no big deal

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I'm really trying to update for you guys, just so busy atm! And wow, Thankyou so much for 17k reads; and also wow #1 in 'struggling', That's incredible, thankyou all so much, love u guys! J xxx

I've just decided to do shorter chapters, so I can get more out to you often hopefully!

Please read at your own risk. x


Rafes' POV:

Pulling my car into the drive, I let out a sigh after a long and exhausting day at the hospital. It was chaotic to say the least.

From Bonnie exploding this morning, to having to get to work and break the news of a death of a patient to a family; and it only being 9:30 am.

The day got even worse.

A school bus had got into an accident and overturned, fortunately all the children survived; except a few had some major injuries.

Coping with a busy ER with adults is crazy enough, let alone 50 odd middle schoolers crying and screaming.

And lastly I had a young girl, just a little older than Bonnies age have a heart attack, and nearly die due to her severe anorexia.

That one was very stressful, and especially because she was around Bonnies age. I can't imagine that happening to her.

I can't bear to imagine it, my heart breaks.

I notice that everyones cars are here except Alex's, meaning that the younger 4 aren't home yet from various practices.

I walk in, and chuck my keys on the side, before hurrying up to the bathroom to immediately shower off today.

Once I showered, I got changed into some normal clothes and headed downstairs, joining Evan and Elliot; who are watching some Brooklyn -99 on the tv.

A couple of minutes pass before the front door opens, and we hear some rustling and hushed voices.

Firstly alex walks in, almost giving us a warning facial expression, I look to Evan and Elliot who just shrug.

Next Nic, Nate and Theo walk in who all stink and are now rowdily laughing with each other.

And lastly trailing behind is Bonnie, and my heart almost breaks a little when I see her.

She's just looked so out of it recently and sad, and all I want to do is ask her if she's okay, or help her almost.

But after her huge outburst the other day, we've decided to keep our distance from her; we don't want to upset her anymore.

She is covered in mud, with a hoodie shrugged on over the top of her training kit, she also has her hood up.

Not even bothering to look up at us, or to say hello; she starts to make her way towards the stairs.

"Bonnie, come sit for 5, we haven't seen you all day" Elliot calls bonnie, attempting to keep his tone light and jokey.

"Ugh, fine" she tiredly sighs, before plonking herself on the end part of the corner sofa.

She picks at her fingernails, almost waiting for someone to instigate the conversation.

Feeling the awkwardness in the room, I decide to attempt to lighten it.

"So, um" I clear my throat "how was practice?" I ask no one in particular, just hoping that Bonnie may volunteer and answer.

"Alright" she mumbles.

"It was good! I made this great tac.." Nics voice drains off, so does the other two as they speak excitedly about their training session.

All I'm focusing on is the little girl who I barely recognise.

I can't even see her face and I know that's not my little sister.

Since the start of high school, she's changed. So so much.

I miss my baby sister, my cheerful, lively baby sister.

"Bonnie pull your hood down" Alex interrupts my trail of thoughts as I see her deeply sigh before reluctantly pulling her hood down.

I hear Elliot almost gasp as I take my eyes away from the younger 3 boys to see one side of Bonnies face red, and irritated.

I immediately get up, being the doctor I am, and go and check it.

I use my hands to push her jaw to the side, so we could get a clear view of  it, in which she slightly flinches at my touch.

"It's nothing" she groans annoyed, she clearly wants out of this situation.

"Sorry, but you're telling me this is nothing? What is up with you lately" Alex reprimands her, but all emotions her eyes hold is desperation. Desperation to leave.

"It's a funny story actually" she starts, feigning a laugh for dramatic purposes.

"I slipped over someone's bag in the changing room and feel right onto my face" she started, before looking over to Nic, Nate and Theo.

"That's why I was later than normal, my friend Valentina was helping me ice it.

This has definitely not been iced. I can tell.

"Why didn't you tell us then, when we asked; or even just when we were in the car?" Nic asks, earning a few confused nods from the rest of us.

"Just didn't think it was a big deal" she mumbles, clearly aware of all of our attention on her.

"Well it is. Your face is really irritated now, and I can tell that's throbbing by not even looking at your reaction Bonnie." I say, my professional, doctor tone seeping out.

"It's fine" she huffs.

"Well clearly it's not, is it?" Evan asks, sarcastically.

"Just get off my back" she answers, a new automatic reply of hers.

"No, Bonnie! Your hurt and we're worried." Alex raises his voice at her.

"I need to shower, and like I said, I'll be fine!" She shouts back at him, before turning and walking towards the stairs.

"Bon.." Alex tries to call her name, but she just continues to walk away.

We all look at each other, so confused as to why she's acting this way.

"What the fuck is up with her?" Theo jokes, but we can all sense the tone of urgency, and confusion in his voice.

"If only we knew" Elliot mutters.

Something is not right with that girl.

I'm worried, I'm getting really fucking worried.

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