Telling the Members You're Pregnant / Lee Felix

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Originally Posted: January 15th, 2023 on Instagram

"Felix, for the last time, it's gonna be fine." I tried to reassure my boyfriend as he paced frantically around his bedroom. It had been two months since he found out about my pregnancy and we still hadn't told the members yet, which wouldn't have been a problem, if I wasn't already almost halfway through my pregnancy. I had stopped coming around the dorms when I started to get really big, so they never found out, but they did start asking questions.

"What if they get mad? Chan has always preached about how important using protection is, what if he's disappointed in me? He's scary when he's mad!" Felix was absolutely frantic, his voice tight and his usually cheerful demeanor more stoic. I had finally talked him into telling them after we had confirmed the sex of the baby but, now that the day finally came, his anxiety had completely taken over his his mind.

It was hard to watch him struggle with this, especially since I knew everything was going to be fine. With every passing second he looked more and more on the verge of tears, I decided enough was enough stood up, grabbing his arm gently and pulling him towards me. I held his hand and smiled as I brushed the fringe of his bangs from his face, before kissing the tip of his nose.

"It's okay that you're scared, I am too, but it's gonna be okay regardless of what happens, because we have still have each other and we will still have our baby."

Felix let out a shudder sigh and his body seemed to relax a little, until the door to the dorm opened and the loud voices of the other members came from the hallway. I squeezed his hand tighter in mine and nodded as he looked to me for reassurance. A silent agreement passed between us: it was time.

Felix was the first to step out of the room, guiding me behind him and mostly blocking me from their view.

"Hey," Felix said, gaining their attention, "Can we talk to all of you?"

The boys looked confused but made their way into the living room, scattering themselves across multiple pieces of furniture. I caught a glance of Felix's face and he was deathly pale, there was no color in his face and he looked like he was going to be sick.

"You okay mate? You don't look good?" Chan asked, noticing the change in his demeanor almost immediately. I felt my boyfriend's body shudder and I was gonna be the one who had to do this.

"He's worried that you're gonna be mad." I spoke from behind him. Chan looked between Felix and me with a blank face, which wasn't reassuring at all.

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because I'm pregnant." I gave a half hearted laugh as I stepped out from behind Felix, no longer hiding myself or the fairly large bump that protruded from my abdomen. All of the eyes widened and they started blankly at me for a few seconds before sharing looks with each other, faces unreadable.

"'s..." Chan looked absolutely floored and wasn't able to put together a coherent sentence. Felix looked absolutely panicked at his reaction.

"You're disappointed aren't you? I'm sorry, really, we were careful every time-"

"Felix breathe, it's okay, nobody is mad or disappointed." Chan stood and walked toward him, pulling him to a hug and clapping him on his back.

"We're really happy for you, actually, we had thought you guys were broken up since we hadn't seen Y/N in so long. It all makes sense now!" Hyunjin chimed from his place on the couch. I saw Felix's body relax and then start heaving as he cried.

"Don't cry!" Chan giggled

"I'm sorry! I'm just so relieved!"

The rest of our evening was quiet pleasant: we all had dinner together and the boys asked questions about my pregnancy and what are plans going forward were. We decided a while back that we were going to move in together and had already began preparing.

"Do you know what you're having? Are we allowed to know?" Jeongin asked. Felix and I never decided if we were going to keep it a secret or not, so when I looked to him and he nodded his head in approval, I smiled from ear to ear and rubbed my growing belly with adoration.

"A girl!"

All the boys let out small gasps or coos of excitement. She wasn't even here yet and they already were obsessing over their niece.

"I can't wait to meet her! She's gonna be so cute!" Changbin cheered. Felix gave me a loving look and pressed a kiss to the back of my hand.

"I can't wait either"

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