After the Breakup / Yang Jeongin

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Originally Posted: September 13th, 2022 on Instagram

If you had asked me if I was okay seeing him after the messy break up Jeongin and I went through I would have said 'it's whatever' and left it at that. I knew that seeing him was inevitable since we had the same friends and our lines of work required us to cross paths sometimes. It was almost a miracle that I had managed to not run into him for four months. But of course it wouldn't stay that way forever.

"Y/N!" Jisung tackled me in a hug as soon as he saw me from across the dorm living room, "I'm so glad you came! I haven't seen you in forever!"
I smiled at Jisung's enthusiasm, I truly did miss being around him and the others.
"Sorry I haven't been around much. It's just been difficult." A dry chuckle left my lips and Jisung gave me a small, empathetic smile.
"It's okay, you don't owe me an explanation. Breakups are hard especially when you're so in love but you're forced apart."

I felt guilt settle in my chest at that statement. Yes Jeongin and I broke up, but it wasn't because we were forced to. I just let Jeongin tell all our friends whatever he wanted to tell them, just because my image of him had been shattered that day doesn't mean his best friends should have to share my cursed knowledge.

"Y'know he still talks about you. Everyday in fact! He really-"
"Can we please not talk about him? I just wanna focus on your birthday today."
Jisung looked shocked by my sudden interruption but ended up brushing it off with a slight smile and nodded.
"Of course! I'm gonna go check on the food but the others should be in the dining room. I think they were playing truth or dare."

I walked further into the luxury apartment and found the rest of the Stray Kids members as well as members of Aespa, NCT Dream, and Itzy.
"Y/N you're here!" Felix cheered and quickly got up to hug me. I hugged him back on instinct but my eyes never left Jeongin. His dark hair was messy like the last time I had seen him and he still had huge dark circles under his eyes from playing games and practicing all the time. He was staring right at me and his expression looked pained. I don't know why he looked so hurt, he was the one that betrayed our relationship.

"We we're just about to start another round of truth or dare? Do you wanna join us?" Chan invited me to join their game. I agreed and at down in between Minho and Jeongin since it was the only available seat. For a majority of the game I could feel Jeongin's stare on me and it made me squirm in my seat.

"Jeongin, truth or dare?" Seungmin asked. Jeongin looked stunned at the sudden question and hesitated.
"Um truth...I guess..."
"What's your biggest regret?"
I don't know what I was expecting him to say but what came out of his mouth next definitely was not it.
"Letting Y/N go..." 

The room fell into awkward silence and I felt all of their stares shift towards me like they were waiting for my response. My face was flushed and I felt like crying out of sheer embarrassment and anger. After a few seconds that felt like hours I couldn't stand the silence and stares anymore and I ran off towards the bathroom to hide. Tears were welling up in my eyes as I closed the door behind me and slid down to the floor. Before I knew it I broke into uncontrollable sobs and I was trying to muffle them with the sleeve on my jacket.

"Y/N," Jeongin's voice was soft on the other side of the door, "can we talk?"
I didn't feel like speaking to him so I stayed silent.
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I didn't think that what I said would make you
Was he kidding right now? After everything he put me through I wasn't gonna be upset about that. I started to get to my feet and open the door.
"I just didn't know what else to say in that situation and they all wanted me to answer and it was just-"

I didn't mean to slap him, it just happened. I had a lot of pent up emotions from the last four months and they just finally reached their breaking point.

"How selfish can you possibly be?! First you I catch you cheating on me and then you have the audacity to act like you're some sort of victim in all this and like I've caused you pain! It's bullshit Jeongin! Bullshit!" I yelled at him, pouring out everything I had been keeping bottled over the past four months. He scoffed and looked at me like I had grown a second head.
"Why shouldn't I be upset with you?! You've been falsely accusing me of cheating on your for the past four months and I walked away from you everything without saying a word to me Y/N. Every time I wanted to reach out to you, you shut me down."

"Do not give me that b.s. again! I saw you in the practice room with Ryujin that night! I know what I saw Jeongin!" I tried to walk past him to leave but he grabbed my wrist and quickly pinned me against the wall in the dark hallway. I took in a shakeup breath and tried to avoid his piercing gaze, but that proved nearly impossible in the confined space between the wall and his arms.

"I swear on my life that what you saw that night was not what it appeared. Ryujin and I were working out choreography for a collab stage that we were going to do. I've been trying to explain it to you since that night but you never let me. Y/N I loved you, I still love you, and I will continue to love you...I can't move on from you and it's killing me to know that you think I would of betrayed your trust like that."

For the first time in months I looked at him, genuinely looked at him. His eyes were sunken into his face and he looked frail and weak, nothing like the strong and confident man I called my boyfriend. Desperate tears filled his brown eyes and it made my heart break despite my anger towards him.

"Please Y/N, I need you to believe me please." He started crying and I didn't know what to do. I reached up to gently wipe the tears off his cheeks but it didn't do much good as they just got replaced with more. I didn't know how else to get him to stop crying so I did the what always worked when we were together. I pulled him into a hug and quickly he nestled into old habits. Jeongin rested his head in between my neck and shoulder and we sank onto the floor together. I shushed him and guided his head towards my chest as his con's became even harder. 

"I'm sorry Y/N, I'm so sorry." Jeongin was choking on his words and kept repeating them over and over again in his broken state. I kissed the top of his head and stroked his hair and only then did he start to calm down.
"You shouldn't be sorry. It's my fault we were in this situation anyways. I should have just let you explain it to me the night I walked away. Then we wouldn't be in this situation."

"I don't blame you. It's probably looked really really bad and I probably would of been mad if it was you."
We both let out really dry chuckles. It felt good that the air was cleared between the two of us. 
"Y/N, I don't know if this is what you want or if you even still have feelings for me but if I would like for us to start over.  Hopefully I can regain your trust and be a better boyfriend in the future."

A small smile crossed my face and I tilted his chin so he was now looking at me before I placed a gentle kiss on his dry lips.
"Innie, who said I stopped loving you?"

Stray Kids Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora