pyjama day

982 12 2

Bonnie's POV:

The car journey is quick, it takes around 20 minutes.  I can't really remember much about what happened, I'm pretty sure I fainted because I had low blood sugars, thanks period. But everyone just thinks it's because of dehydration or exhaustion, which it probably is, I haven't drunk anything today and I already feel so drained, even though it's the second day of school. My cramps are killing me right now, like tiny little soldiers with swords and daggers are attacking the walls of my uterus right now. When the cramps are bad the soldiers are using hand grenades and bombs. why am I so weird?...

I try to stay awake but eventually fall back asleep, resting my head on Nates shoulder, feeling the gentle vibration of his chest, while he talks.

I peel open my eyes as I realise I'm actually levitating and it's not just in my dream and realise I'm probably being carried. I don't bother to look who it is or pay attention to what's happening, I just lean my head back into my brothers chest.

As I'm carried through the front door, we enter the living room to see Xander and Rafe looking almost, worried? The expression quickly fades as they see me looking at them.

"Bonnie, oh my god baby" Xander walks up to me and takes me off whoever's holding me, I look back to see it's Nic, I smile at him, which he repays.

Xander sits down on the couch with me still in his arms, squeezing me tight. I just rest my head on his chest, I gotta be honest...I'm loving this. I'm getting extra special treatment, hell, I'm always princess!

He kisses the top of my forehead and strokes some hair out of my eye, moving me next to him. Rafe then sits on the other side of me, wrapping his arm around me. I snuggle into Rafe, who starts stroking my hair.

"I'm so glad your okay baby" he whispers and I smile.

Eventually I succumb to dreamworld and fall asleep. (Again)

"Bon? Bonnie wake up baby, it's dinner time" a voice echoes through my head, I think it's in my dream until I start to get shook, two hands firmly on my shoulders, another starts poking my cheek.

I open my eyes and grunt, glaring at the twins and Theo. Of course it's them, it's not going to be anyone else, what little angels !

"Alright alright I'm awake" I mutter as I get up from the couch, a wave of dizziness passes over me and black dots start to cloud my vision, I sway a bit until a hand steadies me.

"You okay?" Rafe asks me, rubbing my back.

After about 10 seconds it stops, I nod and smile at him.

"Yeah, just a bit dizzy, I'm okay though" I say, holding onto Rafes' arm for stability as we walk into the kitchen.

I take a seat in between Evan and Xander, and take a sip of my water. Dinner is served, it's some sort of Parmesan chicken hotpot dish. I'm not really in the mood to eat, I know I have to though, I'll have my brothers on my back and I already feel weak enough.

During the whole of dinner I subtly force feed my self food while my brothers talked. I didn't talk because I simply didn't feel the need to, I just feel to tired to even move my limbs.

"Bonnie, I think you better go to sleep baby" Xander says, noticing the absence of my talking and laughing, rubbing my back. I nod and rest my head in my hands, letting him pick me up.

He picks me up and stands up, turning to everyone so I can see them.

"night everyone, love you" I mumble, half asleep.

Everyone replies with all different versions of what I said and Xander starts walking up the stairs with me, I just bury my self into his hoodie, I'll definitely be stealing this one!

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