Mr. wannabe famous

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Disclaimer : all characters and places belong to J.K. Rowling except for Jane Black.

The lessons had started and everything was the same as always except DADA. That git of a teacher only talked about himself instead of defense. Yeah I'm not a big Lockhart fan. He supposedly would have done so many heroic acts but I can't believe him. A few days ago Hermione told me what had happened in their class during DADA. He let lose cornish pixies and then left as he couldn't get them back in the cage himself, the trio had to do it. That guy is getting on my nerves. Like right now, he's saying how he got rid of some vampires and how the people there were sooooo grateful. Yeah as if. So me and the twins are going to give him a little surprise. I'm sure he'll like it. Haha evil grin.

At lunch
"Is everything ready?"
"Yeah it should happen any second now..."
I looked at the twins then we all turned to the teacher's table. A minute went by and...
Everyone started laughing while Lockhart screamed bloody murder. You see, I may look responsible and adultlike but he was getting on my nerves and now well now he has pink hair. It was hilarious, he got up and ran out of the room, probably of to cry in his office. Mission accomplished.

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