums under water. "Nice and strong. Everything is healthy and good so far. Start your prenatal vitamins, no working out until you get further along, no stress just take it easy let the baby develop" Dr. Kim explained. "Ok" i watched the screen I was having a baby. "Ok so you can get changed Ill print these out and we will give you some information on the way out and set your next appointment."

As I changed Trae helped me and gave me a hug. I didn't even realize I was holding my breathe until he did that and I exhaled. "Lena I promise you I'm here ok. You are going to be a great mom look at how your are with Deuce" "Im ok now it was overwhelming but I'm excited now" i smiled and kissed him gently.

When we got in the car it hit me that I would need to tell everyone I'm pregnant. "So how should we tell everyone?" I turned to Trae. "Whatever you want to do Im down" he held my hand. "Can we not tell anyone just yet?" "Im following your lead momma" "Thank you daddy" I smiled. I wanted to really let it sink in and enjoy it alone with just us for a while. My mom would want to practically move in to make sure I'm ok. "Can we just tell Deuce?" He asked. "Yes our little secret" i laughed. Deuce and I had lots of secrets and I knew he didn't tell anyone because Trae had taught him about secrets and keeping family stuff a secret.

"Ok let's go get him" he dialed Tammy. As we headed there my stomach growled. "Feed my baby" he laughed. "Yeah I want some pizza" i laughed. We pulled up to Tammy's house and they came out. She stayed at the door but waved to us. We both waved back. Tammy snd I weren't friends but we were cordial enough to speak and communicate when needed for the sake of Trae and Deuce.

Trae got out and helped Deuce get in and buckled up. "Hey Deuce Bigalow" i teased him "Hey Lean Bean" he teased me back. We both laughed. Trae got in and we headed to the pizza place. "So Deuce we have a secret" i smiled and turned to look back. His eyes lit up he loved secrets. "What is it?" He bounced in his seat. "You are going to be a big brother" Trae said. "What? How?" He smiled. "Lean Bean is going to have a baby" "Yessssssss" he yelled and danced around the back seat.

"So I will have someone to play with now" he added. "Yes hopefully a sister" Trae added. "I want a brother" Deuce stated proudly. "Ok well we will see but don't tell anyone yet ok?" I explained. "you got it dude" he laughed. "That was our little code phrase that whatever was spoken was locked in the vault. "I'm so happy" he sat in the backseat smiling non stop surely thinking of things to do with his new sibling.

"Traeeeeeee" I yelled as a white suburban was not slowing down. I inhaled as I knew the car was going to hit us. I heard a loud bang and felt my head hit the window. Everything went black after that..... this had to be a nightmare because this was not what I dreamed of.

The End...💕

💕💕💕💕💕Stay Tuned for The Sequel💕💕💕

I hope you all have enjoyed Lenas journey. Life is full of ups and downs and sometimes the bad out weighs the good. Please leave comments and feedback. Share share share. Once the sequel is posted I will update the ending with that information.

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