After the Baby is Born / Han Jisung

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Originally Posted: December 4th, 2022 on Instagram

Nayeon had been crying for almost an hour and half. I didn't know what to do, she had been fussy throughout the day and it had finally reached its peak. I tried to feed her, that didn't work. I tried to rock her to sleep, that didn't work. I tried to distract her by playing with her, that definitely didn't work. So there I sat in the living room, my newborn daughter screaming, as I tried to let her self soothe. It seemed to be the only option I had left.

It was becoming increasingly harder for me to sit there while she cried, it made me feel useless as a mother that I didn't know what was wrong with my child and how to help. I was overwhelmed entirely and unprepared to handle motherhood at the young age of twenty-two. I began to cry alongside my daughter when the door suddenly opened and walked through. His eyes were wide with worry as he looked between my distraught face and the baby screaming in her bassinet.

"What's going on?" He asked as he closed the door. I took in a shaky breath and wiped the tears off my splotchy cheeks.

It didn't do much:

"Nayeon's been upset all day and I don't know what to do! She won't stop crying no matter what! I just want it to stop!" I wailed pathetically. Jisung was taken back and froze for a moment before slowly making his way across the room to me. He sat down next to me and put a gentle hand on my shoulder, a sign of comfort to let me know he was there for me.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm here now and I can take her while you rest. You've been up with her all night."

I had always been grateful to have him in my life. Jisung, despite his chaotic tendencies, was always an anchor for me, he was a calming influence when things got hectic. He had been an absolute blessing even before our daughter was born; constantly taking care of me even when he had run himself ragged and doing whatever necessary to make sure I was comfortable.

Jisung brushed my hair out of my face and wiped the tears off my cheeks with a gentle touch before he stood up and picked Nayeon up from her bassinet. She continued her wailing but began to quiet down after just a few moments in her father's arms. I felt a tinge of jealousy that he was able to calm her so easy but a wave of relief overcame it very quickly.

"Seriously, Y/N, go rest and relax. I've got her." He scooted me off towards our bedroom.

I took in a deep, relieved, breath as I was embraced by the serene darkness of the quiet room. It's not that I didn't love being a mother, nothing had made me feel as accomplished before, but it was definitely an uphill battle most days. Jisung had been allowed a very short period of time off after Nayeon was born, but with being an idol, quickly had to go back to daily practices.

I was so exhausted, I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep until I felt the weight on the mattress shift. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I was gently pulled against Jisung's chest. It was dark outside still, but there was a bit of sunlight in that darkness.

"What time is it?"

"Doesn't matter, go back to sleep."

"The sun is coming up."

"Go back to sleep honey."

I felt guilty that he had stayed up so late. It was one thing for me to do it, but Jisung had to be at practice early, he couldn't afford to stay up so late. I wasn't aware of the tears that fell down my cheeks or that my body was shaking from the force of my cries. Jisung turned me towards him and my bottom lip trembled as I met his concerned gaze. He quickly cupped my jaw and used his thumb to wipe the tears off my cheeks.

"Honey, there's no need for tears." He smiled but it just made me feel worse. He was so sweet, what did I do to deserve it?
"I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be. You're exhausted and need rest."

"But you have practice in a few hours."

"Nayeon is my daughter too. If I have to stay up with her so you can rest then so be it. You've done so much for her, for me, now it's my turn to do what I can for you."

He placed a kiss on my forehead and guided my head to lay on his chest. The steady beat of his heart was soothing and provided an instant sensation of comfort.

"I love you Ji."

"I love you too Honey."

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