New York

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Leahs POV

Life in the city. It's pretty great. I've seen it a lot online and experienced it as a gift from Jennifer a couple of months ago. Now here I am living it. But sadly just by myself. I got transferred to the New York location and this job is my dream job so I couldn't say no. What's my job exactly? I'm in the influence marketing industry. I haven't been with them for even a year yet. About less than half a year sounds more right. But this job has been paying so well plus I got a raise right before I got transfered so I'm proud of myself. Meanwhile, I live alone out here. My fiancé Jennifer had just left back home to go to Cali after being here with me for a month. she helped me move into an apartment I got so last minute. I'm leasing for a year and it's either I renew next year or don't renew, depending on what I can do cause me and Jennifer both want me to find a job just like this back home in California because obviously California has so much out there to be part of my career but the opportunities came about in New York. So let's see what I can do. In the meantime, here I new home in New York.

Todays a new day. Im dressed up in black dress pants that hug my upper thighs tightly and flows straight down to my ankles, a brown body suit that's a racerback style, my gold necklace I have of Jens initial, gold hoop earrings and my hair straighten and left down. I parked in our buildings parking garage but didn't go straight to the office yet. I went up the street to get me a latte from Starbucks. It's not far at all from the building. Not even a light away. Obviously New York building are mostly connected to each other so this one was just a few businesses down from my job.

After I ordered, I texted Jennifer that I ordered her favorite latte as my coffee for the day. It taste really good

"Yummy! I got one too!" She replied.

"Did you have time to make breakfast today or did you buy a pastry from Starbucks too?"

"No I was so tired today. I didn't even put makeup. I just have my lash extensions on. The rest is a fresh face."

"Oh, get some rest later after work. You did overtime yesterday!"

"I know I'll try. It's just when I get home I'm so energized but at work I'm dreading."

"I get it. Maybe you need another shot in your coffee lol"

"Lol maybe"

I didn't respond after that. I had gotten my drink then walked out to head over to my building. My routine isn't the same everyday with this job. But today is more of a chill day. In my big purse is my laptop and all my essentials so I decided to take my work into our patio instead of me sitting in the office. Pretty cool that I can do that because the view is so pretty. I took a picture and sent it to Jennifer.

"Nice view love" she responds. Then she sends a selfie of her leaning her chin on her hand.

"Oh you're better than the view😍"

"Thanks lol"

I continued my work for a few hours, then I had a meeting at 2 pm right after my lunch to talk about a premiere coming up that I'm part of. It's happening next Friday night followed along with an after party of course. Like how normal premieres would be. But I've never been to one plus it's in New York. I barely know anyone out here and my coworkers have their own project so I'm basically showing up alone. If Jennifer was here, she'd definitely be my date for the premiere night.

After work, I drove home and settled in. When I fed Mimi, she was really acting different. Me and Jen think it's cause we're in a new house, new state. Cause Mimi was just a baby when I got here and she was getting used to my house. She acted the same whenever I had brought her to Jens apartment. Now this. I hope she'll get comfortable fast because I leave her at home a lot while I'm at work. Poor baby.

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