He Feels Insecure / Lee Minho

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Originally Posted: September 3rd, 2022 on Instagram

To say I was worried about Minho was an understatement, every since he had come home from Music Core he had locked himself in our bathroom and wouldn't come out. He wouldn't talk about what was bothering him and he wouldn't unlock the door either. It was starting to scare me.

"Minho? Honey are you okay?" I knocked on the door for the hundredth time over the past couple of hours. I half expected for him to not respond again but to my surprise the door opened but Minho was quick to walk past me towards our bedroom.

As he walked past I took notice of his puffy eyes, tear stained, cheeks, and how his arms were crossed across his stomach and it made my heart ache to see him like that. I followed him into our room and watched as he crawled under the covers of our bed. He didn't even acknowledge my presence as I crawled next to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Min...talk to me please. What's got you upset?" Minho's body suddenly started to heave with sobs and I tried my best to hug him and offer up any sort of comfort I could in that moment.

"I know that....that I've chosen a career where I'm constantly objectified and watched...so why does it still hurt after so long?" His words brought a heavy silence over the room as he started crying heavily again.

"You're only human Minho. It's hard for someone ordinary to not feel insecure every now and then. What happened today to make you feel like that?"
He was once again silent before he turned onto his back and let out a deep sigh.
"The script...they made a joke about my weight and I just," Minho's voice shook as the tears once again started to stream. I moved his head onto my thigh and wiped the tears from under his eyes.

"Honey I'm so sorry that happened. They should of known better than to do something like that." I felt awful that a joke like that had been made at his expense. Minho tried really hard to look like nothing bothered him but he was actually quite sensitive to comments made about him. I ran my fingers through his soft hair as he continued to cry. His tears left damp spots on my sweatpants and every once in a while he would sniffle to stop his nose from running.

"I'm just so tired of being the center of a joke. I've worked so hard to try and stay in shape and have a body the fans would like. I'm never good enough for anyone."

If my heart didn't ache for him before, it definitely did after hearing him say that. His self confidence was absolutely broken and his voice and the tears that streamed down his face were a reflection of that. I just wanted to make his pain go away and for him to see how perfect he is in my eyes.

"Min look at me please," the poor boy turned his head to stare up at me, "you don't owe anyone a thing. The only person you should be focused on impressing is yourself. The only opinion about you that matters is your own. I know that ignoring the haters is easier said than done, but you are so much more than the jokes they make about you. You have more talent in your little finger than most people have in their whole body, you're so caring about the people you love, you're an amazing cat dad and one day you're going be an amazing dad to our kids, and on top of how compassionate, talented, and smart you are; you're also somehow cute and sexy at the same time."

As I spoke I could see it in his eyes how my deeply my words effected him and it made my heart swell to see the light slowly return to his eyes. Minho broke into a gentle smile and giggled lightly.

"It's a gift to be this cute and sexy." He laughed as I wiped tears off his face. I giggled at his sudden change in attitude and pressed a soft kiss on his forehead.
"That's the Minho I know."

He sat up on our bed and turned to face me. I gently ran a hand over his damp cheek and he leaned into the warmth of my palm. I leaned in to place a gentle and loving kiss on his lips, Minho's lips responding to mine almost immediately. It was sweet and tender, conveying all the emotions I wanted to express to him but couldn't find the words to say at that moment. After a few seconds we both pulled away, completely out of breath. Minho rested his forehead against mine as a gentle smile broke out on his face.

"Seriously though, thank you for cheering me up. I really do appreciate it and I know I don't say it often but I really do love you." He took my hand into his and played with my fingers gently. I smiled at his confession and my heart swelled with joy.
"I know, and I love you too."

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