Christmas Pregnancy Reveal / Seo Changbin

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Originally Posted: December 21st, 2022 on Instagram

P.O.V. Y/N
"Bin! Help me decorate the tree!" I burst into his home studio and cheerfully started dragging his swivel chair away from his computer desk. It was a couple weeks until Christmas and I had yet to put the tree up, I was waiting for something very special to arrive in the mail and it finally came. Changbin removed his headphones, placing them around his neck, and laughed as I dragged him across the room to the door.

"Okay! Okay! I'll be there in a second just let me save the file." He stood up from the chair and planted a quick kiss on my lips before pulling his chair back over to his desk and finishing what he was doing on his computer. I quickly made my way to the living room where I had dragged out all of our Christmas decorations, I placed the box containing my surprise to him on the table amongst the other decorations so it didn't look too suspicious. I was so excited I thought I was going to accidentally spoil the surprise.

I was just over two months pregnant with our first child and Changbin had no idea yet. I had found out during the last week of November and immediately knew how I wanted to tell him. It was tradition for Changbin and I to decorate our Christmas tree together, so I got a special ornament made. I was so exited and wanted to tell him the moment I found out but I knew that he would absolutely love this surprise.

He quickly joined me in the living room and we began our decorating. After a couple hours we were almost done: all the light were on, the garland was on, most of our ornaments.

"Bin can you get the ornament from that box?" I asked as I hung up the ornament that commemorated our first Christmas together. Changbin grabbed the small, white box off the table and opened it up, gently pulling out the small silver globe and studying it curiously.

I watched tentatively as he read the words inscribed on it and looked at me in confusion.

"But we don't have a baby?"

"Not yet, but we will in July."

Changbin still looked absolutely confused and just started at me like I was from another planet. I took the ornament from him and placed his hand over my stomach.

"Bin, I want you to meet your son or daughter."

The confusion melted into awe and shock. His eyes widened and his eyes met mine as he started smiling from ear to ear.

"Wait, you're pregnant?"

"Yeah, yeah I am."

Changbin pulled me into a tight hug and started laughing with joy.

"Oh my god! I thought you may be because of the appetite changes and mood swings but I didn't want to ask in case I was wrong! Oh my god Y/N this is amazing!" He kept laughing until suddenly it sounded like crying and I felt my neck getting wet.

"Baby, are you crying?" I cooed softly. I pulled away from him and saw that he had tears running down his cheeks and his bottom lip trembled. He wiped his eyes and nodded.

"I'm just really happy right now. They're happy tears!"

He hugged me once again and kissed me softly.

"Merry Christmas Bin."

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